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PAX 2010 Unofficial Polling Results!

JonAdlerJonAdler Registered User new member
edited September 2010 in PAX Archive
Hello all,

When enforcing during PAX 2010, as a way to entertain and enlighten people waiting in line I ran two unofficial polls (one on Friday and one on Saturday). I promised I would put up the results and here they are (if slightly delayed):

Friday's Poll:
Of the following which would you choose: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, or Other (and if Other then what)?

Other (PC): 103
Xbox 360: 93
PS3: 43
Wii: 15
Other (Old School Gaming): 15
Other (DS): 5
Other (Card and Board Games): 5
Other (All of the above): 5

The following "Other" each got less than five votes:
A microwave, a new bike, no preference, mac gaming, 3DS, that wooden ball and cup game, the color red, the Ngage, Virtual Boy, D&D

Saturday's Poll
Which of the original 150 Pokemon is your favorite?

Dragonite, Jigglypuff, Charmander: 9
Scyther, Squirtle: 7
Mewtwo: 6
Eevee, Pikachu, Charizard, Blubasaur, Alakazam: 5
Gengar, Cubone, Snorlax, Koffing, Magikarp: 4
Nine Tales, Mr. Mime, Meowth, Psyduck, Mew: 3
Gyarados, Lapras, Zapados, Vulpix, Haunter, Hitmonlee, Jolteon, Growlith: 2
Primate, Pinzer, Ditto, Abra, Abrakadabra, Sandslash, Growler, Cocoona, Golduck, MissingNo, Raichu, Blastoise, Goldeen, Golbat, Slowpoke, Jolteon, Ponyta, Vaporeon, Farfetched, Articuno, Butterfree, Venasaur: 1

No preference / never played: 38

Interesting notes:
  • Despite being a write in PC was the prefered "console".
  • The variance on the favorite pokemone list was much higher than I expected. The number of unique. favorite Pokemon seemed to be over a third of all Pokemon.
  • Most people thought that Pikachu and Charizard would be the most popular Pokemon.
  • If you go up to random people at PAX and ask them what their favorite console/Pokemon is they are happy to answer.

Are people surprised by the results? I'm also taking suggestions now for what to ask next year; next PAX I plan on having a much evolved polling system so let me know if you have a question I should ask!

JonAdler on


  • SoularisSoularis Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    favorite fighting game series:
    Mortal Combat
    street fighter

    Pirate, ninja, cowboy:

    Favorite game developer:

    Soularis on
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    PC gaming for the WIN!

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    edited September 2010

    Bedlam on
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