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GermanCityGirlGermanCityGirl Twitter AdministratorSeattleRegistered User regular
edited September 2010 in PAX Archive
Was it just me or were there more scalpers standing outside the convention centre this year? I counted at least five on Friday with a literal fistful of badges! And several more offering money for badges...

Anyone have any ideas on how to stem the tide of those vultures...?


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  • ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Oh GCG, that's nothing... On Saturday I was headed back to the center from lunch, and this African-American dude had a literal handful of Threedays. At least a dozen. And though I didnt stop to examine them, they looked very much real. So Im not sure if they were stolen or forged, but I told Joost in the Media Room anyway. Hopefully it was dealt with.

    There was a Caucasian man on Friday who had a Press badge, too, that he was scalping. Not sure where the fuck he got that...

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  • adesteradester Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    It was kind of annoying when I would leave to do swap drop offs etc.
    They would always be hounding for my pass.

    adester on
  • TimeCruiserMikeTimeCruiserMike Past Organizer of the West Coast Train Trip San Fernando ValleyRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    when i was entering the convention center on friday i was stopped a couple of times by people who insisted i was the guy they were supposed to meet to buy passes. "You match the description i was given." wich was kind of annoying cuz i was trying to meet some peeps and i didn't want to be late.

    TimeCruiserMike on
    {Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
  • Steel FireSteel Fire Gunboat Diplomat PAI MarketingRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    The best thing that can be done is for people not to buy or sell with them, that way they will lose money and not return again. Only thing we can do.It's a two fold problem because if they can make money scalping then they'll buy up a bunch of passes early, making them sell out faster. It's a vicious cycle and PAX and the community are the ones getting hurt by it.

    Steel Fire on
  • eye-shuheye-shuh Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    They won't buy passes early. The Enforcers were pretty vigilant in making sure they were at least following the law and not scalping the passes for higher than they could be regularly purchased through PA. For them to make a profit, those passes had to of been bought off attendees at a low price and then re-sold at the regular price.

    You're right though, the only thing we can do is ask people not to sell their passes to these annoying scalpers or to buy from them.

    eye-shuh on
  • edited September 2010
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  • eye-shuheye-shuh Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I'm actually kind of surprised at the amount of people who don't get their passes right away. Especially since it's not like PAX sells out in a few minutes, or even days. You literally have to wait until the last minute when it sells out a couple weeks before the show.

    eye-shuh on
  • edited September 2010
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  • LailLail Surrey, B.C.Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Yeah I saw the same dude out there from Friday to Sunday. Even on Sunday at around noon he was still BUYING passes...

    Lail on
  • Lynx_Lynx_ Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    They annoyed me mostly because they were clogging up an area that was already a crowd control choke point. It's too bad that there are no fire codes outside.

    I guess if you can't beat them, troll them.

    Lynx_ on
  • RedwingedblackbirdRedwingedblackbird Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    First off... that sucks because there's allot of people that couldn't go because it was sold out of badges... Only to see vultures outside with tons of them... sad. Then there was an issue with counterfeit VIP badges. Which is funny because I was actually had a conversation during a Battlestar game about how they might want to consider putting like a bar code or something on PAX badges to make them harder to fake.

    Redwingedblackbird on
  • shibuyababyshibuyababy Registered User new member
    edited September 2010
    The scalpers had a presence out there for sure. Oddly enough, I think there were only really 3 of them. I was outside of the convention area passing out promo-cards for Geek Girl Con all three days, and saw mainly the same events over and over again:

    1) Scalpers approaching exiting PAX attendees, asking if they still wanted their badge

    2) PAX badges being sold/bought to/from scalpers

    3) PAX attendees with extra badges giving or selling them to PAX hopefuls for free, or below ticket price

    4) Random tourists who were "in Seattle for the day" checking out a big convention buying passes from scalpers (I hope they had a good time at PAX too)

    I asked one of the scalpers how much money he was actually making off of this practice. He said graduated from a university, and used to be a stock broker for 5 years, insinuating that he was making bank off of scalping. Meh, I call bs on that, but whatever.

    I asked another one who had been out there all day why he was still out there, despite it be very late in the night, and he said he had a mortgage and bills to pay. It seemed like more effort than payout really. Making money, no receipts, fast money, blah blah.

    The worst part was watching people get bullied by them. That really didn't happen that often, but was awkward to watch either way. Out of the 75,000 attendees, it was probably a small minority that were bought from the scalpers anyway. Doesn't make it okay to do, but as mcdermott said:
    mcdermott wrote: »

    Some people don't know they can go until closer to the show; time off work, money, travel, family, whatever.

    shibuyababy on
  • edited September 2010
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  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Its really sad how many scalpers there were and how many passes they were waving around at the con.

    S2000Gan on
  • Masquerade78Masquerade78 Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I was so paranoid about the stories concerning scalping that I got annoyed with someone who was asking for people's badges after it was over because he said 'he had an idea for something for next year'. My mind immediately thought that he was going to try to manipulate them and scalp them for 2011, even if he was literally just trying to collect them for a project. Sad.

