
When Marvel Met Capcom: Now Featuring Blue Chinese Vampire Zombie Breasts.



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    Sars_BoySars_Boy Rest, You Are The Lightning. Registered User regular
    edited January 2011

    Sars_Boy on
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    sarukunsarukun RIESLING OCEANRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    They didn't... they didn't actually announce Squirrel Girl for this did they?

    sarukun on
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    no thank fucking god

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    Sars_BoySars_Boy Rest, You Are The Lightning. Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    god, no.

    Sars_Boy on
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    sarukunsarukun RIESLING OCEANRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Okay, cuz that would be absurd.

    Although if they announced Dan, I would definitely team him up with Squirrel Girl.

    sarukun on
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    Kevin CristKevin Crist I make the devil hit his knees and say the 'our father'Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Doesn't the Sentry have a limp dick or something

    That's Speedy/Arsenal "My daughter is a dead cat and I'm on Druuuugss!"

    Kevin Crist on
    Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| Twitch.tv: CainLoveless
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    Sars_BoySars_Boy Rest, You Are The Lightning. Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I want to burn DC Comics to the ground and rebuild it with my bare hands.

    Sars_Boy on
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    DepressperadoDepressperado I just wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rainRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I'm mad 'cause squirrel girl isn't in this.

    Depressperado on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    sarukun wrote: »
    Okay, cuz that would be absurd.

    Although if they announced Dan, I would definitely team him up with Squirrel Girl.


    Furu on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I have no idea who put Squirrel Girl in the topic. She's not in the initial launch roster, but DLC should be good to her.

    SabreMau on
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    Sars_BoySars_Boy Rest, You Are The Lightning. Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I'm mad 'cause squirrel girl isn't in this.

    you misspelled glad

    Sars_Boy on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Well, fine then. Let's reveal Squirrel Girl:

    It is a revealing fur bikini. Sure to be one of her DLC costumes.

    SabreMau on
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    DepressperadoDepressperado I just wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rainRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Sars_Boy wrote: »
    I'm mad 'cause squirrel girl isn't in this.

    you misspelled glad
    you shut up you just shut up

    Depressperado on
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    ReynoldsReynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Wait. I figured out what that Thor costume is.

    He's Superman.

    Reynolds on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Well, let's see if this works.
    Lupinko wrote:
    hey dat twitterverse, shocking news, apparently dat 50sent and Leilei are unlockable characters as well, I don't know what to say but I know what to say about Jill and Shuma, they are real dlc and don't really exist yet

    Hsien-ko info: For her item throw special of various miscellaneous items, there is a random chance that one of the items is a bomb and if it hits the opponent, it would result in a dizzy, but if it lands on the ground it would have a timer count down until it detonates
    For people familiar with Vampire Savior, basically they integrated Leilei's EX Special into her regular Special

    Taskmaster Super 1: He shoots a massive barrage of arrows straight forward
    Taskmaster Super 2: It's a super counter

    Oh right I confirmed that her EX Special, the one other than Tenraiha and Chuukudan is also in the game as a super
    Wasn't able to get confirmation on Tenraiha itself, sorry, but I assume it's probably there
    She still has her reflect, and can still run in the air as well her hopping teleport dash

    Taskmaster's launcher is Stars & Stripes, when he throws you, he says "Judo throw!" and after doing that in his regular throw, he shoots you with a gun
    He apparently shoots his opponent when he's on the ground during his judo throw, like he's upside down with his back from the throw
    When he does his webswing, he uses a grappling hook obviously
    He has a lot of special moves, but only 2 supers
    In his taunt, he says "Is that all the moves ya got?"
    He's very hunched forward
    He has a New York accent, my source isn't too good with New York accents, but it's safe to assume it would be a Bronx one

    The game also rates your playstyle during online play, for example, if you are a defensive player, offensive player, etc.,
    This is represented by that circle graph of stats, it rates power level abilities too, you can also read the bio of all the characters
    Think comicbook cards, this was actually shown off awhile back I think on the Japanese MvC3 site as well, so I'm not sure if this is new

    In the Challenge Mode, you can do any challenge, and you don't need to go in order, you get to fight in what looks like the Danger Room
    that's for the training level

    Sentinel is pretty faithful to his older incarnation
    Sentinel apparently has regained COTA levels of detail/animation again
    Unfortunately my source was unable to confirm if Sentinel regained his bellyflop from COTA
    The move that is as ridiculous looking as Dudley's upside down uppercut

    SabreMau on
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    YukiraYukira Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Sars_Boy wrote: »
    no seriously are they like

    energy storage or something?

    like who thought those were a cool thing to put on zeros chest

    Inafune (the creator) thought they'd be cool.

