Ok everyone, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! I relocated from Boston to Atlanta a month ago and despite planning and saving most likely won't be able to make it to PAX East this year. It's not a definite No but it's big enough that I want a plan to make sure the dinner still goes on. As such I have asked the fabulous Rdr to handle the night of the dinner. And he has super awesomely said yes.Nothing has changed with the dinner itself, now instead of my checking you in at the dinner Rdr will be. So be good for him!
And in other words, we have about 20 tickets left only. If this is similar to last year they'll stay available for the next couple of weeks and sell out in a day the week of PAX. If they sell out more than 2 weeks in advance, however, we can easily add more. Less than a week out I won't be able to do this.
I'm so looking forward to this. I'm only a sometimes gamer (I'm a different sort of geek), attended PAX East last year w/ my husband who's an uber-gamer. Had as much fun as he did! Now I'm the one diving in to do as much as possible. Seriously stoked! Tickets for he and I.
Menolly07 on
Still PAXing strong. [E] for lyfe. ELand forever.
First time PAX attendee right here. This is my first forum post too, actually. My fiance and I just bought out tickets to the dinner, and we look forward to meeting you all!!
I just got two tickets for my husband and I. This will be our first year at PAX so we're really excited, a little nervous, but hopefully we'll meet some cool people. Our nervousness ties over to the Pokecrawl so we haven't signed up for that yet, but probably will soon.
Did they update the event or something? Last I looked, one of the items was sold out and some had maybe 3-5 available. Now there are like 15 or more for most. Haha.
I can keep adding more people up to 2 weeks before the event. Also, I decided to put a butt ton for all the items so if the last 12 people to buy tickets all want ribs they can. We have sold out on the original 75 and I have decided to allow the tickets to hit 100 sold before capping this year.
My husband and I are very much looking forward to attending our first PAX - It sounds like there will be a number of other first timers and couples at the dinner - We look forward to meeting everyone!
I do need a vegetarian ticket though - VoC, I sent you a PM about it yesterday - Please let me know the best approach. Thanks!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to this also. I'll be bringing a new friend to it too! This is my second PAX but my first PAX Dinner! Plus, Dicks is a trip. I'll have to prepare myself to be a little bad there
jdixon1972 on
peetsnackTeam Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House HufflepuffThe Cleave LandsRegistered Userregular
edited February 2011
Thanks for raising the cap, VisionOfClarity. I just found out today that I would be able to attend, and tickets bought!
Hello everyone! 3rd PAX for me and first one for my sister. I've never been to a pre-PAX dinner. Can I just buy the tickets/food-selection on this web-page, http://ppdeast.eventbrite.com/, or do I need "permission"?
I could be interested in going if there's a veggie option. I wasn't planning on going b/c it was just a little too rich for my blood knowing I wouldn't eat anything.
I would also like a dessert.
Party on dudes!
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
And in other words, we have about 20 tickets left only. If this is similar to last year they'll stay available for the next couple of weeks and sell out in a day the week of PAX. If they sell out more than 2 weeks in advance, however, we can easily add more. Less than a week out I won't be able to do this.
I had something to say. But I done gone forgot it.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Edit: Just ordered our tickets.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Right here.
My friend and i will both be trading cards.
Then straight to the pokecrawl. Any other team green going with me?
[x] Radisson Hotel Boston
[x] Pre-Pax Dinner
[x] BYOC and 3 Day Pass
come on friday!
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I do need a vegetarian ticket though - VoC, I sent you a PM about it yesterday - Please let me know the best approach. Thanks!
And my veggie friend, I have not forgotten you! I'm calling Dick's tomorrow.
Hurray! I am generally expecting to get extra harassed for my meal preference at a place like Dick's