
[Mass Effect] Badass Transvestism



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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    -Tal wrote: »
    If Turians are Romans and Volus are Jews and Shepard is Jesus then...

    the collectors must be.....the collectors? o_O

    curly haired boy on
    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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    CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    No bro, I had this all figuered out while I was showering. Each of the Council races repersents a time period in Italian history.

    Turians - The Roman Empire
    Asari - Renassiance City States
    Salarians - Cold War
    Humans - Modern Day

    CaptainNemo on
    Shitty Tumblr:lighthouse1138.tumblr.com
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    SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Mass Effect 3: Blame the Volus.

    Who gets to play Space Poland?
    also, brutal irony:

    the guy who wrote the mass effect novel excerpt a few pages back? Drew Karpyshyn. lead writer of ME1, and co-lead writer of ME2.

    That's not really ironic...I'd say the committee writing probably cleans up a great deal of mediocrity. These characters and their dialogue are certainly much better than anything I saw in Retribution, especially anything Kahlee Sanders. Maybe Karpyshyn was responsible for overall narrative arc?

    ...might explain the shuttle jamboree.
    Emporium wrote: »
    I think there is a disconnect between the information EDI gives out about Cerberus and what likely exists. If you read the third novel (Retribution?),
    Cerberus probably loses more cells and personnel than EDI says exist in-game in just those few attacks. I forget concrete numbers but I seem to recall the turians attacking something like 6 bases simultaneously.

    Although I appreciate your Cerberus trash talking, I think Cerberus is quite a bit larger than what EDI reveals.

    Also might explain lapses like this.

    SoundsPlush on
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    lowlylowlycooklowlylowlycook Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    So has anyone tried to make a Cate "Archer" Sheppard?

    lowlylowlycook on
    (Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    So has anyone tried to make a Cate "Archer" Sheppard?

    sadly, the "awesome james bond hairstyles" DLC has yet to be released. :(

    and speaking of awesome james bond type stuff

    GIS led me to richie fahey's awesome novel covers


    bottom of the page

    curly haired boy on
    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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    joshgotrojoshgotro Deviled Egg The Land of REAL CHILIRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Casual mode still unlocks achievements right?

    joshgotro on
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    EmporiumEmporium Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    joshgotro wrote: »
    Casual mode still unlocks achievements right?


    Emporium on
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    DarkCrawlerDarkCrawler Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Mass Effect 3: Blame the Volus.

    Who gets to play Space Poland?

    I think only Quarians have suffered enough to be Poland.

    Though I guess they are space gypsies or something.

    DarkCrawler on
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    SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Emporium wrote: »
    joshgotro wrote: »
    Casual mode still unlocks achievements right?


    Yeah, but it's really not worth it, at the very least go veteran to not be totally bored out of your mind

    Spoit on
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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    adept on casual is hilarious

    -Tal on
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    AegeriAegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Spoit wrote: »
    Emporium wrote: »
    joshgotro wrote: »
    Casual mode still unlocks achievements right?


    Yeah, but it's really not worth it, at the very least go veteran to not be totally bored out of your mind

    It is worth it if you want to unlock achievements quickly actually. It's the fastest way through the game by far.

    Aegeri on
    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.
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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Mass Effect 3: Blame the Volus.

    Who gets to play Space Poland?

    I think only Quarians have suffered enough to be Poland.

    Though I guess they are space gypsies or something.

    I guess that makes the Geth Polish Jews? I don't know if the Geth have suffered enough to meet that criteria though.

    Maybe the Geth would be annexed Western Byelorussia. And Polonization of Belarus would be the failed Quarian attempts to put down the Geth revolt. But they may not have qualified for the suffering involved there either...

    Synthesis on
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    SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I don't know how it begins but it ends in the quarians being deported from France.

    Space France.

    SoundsPlush on
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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Shepard is Asterix.

    Grunt is Obelix.

    Tali is Dogmatix.

    The reapers are the roman army.

    Basil on
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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Grunt/Tali fanfiction.....go!

    Synthesis on
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    Dox the PIDox the PI Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Tali and grunt were going on a nice picnic when grunt rolled over by accident

    "Grunt... what are you doinggg...?"

    Grunt returned to the ship

    "Where's Tali Grunt?"

    "She.... went flower picking and never came back"

    Dox the PI on
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    NuzakNuzak Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Basil wrote: »
    Shepard is Asterix.

    Grunt is Obelix.

    Tali is Dogmatix.

