Stupid fucking webcomics discussion thread, jerks
33 days, 4 hours
7/19/07 5:07 PM to 8/21/07 8:58 PM
NEW stupid fucking webcomic thread, jerks NSF56K for pics
62 days, 1 hour
8/21/07 6:59 PM to 10/22/07 8:28 PM
In which we read comics that are on the web, part III
57 days, 9 hours
10/22/07 8:28 PM to 12/19/07 5:38 AM
Comics found on the web, part 4.5
59 days, 9 hours
12/20/07 1:01 PM to 2/17/08 9:50 PM
The webcomics thread nobody else wanted to do.
29 days, 2 hours
2/18/08 8:07 AM to 3/18/08 9:54 AM
A poor copy of the webcomic thread.
32 days, 12 hours
3/18/08 9:53 AM to 4/19/08 10:16 PM
Terrible shit in the form of webcomics
18 days, 21 hours
4/19/08 10:13 PM to 5/7/08 6:56 PM
webcromic thread
17 days, 5 hours
5/7/08 6:24 PM to 5/24/08 11:04 PM
The OP is your Webcomic Bible
20 days, 22 hours
5/24/08 11:02 PM to 6/13/08 8:53 PM
The OP is your Webcomic Revival
24 days, 17 hours
6/13/08 8:50 PM to 7/8/08 2:00 PM
Let There Be Webcomics
12 days, 2 hours
7/8/08 2:01 PM to 7/20/08 4:16 PM
The OP is your webcomic survival guide
14 days, 15 hours
7/20/08 4:18 PM to 8/4/08 6:54 AM
Bizarro Bad Webcomics
14 days, 8 hours
8/4/08 6:46 AM to 8/18/08 3:08 PM
Life is the Webcrumblics
6 days, 23 hours
8/18/08 3:57 PM to 8/25/08 2:46 PM
14 days, 21 hours
8/25/08 2:54 PM to 9/9/08 11:56 AM
Tonight on the History Channel: Webcomics
11 days, 9 hours
9/9/08 2:22 PM to 9/20/08 11:17 PM
Webcomics are dead
2 days [only reached 60 pages before lock]
9/20/08 11:22 PM to 9/22/08 11:36 PM
[131 days of postapocalyptic wasteland]
Webcomics: A Series of Pictures on the Internet
12 days, 15 hours
2/1/09 8:24 PM to 2/14 11:44 AM
A.P. Webcomics II
19 days, 6 hours
2/14/09 11:49 AM to 3/5/09 6:06 PM
When friends ask to use my innernet, I try to hide the fact that I read WEBCOMICS
24 days, 2 hours
3/6/09 6:58 AM to 3/30/09 8:59 AM
Webcrombaughs Thread for Webclomblox
21 days, 21 hours
3/30/09 7:44 PM to 4/20/09 5:19 PM
Where we're going we dont need quality. COMICS FROM THE WEB.
21 days, 10 hours
4/20/09 7:58 AM to 5/11/09 5:58 PM
yo, quit hatin' on THE WEBCOMIC THREAD
23 days, 14 hours
5/11/09 6:56 PM to 6/4/09 8:58 AM
25 days, 23 hours
6/4/09 9:05 AM to 6/30/09 8:13 AM
Webcomics: Post Beartato every Day
10 days, 17 hours
6/30/09 8:36 AM to 7/11/09 1:23 AM
Webcomics: In Which Beartato Can See Forever
7 days, 8 hours
7/11/09 1:59 AM to 7/18/09 9:55 AM
Top 8 Webcomics of 2007 (now with more Beartato)
20 days, 1 hour
7/18/09 10:08 AM to 8/7/09 11:29 AM
19 days, 3 hours
8/7/09 1:10 PM to 8/26/09 4:01 PM
12 days, 5 hours
8/26/09 4:56 PM to 9/7/09 9:37 PM
Webcomics? GET OUT.