    I think it was because he looked at my badge and went "OOoo, yours is yellow, can I have it?" like it had $$ attached to it.

    My point is that even if this guy was legit there is now a huge enough scalper presence to make people suspect. Which makes me sad.

    Masquerade78 on
  • trickycooljtrickycoolj Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    There are laws regarding scalping near the stadiums. I guess since Seattle sports suck so bad this year the scalpers are working any event to make teh moniez. It would be nice if there was a push to get the rules to include the convention center, but knowing Seattle politics it wouldn't happen for 20 years. I would like to see authentication marks or some difficult to reproduce verification on the badges in the future. (Such as the hologram in 2009.) I was not happy to see on the Official PAX twitter feed that someone was scalping altered 2009 badges.

    I know it would be difficult but perhaps a color scheme/more obvious design change every other year? I remember my high school used to do opposite colors on the ASB cards each year. One year top purple, bottom white then the next year would be flipped with the picture on the opposing side. So if there are too many badge types to alter colors, than maybe logos/stripes should be flipped each year. When I looked at my 2009 badge I considered how easy it would be to flash it at the green coats.

    trickycoolj on
  • kazuokazuo Registered User regular
    edited September 2010

    gotta hustle everyday. if you don't buy passes on-time, it's your fault.

    don't hate 'cause someone is trying to get theirs.

    kazuo on
  • GeekyPrincessGeekyPrincess Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Shaddz wrote: »
    Oh GCG, that's nothing... On Saturday I was headed back to the center from lunch, and this African-American dude had a literal handful of Threedays. At least a dozen. And though I didnt stop to examine them, they looked very much real. So Im not sure if they were stolen or forged, but I told Joost in the Media Room anyway. Hopefully it was dealt with.

    There was a Caucasian man on Friday who had a Press badge, too, that he was scalping. Not sure where the fuck he got that...

    The african american guy was selling exhibitor badges also, he told one guy $125 and another $100. Got to hear all sorts of interesting conversations out front walking from the main theater and pegasus too!

    GeekyPrincess on
    Cookie Brigade Prime 2011 and 2012!
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  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I agree that the ebay ones are most concerning, although the guys there on the day really lower the tone. I hope that PAX is EXTREMELY aggressive with eBay/craigslist/etc and works with them to ensure that these tickets are not being resold. If they destroy the market for selling the tickets, they make it no longer worthwhile for the scalpers. Also, limits on number ordered per card, per address etc would be great (they may well already do this, I'm an ignorant fool)

    If you find that you have an extra ticket, there should be a simple mechanism for "releasing" the ticket (before the badge gets sent out, obviously) so that people on a wait list can have one assigned. Once that is in place, anyone found to have scalped a ticket should simply be unable to purchase PAX tickets in the future. No exceptions. If you can easily release your ticket, there is no excuse for reselling it above the purchase price.

    MelesMeles on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    kazuo wrote: »

    gotta hustle everyday. if you don't buy passes on-time, it's your fault.

    don't hate 'cause someone is trying to get theirs.


    The scalpers have no right to make money off PAX. It isn't their event. It's the same reason that I can't sell t-shirts with a PAX logo. I didn't do the work, I don't get to make the money.

    MelesMeles on
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    MelesMeles wrote: »
    kazuo wrote: »

    gotta hustle everyday. if you don't buy passes on-time, it's your fault.

    don't hate 'cause someone is trying to get theirs.


    The scalpers have no right to make money off PAX. It isn't their event. It's the same reason that I can't sell t-shirts with a PAX logo. I didn't do the work, I don't get to make the money.

    So what's the difference between this and a used game sale? Someone already paid for that ticket anyway already, right? He's just selling used badges!

    TOGSolid on
  • Kwisatz HaderachKwisatz Haderach Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Which is funny because I was actually had a conversation during a Battlestar game about how they might want to consider putting like a bar code or something on PAX badges to make them harder to fake.

    PAX 09's badge had a real nice hologram with "PAX 09" on it:


    Was very surprised to see no similar sticker on this year's badge, I imagine that cut down significantly on counterfeits last year.

    Kwisatz Haderach on
    Twitter: @Quintonious (new, infrequently post)
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  • edited September 2010
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  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    As lame as counterfeiting is I was more annoyed by the people who were scalping handfuls of REAL Passes I had friends who missed Prereg because of those guys

    S2000Gan on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Or, when I sold my badge for $10 above face, that was compensation for the time spent reading emails, multiple contacts with the buyer, waiting for the meet, etc. (as well as replying to those that responded too late) time has value, at my job it bills at about $25 an took me over half an hour to make the exchange, thus the buyer actually got a bargain.

    I absolutely agree with that part. That's why my first post had said that you should only be going after scalpers if there is also a quick and painless mechanism for "releasing" unneeded tickets to a wait list of people. (Basically, you should be able to just email the ticket folks with the ticket number you are cancelling, and then they issue a ticket to the next person in line)

    MelesMeles on
  • edited September 2010
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  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Well, if someone got bored of PAX and left early at least someone else could take their place. I think it's a good thing as long as it's at regular price. Better if a officially sponsored group did this or set up a program.

