Seems like there's plenty of interest in confirming plans for a few GLBTQF(riendly) meetups around PAX! Here's the schedule if you'd like to join us for any of the fun -- everyone is welcome!
1pm Lunch at Bruno's Mexican-Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria (1417 3rd Avenue)
Please arrive a few minute early and we'll try to make sure that we'll be sitting in a big, gay group!
8:30am Coffee at Kaladi Brothers Coffee (511 E. Pike, below the Gay Cities office)
This place is awesome, and will be a great way to start your day - trust me. They also give a free drink (any drink) if you can prove that it's your first check-in on Foursquare, if you're into that sort of thing. Let's try not to take advantage of them, though!

Tip your barista!
Shortly after PAX, join the Seattle Gaymers for a party at the Bad Monkey Bistro! (400 Boren Avenue N)
Event is all-ages until 9pm, and will include Rock Band 2 jam sessions, as well as other free-play stations. Bring a controller and/or a game if you'd like to play, just in case there aren't enough. But really, wouldn't you rather gulp down some of those PAX drink specials and end PAX with an inebriated bang? $4 craft beers on tap, and $4 well drinks, as well as other non-alcoholic specials.
Getting there: You can take the Seattle Streetcar (South Lake Union Line) from Westlake Center (Westlake and Olive) to the Terry and Thomas stop, then walk north and east to Bad Monkey Bistro (400 Boren Ave. N)!
Original Post:
Some PAXers might remember me creating a similar thread back for PAX East, which culminated in a little meetup.
Anyways, since (unfortunately) there is no Gay Gamer panel this year (anyone know why, exactly?), I just wanted to put some feelers out and see if there was enough interest in having a little meetup or board game session, or something like that.
Everyone gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer, or generally friendly would be welcome to join, of course!
As a gay gamer myself, I've always been fascinated by the dichotomy of our existence. Generally, nerds aren't considered gay (largely because of the unfortunate amount of homophobia that permeates geek culture) and gay people are stereotypically far from nerdy.
In other words, I like to think of us as a rare breed

So sound off! Whether you just want to make your fabulous sexuality known to the boards, or you're interested meeting some other GLBTQ/friendly folk at PAX.
We can bitch about Prop 8 and celebrate Vaughn's ruling!
Also: There are quite a few gay bars on Capitol Hill, FYI.
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
I was kind of thinking maybe we could just do a very informal coffee meetup Sat or Sunday morning. What do you all think?
I'd be down for a coffee, except I'm at the Girls' meetup on Sunday morning.
Same here.
What about Friday afternoon, so people can actually meet before the majority of the Con and wave at each other throughout the weekend.
Lunch anyone?
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
Backup plan could be Saturday morning coffee.
What do ya'll think? Lunch at 1pm on Friday? I'm not too familiar with the area, so any recommendations would be great! I'd love to support a prideful place in Capitol Hill, but that might be too much of a walk, especially after coming from the Benaroya.
I'd love to do this thing.
And while I'd love to recommend one of the vast gay establishments on the Hill, it is a bit of a walk from the Convention Center. Uphill.
Of course, there's always post-Con hours to think about.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
I'm game for this either way. I'm not familiar with the area either though.
Yue, you misspelled your emoticon. Awesome-face looks like this: ^_^
While any amount of homophobia is indeed unfortunate, you make it sound like bigotry is rampant in geek culture.
Uh... have you ever played an online FPS with voice chat on? Try counting the number of times you hear a slur like "gay", "f****t", "jew", or "n****r" sometime... Yeah. Bigotry kinda is rampant in geek culture.
FPS games are in no way exclusive to geek culture. How often does that kind of language show up playing games at PAX?
I wouldn't consider the 12 year olds playing CoD or Halo the embodiment of geek culture. I'm not saying they're right, but I am saying I don't want to be judged by their example.
I'm curious to hear what was said that led to you to form that conclusion. Certainly what Whirlspell was referring to, at least partially, was the ease that homophobic slurs are tossed about as insults (most notably in a certain FPS). By no means did I get the feeling that he was accusing geeks of being bigots. Hell, look at the brilliant display at ComicCon. Brought a small tear to my eye, that did.
Back to the topic at hand, I'd love to have a small coffee break in the morning but I can't make a hard and fast time for anything during PAX hours. There's going to be so much to do, I'll just eat when I'm hungry. Coffee, while not my cup of tea, is surely a must in Seattle so I'll totally be down for that given an appropriate time.
Bold text pretty much implies geek culture of bigotry.
Bigotry is present in the hoops lesbian mothers must jump through in order to conceive children. Bigotry is Fred Phelps standing for hours on end with hateful, homophobic messages. Bigotry is orientation-motivated murder.
Bigotry is far worse than careless gamers spouting words.
I apologize. I got into a heated argument at work about a very similar subject today and I'm still blowing off steam from it. This in conjunction with the textbook rush equals a very stressed and non-coherent person.
totally up for this, hopefully I will be able to make the friday gathering as I am coming down from Vancouver with some friends that day.
Tweet me @journies_end
(Pokewalker and SoulSilver and TWEWY on Mingle will be in my bag)
So yeah, Friday lunch sounds good, and Bruno's has intrigued me on other trips to Seattle (as I'm of Mexican and Italian descent and one of my middle names is Bruno).
