So, my sister is getting a new laptop as a present, and it falls to me as the nearest technically competent person to pick out the damn thing.
The budget is £800, and the requirements, in descending order of importance, are:
1) Must be pretty
2) 17" screen with a decent resolution
3) As future proof as possible
£800 seems like way too much for a laptop to me, but fuck it, these unchangable edicts have been handed down from on high. What is really pissing me off though, is that the best laptop I can find for the money is
a goddamn Dell.
I don't know if Dell are still generally despised, but I haven't liked the fuckers ever since I tried to replace a power supply and graphics card on one of their old desktops. But I digress. Anyone know of a good alternative to this offering from the masters of lies?
Don't know if you would want a VAIO but they usually are pretty machines and this one has some good specs for £749.99
It may not output 1080p to the screen, but it does via HDMI (and I think the new ones do 1080p to the screen)
PSN - MicroChrist
I'm too fuckin' poor to play
WordsWFriends - zeewoot
Looking at benchmarks it seems like a pretty significant performance hit on both the CPU and GPU, but it's much prettier. Definitely a viable alternative, thanks muchly.
Unless its going to sit on a desk almost all the time it'll be a pain to carry around that weight and size of a laptop, also keep in mind that bigger screens drain batteries a lot faster.
I don't know how experienced you/your sister/your parents/whoever made the decision that it needed to be 17" is with laptops, but I find a lot of people go 17" for their first laptop, and then want something smaller for their second.
EDIT: But if you do decide to go 17", that vaio is a great option.
GT: Tanky the Tank
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