
When Marvel Met Capcom: Now Featuring Blue Chinese Vampire Zombie Breasts.



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    Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    i too love pouches and zippers

    i vote for the giant cactus guy to be dlc

    Clint Eastwood on
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    CorporateLogoCorporateLogo The toilet knows how I feelRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Here's the most wanted DLC characters apparently
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    Here are the current results from the poll Capcom was doing for possible dlc in the future:
    #1 Gambit (103 votes)
    #2 Venom (88)
    #3 Psylocke (81)
    #4 Ghost Rider (64)
    #5 Ms. Marvel (59)
    #6 Doctor Strange (58)
    #7 Iron Fist (37)
    #8 Cyclops (31)
    #9 Green Goblin (28)
    #10 Squirrel Girl (26)
    #11 Nico Minoru (25)
    #12 Rogue (24)
    #13 Carnage (22)
    #14 Emma Frost (20)
    #15 Blade (18)
    #16 Thanos (17)
    #17 Daredevil (16)
    #18 Cable, Hawkeye, Howard the Duck, Nightcrawler (14)
    #22 Black Panther, Doctor Octopus, Juggernaut (12)
    #25 Moon Knight, Nova (11)
    #27 Silver Surfer, Songbird, Ultron (10)
    #30 Punisher (9)

    #1 Strider Hiryu (102 votes)
    #2 Phoenix Wright (88)
    #3 Gene, Mega Man X (72)
    #5 Vergil (57)
    #6 Jon Taliban (47)
    #7 Captain Commando (43)
    #8 Jin Saotome (39)
    #9 Bass.EXE (34)
    #10 Juri (23)
    #11 Tessa (22)
    #12 B.B. Hood (20)
    #13 MegaMan.EXE (19)
    #14 Chuck Greene, Date Masamune, Dr. Wily (16)
    #17 Red Arremer (15)
    #18 Edward Falcon (14)
    #19 Frank West, M. Bison (13)
    #21 Mega Man Classic (12)
    #22 Cammy, Hayato Kanazaki, Sigma (11)
    #25 Regina, Roll (10)
    #27 Batsu Ichimonji, Jedah (9)
    #29 Akira, Ryu from Breath of Fire (8)

    Yay Gambit! :D

    I'm also very happy that Nova made the list.

    CorporateLogo on
    Do not have a cow, mortal.

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    RadiusRadius Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    10 most wanted Marvel DLC characters in like a survey of a couple hundred dudes on Capcom's forum. Nico Minoru was number 11.

    Radius on
    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    i too love pouches and zippers

    i vote for the giant cactus guy to be dlc

    Amingo and Ruby Heart NEED to be in this game

    they're not in anything else

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    ms marvel would have been more acceptable then phoenix

    Clint Eastwood on
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    More like Phoenix Wrong am I right fellow forumer Clint Eastwood

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Goddammit, no. Gambit does not need to be back in this series. How did he get the most votes?

    Aneurhythmia on
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    RadiusRadius Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Limited sample size, and a sizable role in the cartoon series that everyone bases their opinion of x-men on.

    Radius on
    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
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    EdcrabEdcrab Actually a hack Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Man, I never would've realised those would be the top picks

    Edcrab on
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    Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    More like Phoenix Wrong am I right fellow forumer Clint Eastwood


    Clint Eastwood on
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    most people base all their knowledge of X-Men and Spider-Man on the fox cartoon series that bore those names

    to be fair they were both on for a long fucking time

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    also they were both fucking horrible jesus christ

    Clint Eastwood on
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    RadiusRadius Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    most people base all their knowledge of X-Men and Spider-Man on the fox cartoon series that bore those names

    to be fair they were both completely awesome

    Radius on
    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    The Spider-Man cartoon was... passable

    the X-Men cartoon, well


    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    you mean the spider-man cartoon where he punched somebody once across the entire run of the show?

    no it was not passable

    Clint Eastwood on
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    sorry clint it's very hard for me to not like things with Spider-Man in them

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    What page is the new announced charecters on? BEcause they are not in the OP.

    Bedlam on
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    CorporateLogoCorporateLogo The toilet knows how I feelRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Radius wrote: »
    Nico Minoru was number 11.

    Victor, Karolina, or Molly would fit much better than Nico

    Not that it matters because we're never going to see those characters again outside of a few token guest appearances

    CorporateLogo on
    Do not have a cow, mortal.

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    AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Also, I like how Afghani insurgents are now employing werewolves.

