Crumpet Breakfast - Sunday - 8:45am and 9:05am
Last year several people recommended
the Crumpet Shop at Pike's Place Market, about seven blocks away from the convention center (Four blocks from the Main Theater at Benaroya.) The fates conspired against me then and they were unexpectedly closed when I tried to visit. I want to make another attempt this year; this time, I called ahead and made sure they'd be open.
Probable Early Bird trip lead by Steel Fire at 8:00am (smaller group, two-three probables so far)
First group 8:45 Led by
Second group 9:05 led by
Bear in mind that my group will TRY to leave exactly on time, but there's another train 20 minutes later. So if you get there at 8:47 and don't see us, DON'T PANIC. You're also free to drift down any time you want, using the map or your own senses.
Where: Meet at the corner of 6th and Pike on the steps of the Sheraton
Crumpet Breakfast Map Showing our meetup place, walk route, and main PAX locations.
If you can, let us know whether you'll be showing up at 8:45 or 9:05. The first group will try to leave at 8:45 on the dot (I had initially intended to wait a few minutes for latecomers, but if there's a second expedition it shouldn't be as much of a problem). Some of the earlier expedition will almost certainly still be on line when everyone else shows up, so you'll still get to mingle extensively, I'm sure. If you're staying closer to Pike's place feel free to meet us there, I estimate it's about a ten minute walk.
Then we'll eat some crumpets, possibly a scone or two if we're feeling adventurous. I may still call ahead and warn them. I picked 8:45am because it's not an irrational time to get up but you still may be able to make it back to the convention center to catch an earlier panel - no guarantees on that, though.
If you want to eat crumpets with some nerds, let me know here. If you're interested but would prefer a different time on Sunday feel free to post, and we'll see what we can do. I'm fine on moving it a little earlier or later, if the consensus is that would be better. Oh, and from what I gather the place is rather small, so if we get a lot of interest we may have to be adaptable.
(Note: I'm planning a scouting run on Friday morning, if I can drag myself out of bed. I'd probably aim to get to the shop at about 7:30am or so, right after it opens, so I can get back to the con center to line up at a decent hour. If anyone feels like coming on the scouting mission you are welcome, but understand that I may end up canceling the Friday jaunt if I'm exhausted that morning. If you're coming Friday, just show up there at 7:30ish.
Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09
!Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10
Nerd blog at
I'll be there!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
By the way, a crumpet is like a bigger, doughier english muffin. This place tops them with all kinds of good stuff, from cream cheese and lox to nutella and ricotta cheese. They're delicious.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Violets are blue
There is a breakfast place near the convention center called The Specialty's Cafe & Bakery that makes all of their own muffins/scones/fruits and such. I imagine they aren't unbelievably healthy, but they are definitely not covered in grease.
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
Excellent, I'll be sure to look dat place up... but why do I feel like a McDonalds hashbrown now?
Then again I know at least some people will sleep through, especially if we actually leave at 8:45 on the dot. I'll post a map, and the place is not hard to find, so perhaps we will stagger ourselves effectively.
Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
Nerd blog at
I could either go early or late if that'll make it easier, since it would be way out of the way for me to walk to Sheraton and then back to the market with you guys, anyway.
If not,I can wheel myself....
I just like to be lazy at a certain hour in the morning.
Also they've told me if you call ahead, they will make an entire scone round just for you - that's something like 6-8 scones. Good to consider if a group of people want them, as they frequently run out of scones by midday.
...I just made myself hungry
Sold, on those words alone.
JolietJake, I'm with you.
Beautiful overcast skies and scones. It'll be like Scotland all over again.
I don't think I'd call them healthy, but they aren't awful, either. I mean, the crumpet itself is just a big english muffin, and if you ate it in its plainest form I don't think it would be bad. But they top them with things like cheese and nutella and stuff, so I think at that point the health factor starts going down.
On the topic of warning them: the PAX community loves this place, and they get slammed every morning at PAX. I'm sure by now they're aware of it. Most businesses in that area, especially ones that occupy a special place in our routine, stock and staff extra for the weekend.
However, I think we should decide on a day here on the forums to get the biggest group together, and maybe we could call them for that. Like, "hey, we know you guys are already busy, but 60 of us are going to be there at 9:00am on Sunday."
Also, just so everyone knows, this place is very small and does not serve food all that quickly. There's only room behind the counter for like 4 people, and they can only toast crumpets so fast. Be prepared to stand in line (gasp, lines at PAX?).
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Thanks a lot, JoiletJake. I've updated the main post with a bit more information and some confirmations. I'll try to get a map and pictures up in the next day or so. I was originally planning on waiting ten minutes or so before leaving for latecomers, but if there's a second party leaving the latecomers can join you.
Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
Nerd blog at
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
This one is topped with cream cheese, whipped honey and raspberries.
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
I've added this option to the main post, if we get two or three signups I'll add it as an official trip.
I've also added a map to the main post, in case anyone wants to make their own way.
Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
Nerd blog at
Agreed, oh man, oh man IT'S SO CLOSE
This place sounds amazing, I'll try to check it out first Thursday, in case we're unable to make it on Sunday morning.
pretty stoked your from cali and wernt you and your group staying at red lion as well?
Indeed I am! Are you as well?
edit: D'oh, just checked. Neat! Well see you there.