Do you remember
this thread? Well you should, Viv and various other awesome people pumped out some fantastic content (but mostly Viv)
And then Flay got into the action in the AC
and they made a couple too
We currently have 76 forumer cards and well over 50 ability cards, and
there's been one test match over at Augmentos but that was played without ability cards so it's not exactly representative
This thread will focus on getting the rules down and on testing said rules. Making cards is fun and all but right now, there's a hiatus on producing more content. We've got plenty!
Mechanics suggestions, balance suggestions, knock yourself out. But bear in mind that if you volunteer yourself for the test match, you're going to be messed around a lot. If you don't like the idea of
rules changing midgame in a "can we agree that's all stupid? Let's change that rule and continue" sort of way then maybe you should sit this out until the rules are finalised.
Current vague rules, which don't even cover hands or drawing new forumer or ability cards so damn they sure are vague:All checks in the game are performed with 1d10 + statistic, unless otherwise stated. So things like 9s, 10s, and 11s? Those are all fantastic. Anything more than that and the other stats would have to suffer somehow!
A basic attack is 1d10+x opposed by 1d10+y, and the difference is taken out of the target's Health.
Let's say Kochikens decides to punch Flay in the face: her Melee versus his Defence, that'd be 1d10+8 versus 1d10+4. If they both rolled 5s, that'd be 13 versus 9, resulting in Flay losing 4 Health. Of course, that's assuming that Flay doesn't roll higher in Speed...
Health is basically just hitpoints. If you're not familiar with hitpoints, they're a counter representative of overall physical vigour that reduces as you take damage- up to the point of hitting 0, whereby you die. In other news you're weirding me out, go research games more.
Defence is physical resilience, opposing Ranged and Melee attacks.
Will governs a character's willpower and morale, their resistance to mental trauma and thus their resistance to psychological abilities.
Speed determines attack order, and is also used to oppose Siege attacks.
Ranged attacks challenge Defence, and can be used on targets anywhere on the game grid.
Melee attacks also challenge Defence, and can only be used on targets that are unobstructed (i.e., there are no allied cards in front of them on the grid). However, if a card is the target of a Melee attack they are forced to respond in kind.
Siege attacks (sometimes referred to as Special attacks) are ponderous, slow, and utterly devastating. They ignore Defence and are instead opposed by Speed checks. Like Ranged attacks, they can hit anyone on the grid.
Tactics is an abstraction of all the other skills and abilities that make a character a master of their field- the ability to use (and counter) cunning schemes and stealthy manoeuvres.
In the Augmentos test game the two players each had a 3 by 2 grid to deploy their starting cards on, but this will probably be reduced to a 2 by 2 or even 1 by 3 grid- otherwise there's far too many cards in play at a time.
Basic tips:
A high Speed, high Melee card is useful in disrupting the plans of Ranged or Siege attackers. If they get the first hit in, the opponent is forced to fight back using Melee- which may prove ineffectual.
Every card is allowed to counter-attack their attacker (although they may opt out of doing so, for any reason). But if a card is killed with the opening attack, they don't get the chance to respond.
A high Health is good for everyone. But that goes without saying.
Will and Tactics have no default attacks tied to them, but many cards have devastating abilities that can only be resisted by sufficiently high values in these "special" attributes.
Some cards are blatantly better than others. This will need addressing at some point! Randomising people's hands works, but it cuts out the fun of building your own deck, so another consideration was the idea that a few very potent cards take up more than one space on the grid. Or... something else. We'll need to test things!
So we're going to brainstorm and discuss the mechanics and open the floor to ideas and people prepared to volunteer themselves to play the game at some point. We had fun with the arty stuff, now we gotta do some real work. Dang.
Also the currently most broken cards- for people keeping track of these sorts of things- are Stale, Munkus, and Spex
But mostly Stale.
STILL TO COME: Uploading all the forumer cards to one folder but that can wait until imageshack stops being a dick and/or until my ISP stops throttling me
Social Entropy Tensei: Forumsona.
So sad
I've had fuck-all to do with ability cards so far, all I've really grasped is that thread cards are continuous effects that remain in play and post cards are one-off instants
there needs to be an overpowered beasteh card
Bother me on steam: kabbypan
Looking forward to playing this
Edit: Hey, I was used in the test match!
I am offended
Sorry, BB.
One that a mean dude like Munkus wouldn't know!
So there
Well, I'm sure new cards will be made at some point.
but you guys don't use those