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PAX Prime 2011 facebook unofficial Thread

Xpgamer7Xpgamer7 Registered User new member
edited September 2010 in PAX Archive
In a time where online social communities dominate the internet, I created a Pax facebook event. I hope people who plan on going to pax prime can use it to make friends, keep track of people you met in PAX, and to help spread the news about how awesome PAX 2011 is going to be and why. I want it to be a community project rather than a self contained idea, so if you like the sound of it and already have/are getting a facebook account then search for pax prime 2011 under events. If anyone wants to work on spicing up the the Pax East 2011 event page you could try that too(with the permission of the page owner) as it wasn't created for the same purposes. Enjoy!

Xpgamer7 on
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