    The reapers are the roman army.

    you have my support

    Nuzak on
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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    just did Bring Down the Sky on my no-cooldowns playthrough

    my vanguard femshep HATES batarians

    most of the time her guns were overheated due to engineers spamming their overload powers, so she made do with beating them to death with her fists

    punched this into the wall with her sheer rage


    killed balak, but wounded him bit by bit first. pity that simon guy was watching or she could have gotten creative like on torfan

    also, i like the turian heavy armor geometry, it makes garrus in his helmet look badass :3


    curly haired boy on
    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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    manwiththemachinegunmanwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Curly Boy, if you're doing a no cool down run. Using heavy push like CRAZY on Feros and Virmire. I've seen crazy shit like Geth stalkers face cratered into ceilings and left to hang there, Loony Toons style. There's even a spot on Feros where when you're fighting the colonists, you can hit them so hard one guy's HEAD was sticking out where his ASS was because he was folded over in the iron grid cages. D:

    manwiththemachinegun on
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    DarkCrawlerDarkCrawler Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    By the way, how does everyone think the various races rank in overall power/influence in Mass Effect?

    I think the top three are obviously the Council races, with humanity coming in fourth. Bit iffy ranking the power levels of the council three, but I'd say it's the following, with minimal differences in overall influence:

    Ur - Reapers

    - No influence

    - Could kill everyone else if they were in the mood and actually got out of dark space.

    0. Geth

    - No influence (except through Legion, towards Shepard)

    - HUGE military. Let's get this straight - the Heretics were what, five percent of the entire Geth military? A single Geth fleet is anywhere between 5,000 to 10,000 ships in size. Losses don't matter to them almost at all, neither do hunger, pain or other organic problems.

    - Technologically the most advanced, by far (not counting reapers). As an significant example, they have created a shielding technology not based on mass effect tech.

    - Empire not large (limited to space stations around quarian worlds) but their "population", as in number of individual programs, is most likely far larger then everyone else combined. They also don't die, like ever (except if the programs are too far to be downloaded from anywhere). Probably have hundreds of millions of mobile platforms since they have been enjoying a period of complete peace with virtually unlimited resources for hundreds of years.

    1. Turians

    - Most powerful military by far, easily more powerful then the rest of the galaxy combined during the Krogan rebellions. Probably not as powerful in relation to the rest of the galaxy right now, but in actual power it's probably even stronger now - I don't see Turians really having much of a difference between peacetime and wartime strength.

    - Overall peacekeepers of the galaxy, which gives them most influence when it comes to Citadel military matters.

    - Second largest empire in size. They had the numbers to fight the Krogan, numbers attained before discovering the Citadel. Since and their imperialist attitude lends to expansion. Apparently have several client races as well, though I'm ranking the volus separately in this list. Already had at least seventeen Colonies 2500 years ago.

    - Second or third largest economy, aided by the volus.

    2. Asari

    - Largest empire by far, I'd say. Illium was part of the seventh expansion wave and it already has 84 million people in it. Huge lifespan means that any sort of population fluctuations are very unlikely. Their largest cities are large enough to have similar influence to entire planets in political or economic matters. Plus they can make babies with practically anything. :winky:

    - Largest economy by a longshot. Extensive trade contacts with practically anyone. Seem to be inclined to economical dominance over military as well. They seem to have their hands in any sort of economic areas.

    - Completely dominate biotics and biotic technology. They probably have hundred times as many biotics as the rest of the galaxy combined.

    - Complete diplomatic dominance, act as diplomatic arm of the entire Council (the Asari Councilor is always talking, she almost seems to lead the two others). I don't really think they have any enemies at all. Longest period of inner stability too.

    3. Salarians

    - Third largest empire, though apparently noticiably smaller then the two above. No sex drive and all breeding being dictated by political interests probably leads to their population being smaller, even though one birth most likely sees larger numbers then with any other race (eggs). Don't seem too expansionist either.

    - By far the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy (minus the Geth).

    - Third or second largest economy, dominates in quality over quantity. Probably third largest, I think the turians most likely exceed them in size since the Volus became part of their empire.

    - Espionage kings. Have plans and first strikes prepared against all threats, much less all the all around knowledge they have from everyone. Other races bound to listen to them just because they have so much dirty shit of them in their pocket.

    Ranking in top three between Asari and Turians honestly depends on if you believe in economy over military or vice versa.

    4. Humans

    - Fourth largest empire? Unlikely due to the edge other races have over them, but apparently humans breed and colonize at far faster rate then anyone since the Krogans, so it's possible. Doubtful that we are fourth in population - first colonization wave planets like Eden Prime and Bekestein still haven't hit five million while some elcor worlds are over 200 million in population. Possible that humans have more planets then others aside from the top three, so that might make up for the difference. On the other hand, if you look at the citadel races minus the council, they all seem to have physical difficulties that mean that not as many worlds are fitting for them.

