The transition team has drafted a new document of Guiding Principles and New Rules for our community. These rules will go into effect on November 25. 2024.
It's my body, I'll dye if I want to (pic-heavy OP)
Yeah, I really like that one as well. However I don't really know enough about John Calvin or Thomas Hobbes to have much of a story behind it, whereas C&H and Star Wars were pretty big parts of my childhood.
QuarterMaster on
BroloBroseidonLord of the BroceanRegistered Userregular
I might well be getting a tattoo tomorrow, depending on if my cousin or her boyfriend feel like doing it. They're pretty excellent though, and I've been meaning to get one for a while.
Me and my sister were going to get the sheet music for a Debenhams jingle my dad wrote years ago, but we don't have the sheet music yet, so it'll have to wait a while it looks like. I like the idea of getting that just because you wouldn't be able to tell it was some crap bit of music, but me and my sister would enjoy it a lot
but then I realized
peach as your balls
Twitter Steam
Thanks Tam! Thinking about getting more fishes going towards my left shoulder blade in the same style
the amn symbol is pretty awesome
I love the Ravnica symbols
Been said multiple times, but this really is a beautiful tattoo. It looks more painted than inked.
I've been wanting to get one for about 6 months now. I know I want it to be Calvin & Hobbes themed, and this is the one that's caught my eye:
Personally, I would get:
Yeah, I really like that one as well. However I don't really know enough about John Calvin or Thomas Hobbes to have much of a story behind it, whereas C&H and Star Wars were pretty big parts of my childhood.
in similar fashion
Just got this done about 8 hours ago.
the pocket pool constitution
Either the flying tiger's logo-
Or the Brotherhood of Steel-
Though I have no idea where I would have them done. And really, I think I'm too cautious of permanence to ever have a tattoo done.
crwth lemme see yo dick
I gotta translate this letter I got
i made a vow that my dick would always be both a good time and educational
Pic was taken some 14 hours after the tattoo was done, so the ink is quite raw and uneven-looking... healed up nice though.
Me and my sister were going to get the sheet music for a Debenhams jingle my dad wrote years ago, but we don't have the sheet music yet, so it'll have to wait a while it looks like. I like the idea of getting that just because you wouldn't be able to tell it was some crap bit of music, but me and my sister would enjoy it a lot
edit: nvm then where am I going to put my other dragon tattoo
so i guess i will not be getting a tattoo on my back at all