Friday lunch would be my vote.
All I was implying is that homophobia (not necessarily bigotry) runs rampant in geek culture, specifically gamer culture.
And honestly, most of the time, that homophobia is simply due to a lack of education, not true bigotry. The fact is that the majority of people in world are pretty awesome. So, for example, if you were to hear a fellow PAXer toss the word "fag" around a few times in a line, or repeatedly say "that's gay.." (and mean 'that's stupid'), my guess is that if you approached that PAXer, you wouldn't get any resistance upon saying something like "Hey man, could you try not to use those words? They're offensive, I'm gay, and Wil Wheaton says 'Don't be a dick!'"
It sounds like there's enough interest in a Friday, 1pm lunch to make something happen. Enigmas mentioned Bruno's Italian and Mexican as a viable candidate... I honestly don't know anything in the area (aside from what's on the Google Maps), so it doesn't matter to me. As long as there's at least one other person for me to have lunch with, then I'll be there!!!
I don't know about a Saturday breakfast... unless anyone would like to have it at Pike Place market. That was my plan already.
If there's anyone interested in the Sunday morning coffee still, let me know! I'll be doing that anyways, as well.
Yes, but in his "coming out" interview, he explained that the reason he left the show was because he was tired of being harassed and called names on set. His producers even called other members of the cast in for private meetings to ask about his sexuality. There was a witch-hunt. It impacted him so much that he actually gave ex-gay therapy a try (spoiler: it didn't work).
The whole issue is a mute point... it can be argued up and down the wall all day long. It's of my opinion that gay gamers represent a dichotomy in nerd/geek culture, and it's something that I take great pride in. That's all I was saying 8-)
I don't think there's such a dichotomy, I actually know a fair number of gay nerdy folks.
They don't really talk about their sexuality though so I imagine most people simply assume they're straight.
"There are 7,000,000,000 different kinds of people in the world: People who are."
People subbing "that's gay" for stupid is the biggest issue I come across. I've never had a problem being out amongst the gamers I hang with. In fact, most of the gaming groups I've belonged to have at least 2-3 queer members, if not be majority queer. Of course, I'm sure that has to do with living in the 'gay' part of town, but I do live on Cap. Hill for a reason.
It does happen in these threads too. Yesterday I saw a post where someone used 'gay' for 'stupid'. I did post a response that called out the use and I'm hoping they understood it's not acceptable. (They didn't respond to my post.)
I hate to be considered the PC police, but I think it is important to make it clear that using 'gay' as an insult isn't acceptable. I also don't think it's all that useful to get angry about the ignorance of the insult, but it's important to keep the discussion open.
As to the meet-up, I'm up for the Friday lunch. Saturday morning is all in a tizzy for me cause my apartment manager just informed me I'll be getting new floors that day and so might have to let in the installers. I'm a bit perturbed.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
EXACTLY. It sucks being the party-pooper (sry, couldn't think of any other way to say it...) that speaks up all the time, but it IS important to keep the conversation open and going. You can boil it down and argue for "free speech" all you want, but at the end of the day it's really just a simple matter of common courtesy, respect, and not being a dick.
I think the Friday 1pm lunch thing is nailed down... are we confirming the Italian/Mexican place?
That made me smile so much I had to "@" you on twitter if you don't mind
Tweet me @journies_end
After PAX on Sunday the Seattle Gaymers group is hosting an event. Everyone is welcome to attend! Details are below:
On Sunday, September 5th, come on out for another night of Rock Band fun (and more!) at Bad Monkey Bistro!
Bad Monkey Bistro
400 Boren Avenue N
Seattle, WA 98109
Charlie will again donate his Xbox 360, guitars, drums and microphone for the party to host Rock Band 2, same as last year. This will be set up in the enclosed lounge area, complete with flat panel TV.
If Rock Band isn't your thing, there will be other TVs and Xboxes available, so bring your favorite Xbox game. (We will try to provide as many controllers as we can, but bring your own if you can since there might not be enough.)
Or, bring your own favorite board games, card games or handhelds! Get into teams or play one on one! Jump from game to game. Free Wi-Fi provided by Bad Monkey Bistro for all you online gamers.
There will be drink and snack specials all night long!
$4 - craft beers on tap
$4 - well drinks
(There will also be PAX drink specials, both alcoholic and non ... be on the look-out!)
Feel free to invite all your friends. Great way to meet and compete!
PLEASE NOTE: This event is all ages up to 9:00, then 21 and over afterwards.
Follow the link for the food and drink menu:
Getting there: You can take the Seattle Streetcar (South Lake Union Line) from Westlake Center (Westlake and Olive) to the Terry and Thomas stop, then walk north and east to Bad Monkey Bistro (400 Boren Ave. N)!
If driving, there's quite a bit of street parking, and a pay lot right next to Bad Monkey Bistro.
That sounds like a lot of fun, and the perfect way to end the gaming weekend. Plus, it's stumbling distance to my home.
So LGBT lunch on Friday at Bruno's, maybe coffee Saturday morning, and Sunday Gaymers Rock Band.
Yeah for queering up the con!
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
Can't wait to meet everyone! And if any of you are karaoke freaks like me, check out the PAXaoke thread. We're meeting up tomorrow night.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.