8 days, 3 hours
9/7/09 10:02 PM to 9/16/09 1:16 AM
Just a little thing called WEBCOMICS
11 days, 17 hours
9/16/09 1:22 AM to 9/27/09 6:05 PM
Long Live Nedroid! [Webcomic Thread]
7 days, 19 hours
9/27/09 6:10 PM to 10/5/09 1:11 PM
The latest WEBCOMICS instalment
15 days, 10 hours
10/5/09 1:49 PM to 10/20/09 11:32 PM
Wimblecomics Thread - pooping back and forth, forever
12 days, 2 hours
10/20/09 11:43 PM to 11/2/09 1:58 AM
I like webcomic threads. Page 76 has been conquered. Gaze upon madness
6 days, 20 hours
11/2/09 2:06 AM to 11/8/09 9:54 PM
10 days, 23 hours
11/8/09 9:59 PM to 11/19/09 8:09 PM
Womb Crumb Licks
13 days
11/19/09 8:11 PM to 12/2/09 7:52 PM
Rose: Appearify Webcomics
6 days
12/2/09 8:00 PM to 12/8/09 8:19 PM
Webcomics: Everybody loves Webcomics
5 days, 21 hours
12/8/09 8:32 PM to 12/14/09 5:13 PM
Webcomics with Veronica Belmont (feat. Stan Lee)
15 days, 5 hours
12/14/09 5:25 PM to 12/29/09 10:09 PM
WebBogeys: thread title is fine, it is nerdgasmic that sucks; no, moosehat
8 days, 19 hours
12/29/09 10:15 PM to 1/7/10 5:30 PM
Webcrumblix: The Sequel [No crwth*]
10 days, 16 hours
1/7/10 7:12 PM to 1/18/10 11:04 AM
9 days, 5 hours
1/18/10 11:39 AM to 1/27/10 4:43 PM
Wolfcomics-the final hunt AWOOOOO
8 days, 23 hours
1/27/10 4:51 PM to 2/5/10 3:29 PM
[6 days, 1 hour of desolation]Ye Olde Webcomicse Threade
10 days, 2 hours
2/11/10 5:07 PM to 2/21/10 7:02 PM
Ye Moderne Webcomicse Threade
9 days, 3 hours
2/21/10 7:03 PM to 3/2/10 10:12 PM
8 days, 12 hours
3/2/10 10:17 PM to 3/11/10 10:29 AM
[State-Sponsored crwthing Enforced]
33 days, 23 hours
3/2/10 10:50 PM to 4/5/10 9:43 PM[Regular threading returns after a 27-day, 11-hour absence]Welcome home, my lovelies [WEBCOMICS]
9 days
4/5/10 9:43 PM to 4/14/10 9:23 PM
Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Thread of [WEBCOMIC] Frivolity and Crumblical Japery
11 days, 2 hours
4/14/10 9:30 PM to 4/25/10 11:15 PM
crwth is dehydrated from masturbating all weekend to [WEBCOMICS]
12 days, 8 hours
4/25/10 11:27 PM to 5/8/10 7:32 AM
Sir Hutchinson's Illustrated WEBCOMIC Compendium, 6th Edition
17 days, 17 hours
5/8/10 7:33 AM to 5/26/10 12:53 AM
Webcomic Thread: Ascend
19 days, 6 hours
5/26/10 5:42 AM to 6/14/10 11:45 AM
my name is sabremau and i [GET BANNED] until i throw up
16 days, 2 hours
6/14/10 11:46 AM to 6/30/10 1:18 PM
12 days, 2 hours
6/30/10 1:26 PM to 7/12/10 3:44 PM
In Which We Post Dignified and Classy webcomics
6 days, 20 hours
7/12/10 3:52 PM to 7/19/10 12:02 PM
13 days, 14 hours
7/19/10 12:09 PM to 8/2/10 2:33 AM
The Wolfcomics Sarsaparilla
7 days, 17 hours
8/2/10 2:40 AM to 8/9/10 7:42 PM
Adventures in the Great Webcrumblian Empire
10 days, 19 hours
8/9/10 7:42 PM 8/20/10 2:20 PM
Webcomics 2: Son of Webcomics
12 days
8/20/10 6:42 PM to 9/1/10 7:02 PM
Terrible Webcomics
9 days, 4 hours
9/1/10 7:16 PM to 9/10/10 11:16 PM
Webcomics of Wildly Variable Quality
11 days
9/10/10 11:20 PM to 9/21/10 11:56 PM
Classical Webcomics of Antiquity (and Yuri)
9 days, 1 hour
9/22/10 12:38 AM to 10/1/10 1:31 AM
The OP is your Webcomic Timecapsule
11 days, 13 hours
10/1/10 1:46 AM to 10/12/10 2:54 PM
The Snooty Webcomics Thread
13 days, 10 hours
10/12/10 2:56 PM to 10/26/10 1:07 AM
Kellogg's Webcrumblics: It's Crumbly Times Two
13 days, 10 hours
10/26/10 3:38 AM to 11/8/10 2:14 PM
1 hour [Bogey didn't like the OP]
11/8/10 2:26 PM to 11/8/10 3:17 PM
Boobcomics: They are real
6 days, 21 hours
11/8/10 4:16 PM to 11/15/10 12:46 PM
Show Me on the Doll Where Jeph Jacques Touched You
8 days, 1 hour
11/15/10 1:15 PM to 11/23/10 1:54 PM
The Genealogy of Webcrumblic Threads
11/23/10 1:55 PM,
and it lives to this day.
Let's kick this off on the right foot:
you, crwth!
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
such a good ep
also hey sabre can you do something like that for me
except chronicle each thread and each instance of me using the word pussy
they put a chastity belt on our love
your dick will forever bang hopelessly at the shackles guarding my exquisite pussy
I rounded time of thread life to the nearest hour. 0:29 and below rounded to zero, 0:30 and up rounded to one. 15 minutes didn't last long enough to qualify under the things.
History has proven Bogey to be a cruel mistress.
Ah, memories.
re: crwth
Tilde optional
It really is
It's been said before, but SabreMau deserves some sort of medal
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
I did not know that webcomics used to be posted in the new comic thread! What a wonderful way to learn about the sordid past of the webcomics thread
I wonder what sort of thread homestuck will spawn
That would not be surprising at all, actually
Those were wild, heady days, full of long-departed posters and Catgirl Princess