    Yukira on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Also, here come some UK Fight Club events.
    Saturday 15th January – Site E, Bullring, Birmingham
    Saturday 22nd January – Whitgift Square, Whitgift Centre, Croydon
    Saturday 29th January – Oasis Foodcourt, Meadowhall, Sheffield
    Saturday 5th February – Site 03 L3, Arndale Centre, Manchester
    Saturday 12th February – Boots site, St. Enoch Centre, Glasgow

    SabreMau on
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    King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Yukira wrote: »
    Sars_Boy wrote: »
    no seriously are they like

    energy storage or something?

    like who thought those were a cool thing to put on zeros chest

    Inafune (the creator) thought they'd be cool.

    Inafune kind of went insane towards the end .

    King Riptor on
    I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited January 2011
    Sars_Boy wrote: »
    I want to burn DC Comics to the ground and rebuild it with my bare hands.

    make sure you skip the batman department

    and secret six

    Garlic Bread on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Callin' this shit now:

    Phoenix's alt colors are:
    White and gold
    Blue and gold
    straight-up black

    And Haggar will have Cody black/white stripes.

    Furu on
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    SillenderSillender Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    i was really hoping cody and guy would show up for his level three :c

    Sillender on
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    Sars_BoySars_Boy Rest, You Are The Lightning. Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Keith wrote: »
    Sars_Boy wrote: »
    I want to burn DC Comics to the ground and rebuild it with my bare hands.

    make sure you skip the batman department

    and secret six
    i don't even associate the batman books with the rest of DC anymore

    i think grant morrison likes it that way

    Sars_Boy on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I just hope the batbooks don't delay Multiversity

    Furu on
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    Sars_BoySars_Boy Rest, You Are The Lightning. Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Furu wrote: »
    I just hope the batbooks don't delay Multiversity


    Sars_Boy on
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    Macro9Macro9 Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Who doesn't want to see Overman the Nazi Superman again?

    Macro9 on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Sars_Boy wrote: »
    Furu wrote: »
    I just hope the batbooks don't delay Multiversity



    Furu on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    So, here's Seth talking Phoenix and Haggar details, and here's some gameplay video with them. It would seem that starting a team with Phoenix gives your team a full 5-level super meter at the start of the round. But the second video isn't really competitive as much as it is "give the new characters a chance to show off their moves".

    Also, KO-ing Zero causes him to go into that Mega Man style explosion right away, instead of after he's on the floor like Mega Man did in previous games.

    SabreMau on
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    KnobKnob TURN THE BEAT BACK InternetModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2011
    SabreMau wrote: »
    It would seem that starting a team with Phoenix gives your team a full 5-level super meter at the start of the round.

    if this is true, that is the dumbest fucking idea i have ever heard and no one will ever ever ever not put phoenix on point

    Knob on
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    KnobKnob TURN THE BEAT BACK InternetModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2011
    it can't be true. demo build to showcase dark phoenix

    Knob on
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    ph blakeph blake Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Timer is set on infinite too, definitly a demo build.

    ph blake on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Perhaps, but you can set the timer to infinite on a regular MvC2 game too.

    The question is whether 5 meters right away is balanced by not using it for anything but Dark Phoenix, or if you use a super before then and risk getting her killed before getting a chance to use it. I wouldn't be surprised to see that make it to release, but only if it includes tradeoffs like that.

    SabreMau on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    There is no way you start with five meters right away. Not just because it's ridiculous and stupid and something that would have been addressed, but because we've already seen a battle start with Phoenix and that was not the case.

    Furu on
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Oh right, forgot about that. Guess I'm just not thinking of super meter as that rare a commodity.

    SabreMau on
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    KnobKnob TURN THE BEAT BACK InternetModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2011
    starting with 5 meters, you could fire off a team hyper or dhc or what the fuck ever and basically instakill their point man every time

    Knob on
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    Viscount IslandsViscount Islands [INSERT SoKo HERE] ...it was the summer of my lifeRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Phoenix is in the game?

    And is also retardedly OP?

    Viscount Islands on
    I want to do with you
    What spring does with the cherry trees.
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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    In a glass-cannon sort of way.

    SabreMau on
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    BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    she is in the game and it's impossible to know who if anyone is OP because the game is not out yet

    Balefuego on
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    Viscount IslandsViscount Islands [INSERT SoKo HERE] ...it was the summer of my lifeRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Man I thought it was Phoenix Wright.

    Fuck this bullshit.

    Viscount Islands on
    I want to do with you
    What spring does with the cherry trees.
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    BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    the craziest thing about that video is it looks like She-Hulk has an assist that is an auto crumple

    Balefuego on
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    AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Balefuego wrote: »
    she is in the game and it's impossible to know who if anyone is OP because the game is not out yet

    Well, we know Dante is OP.

    Aneurhythmia on
This discussion has been closed.