    Say your friend couldn't come because they ran out of passes. You could buy one off them for the regular price, call up your friend and get him to get over if he lived a reasonable distance away.

    Buraisu on
  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    mcdermott wrote: »
    As lame as counterfeiting is I was more annoyed by the people who were scalping handfuls of REAL Passes I had friends who missed Prereg because of those guys

    Unless your friends were there like six hours after pre-registration closed, probably not.

    If they were...well, then yeah I guess that's fucked up.

    As weird as it sounds that was actually the case for a few of them.

    S2000Gan on
  • edited September 2010
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  • Kwisatz HaderachKwisatz Haderach Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    S2000Gan wrote: »
    mcdermott wrote: »
    As lame as counterfeiting is I was more annoyed by the people who were scalping handfuls of REAL Passes I had friends who missed Prereg because of those guys

    Unless your friends were there like six hours after pre-registration closed, probably not.

    If they were...well, then yeah I guess that's fucked up.

    As weird as it sounds that was actually the case for a few of them.

    S'why it's always better to buy first and question the schedule later - worst-case-scenario happens and you can't go, you can still sell your badge at face-value to a market willing to pay twice that. Win-win.

    Kwisatz Haderach on
    Twitter: @Quintonious (new, infrequently post)
    PSN: Quintonious
  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    yeah, Hopefully they'll listen to me next year when I say reg early and if you aren't sure about money, Save for the badge ahead of time

    S2000Gan on
  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    That's what I told my friends but they didn't listen.

    Buraisu on
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    eye-shuh wrote: »
    The Enforcers were pretty vigilant in harassing the crap out of them for comedy

    b0wser on
  • momopeachesmomopeaches Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    My gripe with the scalpers were the fact that several that I talked to said they were PAX employees, i.e. enforcers and people that actually worked for Penny Arcade that were taking the free badges that they were given for friends and selling them. Most of the scalpers I saw were selling either at price, slightly above, or very below. The highest I saw was a 3-day was $70. Ebay and craigslist scalpers were selling 3-days for nearly $300 on Thursday.

    momopeaches on
  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I have fewer problems with the Mom-and-Pop scalpers selling badges they intended to use on ebay or craigslist. I know a couple who bought PAX East tickets for their honeymoon. Six months later the wife didn't have a job and they couldn't afford the hotel or trip. They resold the tickets at ebay prices (probably around double face, or a little more) and put that money toward gas and rent.

    For people like that, missing PAX is a pretty harsh thing and making a little cash off of it might help dull the pain. I'm less annoyed by those auctions or craigslist postings because I don't have to see them: if I see them it's because I looked for them. I have to see/hear the guys shouting, and it's bothersome.

    Cultural Geek Girl on
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  • adesteradester Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Honestly they should number the badges and possible bring back the hologram.

    And I'm sorry Mcdermott if you think of your time in life as a money machine. To everyone their own.

    adester on
  • SecComSecCom Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I have to say that since this event still takes a couple months to sell out, scalpers are really not a problem whatsoever.

    I'm a little upset that the event sells out actually, I remember the first time I went my buddy didn't have a ticket and ended up buying one just by walking up to the conference and putting his money down. I told all my friends how cool it was and they came up for the next day and did the same thing. Alas, there's nothing I can do about how amazing PAX is, so I guess its just a badge of honor that I get my ticket in advance and get to experience something so cool. It just sucks that all my lazy friends won't buy in advance and when the time comes that they want a ticket they are already sold out completely.

    This year I bought a ticket from a nice guy on these forums so that my buddy would have a ticket, he just got diagnosed with cancer so I wanted to do something fun with him before any of the bad kemo side-effects set in. I'm really happy the PAX forums were able to pull through for me in that respect, and I didn't have to pay any more than the standard price.

    SecCom on
    Lead Editor of We like to write about video games.
  • TangoTango Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Hi, I'm Tango; I'm an Enforcer, and part of the PAX security management team.

    First things first:
    My gripe with the scalpers were the fact that several that I talked to said they were PAX employees, i.e. enforcers and people that actually worked for Penny Arcade.
    Enforcers are not employees of PA -- we are all volunteers, and as such Enforcers do not get free passes to hand out to our friends at all. I understand that there were scalpers claiming to be Enforcers, or actual Penny Arcade employees; this was absolutely not true.

    As far as the general scalping issue goes - stand by. It was noted by both Enforcers and PA staff that scalping was something of a problem now compared to PAXes gone by. This issue is definitely on the radar.

    Tango on
  • edited September 2010
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  • MarySueMarySue Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I got super annoyed by one of the scalpers on Friday stepping directly in front of me and not letting me get by. Harassment FTL.

    But I think he got annoyed when I finally made eye contact, then proceeded to bust up laughing for thirty seconds straight. At least it got him out of my way.

    MarySue on
    Portland, Oregon, and sloe gin fizz. If that ain't love, then tell me what is.
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