    - Have to have a large economy, considering that we can take the financial burdens that Council races have to give. Very innovative and dynamic. Still under elcor though.

    - Crazy intimidating due to the fast rise. Sometimes a pro, sometimes a con.

    - Fourth largest military, a "sleeping giant" due to it's potential. Again can meet the burden, military in this case, that is expected out of the Council Races.

    - Commander Shepard

    5. Batarians

    - Probably fifth largest empire.

    - Economy strong enough to survive on it's own. I'd imagine that the Citadel races are on par or have a bigger economy due to Batarian isolation.

    - Differences in power to human military not too different, neither side wishes to risk all out war. Humans still more powerful though. Has at least a single dreadnought, a vast military industrial complex and special forces. Most likely the fifth most powerful military

    - No influence in galactic matters anymore, self-imposed isolation.

    6. Elcor

    - Size of the empire hard to put down. Still large though, as some of their planets have hundreds of millions of people. Not very imperialistic, on the other hand.

    - Probably the least enemies after Asari. Very stable society.

    - Economy fourth largest, after the Council (above alliance).

    - Military tough, but Alliance has them beat on that area, batarians too.

    7. Volus

    - Client race, so influence through the Turians, but I'd say that their contributions still give them much say in the matters, economical at the least.

    - Have a massively disproportionate influence on the turian economy, so I rank them as a significant part of the second or third largest economy. Very significant contributions on the galactic economy as the whole as well, though their population is not enough to be the main force in it.

    - Size of volus holdings as part of the Turian Hierarchy unknown, most likely the largest after the turians though. I'd rank them as sixth overall, though elcor/hanar or just one of them might have a bigger sized empire.

    - Largest military in the galaxy is going to defend them in all cases.

    8. Hanar

    - Sixth/seventh/eighth largest empire. Significant difficulties in colonization due to living in water. Have at least one client race of their own (drell).

    - Citadel race, respected and polite and non hostile towards anyone...though they have religious difficulties in some cases.

    - Economy and military significant enough to be considered as a some sort of prospect for Council membership. On the other hand economy described as isolated and stagnant. Drell obviously form the main part of their land army, I'd say. Nothing stops them from having good starships though.

    - Figure that their physical limitations have caused them to make some impressive technological leaps.

    9. Quarians

    - Citadel membership revoked.

    - No empire to speak of aside from the Migrant Fleet, only 17 million population. Smallest of all races in size.

    - The Migrant Fleet is a formidable military force, but it has obvious weaknesses (like the larger fleet it must protect).

    - Not really liked by anyone. Stay to themselves.

    - Subsistence economy.

    10. Krogan

    - Citadel membership revoked.

    - Empire crushed, population kept around two and half billion by the genophage. Only one planet.

    - Formidable military force if they ever get organized, unlikely though, and nobody will let them get strong enough to get off the planet in large numbers. Best individual warriors though.

    - Hated by eeeeveryone.

    - No economy to speak of.

    11. Vorcha

    - ugh

    - barely sentient

    - what government

    - economy consists mostly of poop

    That's my rankings.

    DarkCrawler on
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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I'm sure other people will hate it, because this is the PA Mass Effect thread, but I think that's pretty well ranked.

    It's curious to consider that the Quarians are, in fact, a space-faring subsistence economy, for the most part. It might also be worth noting that a few of these races are particularly harmful to themselves in a contemporary setting--namely, the Krogans (who are one of their own major obstacles to rising in that chart), Humans (who have organizations like Cerberus running around kidnapping and murdering entire colonies, and potentially biotic revolts, though the other species may also suffer from those, and we just have heard of them), and the Geth (who might potentially cut off one of their own arms, so to speak, due to a schism).

    For humans and the Geth, it's not as apparent, but I think it's still worth noting--especially when you have species like the Turians--especially the Turians--who essentially live in highly disciplined, regimented society where dissent is very frequently crushed, and everyone else marches in locked step. Salarians as well, I think. The Quarians too--the power of the Admiralty is hardly challenged, and widely accepted--except for the fact that they have such little capacity for influential expansion anyway.

    Then again, I'm not as familiar with the materials outside the games.

    Synthesis on
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    DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I think the Volus and Elcor should be switched...but otherwise sure whatever...

    Dragkonias on
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    electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    The Vorcha I find interesting. They don't live long enough to ever have much hope of reaching the stars..yet somehow they did. But when they did, they still don't live long enough to develop a substantial culture - they're around because as a population they're damn near invulnerable, and if you're unscrupulous they make decent slave laborers.

