So, regarding the PAX Astro A30 headsets...

ndotondoto Registered User regular
edited October 2010 in PAX Archive
Has anyone else been having problems with theirs?

I flew into PAX Prime from Maryland this year, and eagerly stood in line to pick up one of the PA-branded Astro A30 headsets from the merchandise booth. As soon as I got back to Maryland, I tried them out as headphones for my DS and a headset for my iPhone and it worked great. Super comfortable and just great audio quality.

When I went to hook up the boom mic and use it on my PC, though, I found that it was not picking up any audio every time I tried to switch the mic input to the boom mic. The inline mic worked fine, but of course the quality of voice was nowhere near what it would be if the mic was anywhere near my mouth. I opened a case with Astro (since they don't appear to have a phone number or e-mail address on their site) and was told that it sounded like the boom mic was defective. They said they'd be glad to replace it and asked me to confirm my shipping address. I was impressed with the service I was getting from them, and replied with my shipping address, a heartfelt compliment on their service, and a question as to whether they needed anything else from me.

Well, I was impressed with their service at first.

Two weeks passed, and I'd heard nothing, and hadn't received any replacement mic. I tried e-mailing back the customer service rep I'd been working with asking if the replacement had been sent out or if they were waiting on additional information from me. (A couple of times they'd asked for an "invoice number" and I had to explain to them that I bought the headset from the merch booth at PAX so I didn't have an invoice from Astro.) Another week passed with no response.

I was frustrated at that point, and tried sending an e-mail address to the generic "" e-mail address that my online service request originally got an automated response from. I wasn't sure if it was a monitored address, but I wanted to try. I CC'd my original customer service rep on it. A couple more days passed with no response. I ended up having to open a new case trying to explain I hadn't heard from my original rep - the new rep closed out the new case immediately and said he'd get my original customer service rep to contact me, but - surprise, surprise - I never heard back.

After nearly a month of trying to get a decent response out of Astro, I finally received a replacement boom mic in the mail today - it still doesn't work, leading me to believe it's a problem with the headset itself. I've e-mailed Astro with this information, but I don't know if they'll be willing to do a replacement of the entire headset since I don't have an official Astro invoice - and since it took over a month of trying to contact them to get the replacement microphone in the first place, I don't know how long it might take at this point to get further action from them regarding this headset.

Is there anyone who's had this problem or a similar one? I'm at my wit's end with Astro's customer support - do you think it's worth trying to e-mail Robert or someone else at the PA store to see if there's anything they can do to help at this point?

3DS: 4038-6001-4289
ndoto on


  • LairdLaird Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    I would suggest talking to their community team via twitter @astrogaming they are good people and will help you out I am sure. I bought A40's in 09, and A30's at prime. They come with a 1 year warranty and should be replaceble. That is my suggestion since it seems support is letting you down.

    Laird on
  • ndotondoto Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Thanks, Laird, I really do appreciate the response! If I continue having trouble getting a response from their support via e-mail I'll definitely hit them up on Twitter.

    In a way, I'm glad to see there weren't any responses of anyone else having problems - this is the first Astro product I've owned, so hopefully this is just a one-time fluke and once it's straightened out I'll be good to go.

    Thanks again!

    ndoto on
    3DS: 4038-6001-4289
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