    Aneurhythmia on
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    Macro9Macro9 Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    sorry clint it's very hard for me to not like things with Spider-Man in them


    Macro9 on
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    Baka_ShadeBaka_Shade Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Radius wrote: »
    Limited sample size, and a sizable role in the cartoon series that everyone bases their opinion of x-men on.

    Also was in previous vs games. A bunch of those top guys were.

    Carnage is just inexcusable though

    Baka_Shade on
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    Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    sorry clint it's very hard for me to not like things with Spider-Man in them

    i understand but that show was bad. spectacular spider-man pooped all over it.

    i would go so far to say i even liked the mtv spider-man series more

    Clint Eastwood on
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    ph blakeph blake Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    sorry clint it's very hard for me to not like things with Spider-Man in them

    i understand but that show was bad. spectacular spider-man pooped all over it.

    i would go so far to say i even liked the mtv spider-man series more

    Fox Spider-Man was pretty cool. Granted, I was like 12 years old at the time, but still.

    It was definitely better than the Darkstalkers animated series at least.


    ph blake on
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    Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity What a lovely day for tea Secret British ThreadRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    The most wanted comic characters is a pretty crappy list with Nova and Moon Knight being that far down

    Zen Vulgarity on
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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited January 2011
    SabreMau wrote: »
    Nearly all of the known color arrangements. I think they're missing one screenshot of the Magneto/Deadpool/Wolverine vs. Joe/Spencer/Amaterasu setup.

    Mirrored because that site's acting a bit slow at the moment.

    Ryu, Dante, Trish, Storm, Spider-Man, Captain America: [1] [2] [3] [4]
    Felicia, Morrigan, Arthur, Hulk, She-Hulk, X-23: [1] [2] [3] [4]
    Zero, Tron, Wesker, Dormammu, MODOK, Super-Skrull: [1] [2] [3] [4]
    Chun-Li, Viper, Chris, Doom, Iron Man, Thor: [1] [2] [3] [4]
    Magneto, Deadpool, Wolverine, Viewtiful Joe, Spencer, Amaterasu: [1] [2] [3]

    Zero's are awesome

    Garlic Bread on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    The most wanted comic characters is a pretty crappy list with Nova and Moon Knight being that far down

    I can't really imagine what Moon Knight would add

    Though Nova would be a pretty great charge character

    Furu on
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    BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I hate the X-Men cartoon simply for inflicting a generation of Gambit fans upon us

    Balefuego on
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    KnobKnob TURN THE BEAT BACK InternetModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2011


    Knob on
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    SillenderSillender Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    what the hell is so bad about liking gambit
    also, anyone who honestly thinks phoenix wright would be a good character in a fighting game has problems

    Sillender on
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    KnobKnob TURN THE BEAT BACK InternetModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2011
    because gambit fucking sucks

    Knob on
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    BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Sillender wrote: »
    what the hell is so bad about liking gambit

    he is a horrible horrible character that personifies everything that was wrong with 90's comics

    Balefuego on
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    RadiusRadius Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    But... he's still really fun to play as in MvC2

    Radius on
    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
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    KnobKnob TURN THE BEAT BACK InternetModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2011
    designed from the ground up to appeal to fat guys who wear socks with sandals and 8 year old boys who set fire to anthills

    Knob on
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    WhippyWhippy Moderator, Admin Emeritus Admin Emeritus
    edited January 2011
    what's wrong with socks and sandals

    Whippy on
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    augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I'm not a Gambit fan, but there are plenty of worse 90s personification characters. Cable and Carnage, for example.

    august on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    A stream's up. I guess they heard some new intro quotes earlier:
    X-23: I'm the second best at what I do.
    LOL DOOM "I'll make you wish you were fighting Magneto!"
    Oh man, Shulkie comic-reference! (against Deadpool)
    If this game was made in 1991 I'd be the one whacking YOU with a health bar.

    [strike]But right now, they look like they're AFK from the stream for some reason.[/strike] Oops. Guess they're shutting it down for now and it'll be back at 6PM Pacific. And a tournament will start up at 7PM.

    SabreMau on
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    WimbleWimble Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I like gambit a lot

    I think he is rad

    don't know anything about his personality though

    Wimble on
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    BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Wimble wrote: »
    I like gambit a lot

    I think he is rad

    don't know anything about his personality though

    thats because he has none

    Balefuego on
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    BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    august wrote: »
    I'm not a Gambit fan, but there are plenty of worse 90s personification characters. Cable and Carnage, for example.

    Carnage is worse

    Cable has at least had good stories told about him

    Balefuego on
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    WimbleWimble Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    heyoo comic book burn

    I like the part where he throws energized cards that is rad

    Wimble on
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