    They kind of need to hook up with the Salarians in my opinion: they only live about 2 times as long, they're problems are similar. If we assume the Vorcha have a rapid childhood, then even then they'd be the species most likely to be able to guide the Vorcha towards enlightenment and perhaps an escape from their own fleeting mortality.

    I simply can't believe you can have an utterly irredeemable sentient species - one which is only deserving of the thought given to cockroaches.

    electricitylikesme on
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    DarkCrawlerDarkCrawler Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Synthesis wrote: »
    I'm sure other people will hate it, because this is the PA Mass Effect thread, but I think that's pretty well ranked.

    It's curious to consider that the Quarians are, in fact, a space-faring subsistence economy, for the most part. It might also be worth noting that a few of these races are particularly harmful to themselves in a contemporary setting--namely, the Krogans (who are one of their own major obstacles to rising in that chart), Humans (who have organizations like Cerberus running around kidnapping and murdering entire colonies, and potentially biotic revolts, though the other species may also suffer from those, and we just have heard of them), and the Geth (who might potentially cut off one of their own arms, so to speak, due to a schism).

    For humans and the Geth, it's not as apparent, but I think it's still worth noting--especially when you have species like the Turians--especially the Turians--who essentially live in highly disciplined, regimented society where dissent is very frequently crushed, and everyone else marches in locked step. Salarians as well, I think. The Quarians too--the power of the Admiralty is hardly challenged, and widely accepted--except for the fact that they have such little capacity for influential expansion anyway.

    Then again, I'm not as familiar with the materials outside the games.

    I think the outside materials pretty much just verify what the games state.
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    I think the Volus and Elcor should be switched...but otherwise sure whatever...

    Honestly, I thought so too at first, but then I read on the elcor, and them not being a client race pushed them over. I'm not sure what keeps them from being a council race, probably the fact that they haven't done a huge sacrifice, maybe the fact that they just don't want it. They don't seem very ambitious at all.
    The Vorcha I find interesting. They don't live long enough to ever have much hope of reaching the stars..yet somehow they did. But when they did, they still don't live long enough to develop a substantial culture - they're around because as a population they're damn near invulnerable, and if you're unscrupulous they make decent slave laborers.

    They kind of need to hook up with the Salarians in my opinion: they only live about 2 times as long, they're problems are similar. If we assume the Vorcha have a rapid childhood, then even then they'd be the species most likely to be able to guide the Vorcha towards enlightenment and perhaps an escape from their own fleeting mortality.

    I simply can't believe you can have an utterly irredeemable sentient species - one which is only deserving of the thought given to cockroaches.

    They are worse then Krogans when it comes to self-destruction, honestly. They didn't achieve space-faring themselves, they hitchhike on ships.

    You are right that nobody is really interested in uplifting them. The Collectors might have, I guess. They seem to be treated as either vermin or slaves. We see some glimpses of them being a bit more then that in ME2.

    DarkCrawler on
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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Next you're going to be talking like Batarians are actually people.

    Basil on
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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    The Vorcha I find interesting. They don't live long enough to ever have much hope of reaching the stars..yet somehow they did. But when they did, they still don't live long enough to develop a substantial culture - they're around because as a population they're damn near invulnerable, and if you're unscrupulous they make decent slave laborers.

    They kind of need to hook up with the Salarians in my opinion: they only live about 2 times as long, they're problems are similar. If we assume the Vorcha have a rapid childhood, then even then they'd be the species most likely to be able to guide the Vorcha towards enlightenment and perhaps an escape from their own fleeting mortality.

    I simply can't believe you can have an utterly irredeemable sentient species - one which is only deserving of the thought given to cockroaches.

    I think you're forgetting how pro-genocide this thread frequently gets.

    That being said, I personally agree with you, and your theory poses an interesting situation. It could be harmed by the fact that Salarians and Vorcha might be more hostile to one another because of their shared short lifespans (and the threat of potential competition down the road).

    Synthesis on
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    envoy1envoy1 the old continentRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    -Tal wrote: »
    they never actually brought up the Akuze thing, which is odd

    Tela Vasir does bring it up and it hurts that I can't agree with her more. After Akuze Cerberus deserves nothing but rejection, even if they did bring back Shep (who they tried to kill at Akuze).

    envoy1 on
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Well, it seems that there's a limited number of colonizable planets and the vorcha don't offer anything to the salarians. Not economy, not technology, not personality--they just compete for the same worlds without adding anything. The krogan are far smarter. Why would the salarians cooperate with them?

    Orca on
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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Vorcha spread into space by stowing away on ships like rats

    they're barely people, everyone treats them like varren that can hold guns

    -Tal on
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Yeah. But they're not batarians.

    Orca on
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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Oh well of course

    The most interesting thing about the vorcha is that they have not evolved in millions of years. That sounds like the kind of thing reapers would be interested in, probably why the collectors contacted them.

    -Tal on
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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    vorcha are like a giant cluster of stem cells mixed with a single brain cell

    you're lucky if they shoot their enemies before they resume eating their own poop

    also, i'd like to see what the salarian first-strike plans for the geth are. i'll bet they involve some kind of mass consciousness upload and rapid technological singularity to even the playing field :P

    also also, sig bar for use here and elsewhere!



    curly haired boy on
    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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    DeaderinredDeaderinred Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    So there i was, checking out random missing mass effect 2 soundtracks bits on youtube when i stumple upon sam hulicks (one of the co-composers of mass effect 1, 2 and probably 3 if you were a filthy batarian who didnt know this fact) http://www.youtube.com/user/MDesigner#p/u/7/mDDZhhboop8

    Its full of concept pieces and different versions of themes from 1 and 2, one of the interesting videos is the unreleased music he did for a me1 dlc that got cancelled (damnit bioware) tho he refuses to give details on what it was about but the track is great.


    also if all this was already known and talked about in other threads then blast me out the nearest airlock and see if i care. :winky:

    Deaderinred on
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    Jimmy MarkuJimmy Marku LondonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    vorcha are like a giant cluster of stem cells mixed with a single brain cell

    you're lucky if they shoot their enemies before they resume eating their own poop

    also, i'd like to see what the salarian first-strike plans for the geth are. i'll bet they involve some kind of mass consciousness upload and rapid technological singularity to even the playing field :P

    also also, sig bar for use here and elsewhere!



    You know, that text should really be in Paragon Blue.

    Jimmy Marku on
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    manwiththemachinegunmanwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Synthesis wrote: »
    The Vorcha I find interesting. They don't live long enough to ever have much hope of reaching the stars..yet somehow they did. But when they did, they still don't live long enough to develop a substantial culture - they're around because as a population they're damn near invulnerable, and if you're unscrupulous they make decent slave laborers.

    They kind of need to hook up with the Salarians in my opinion: they only live about 2 times as long, they're problems are similar. If we assume the Vorcha have a rapid childhood, then even then they'd be the species most likely to be able to guide the Vorcha towards enlightenment and perhaps an escape from their own fleeting mortality.

    I simply can't believe you can have an utterly irredeemable sentient species - one which is only deserving of the thought given to cockroaches.

    I think you're forgetting how pro-genocide this thread frequently gets.

    That being said, I personally agree with you, and your theory poses an interesting situation. It could be harmed by the fact that Salarians and Vorcha might be more hostile to one another because of their shared short lifespans (and the threat of potential competition down the road).

    Hey, I only killed that one Rachni... :whistle:

    manwiththemachinegun on
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    As -Tal might say, genocide is the solution to the alien problem.

    Orca on
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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I only fully support the genocide of krogan, batarians, and reapers.

    -Tal on
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    ShrieveShrieve Game Designer CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    0. Humans

    - Fourth largest empire? Unlikely due to the edge other races have over them, but apparently humans breed and colonize at far faster rate then anyone since the Krogans, so it's possible. Doubtful that we are fourth in population - first colonization wave planets like Eden Prime and Bekestein still haven't hit five million while some elcor worlds are over 200 million in population. Possible that humans have more planets then others aside from the top three, so that might make up for the difference. On the other hand, if you look at the citadel races minus the council, they all seem to have physical difficulties that mean that not as many worlds are fitting for them.

    - Have to have a large economy, considering that we can take the financial burdens that Council races have to give. Very innovative and dynamic. Still under elcor though.

    - Crazy intimidating due to the fast rise. Sometimes a pro, sometimes a con.

    - Fourth largest military, a "sleeping giant" due to it's potential. Again can meet the burden, military in this case, that is expected out of the Council Races.

    - Commander Shepard

    Fixed. At this point I could see Shepard taking on a fleet by herself; throw on a suit, float out and start manhandling a Dreadnought to start picking off ships with that main gun.

    Shrieve on
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Curly, listen carefully. I need you to mod ME2 so we can use the Mako's cannon as an assault rifle.

    Chop chop, I'm waiting.

    Orca on
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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Orca wrote: »
    Curly, listen carefully. I need you to mod ME2 so we can use the Mako's cannon as an assault rifle.

    Chop chop, I'm waiting.

    you can already have the assault rifles in ME2 shoot cain shots iirc

    curly haired boy on
    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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