Let's forget that the Nazis existed. (If you don't know who the Nazis are, they were from that first person shooter called World War Two. There were significant upgrades and the addition of newer weapons and better vehicles left many saying the sequel was a vast improvement.)
Some folks say evil is more of a word than anything tangible or real, and is a holdover of mysticism and the belief in a soul. As many of those people that exist in the science community, there are just as many in that same community that believe that love is a tangible thing. Using no emperical evidence whatsoever, I posit that if love is real, evil is real too.
Cats like Dr. Philip Zombardo believe it's systemic and is tied to power and priviledge.
His famous
Stanford Prison experiment gave a bunch of volunteer college students a situation wherein they became prison guards and prisoners respectively. Not only were the findings surprising, but he felt given his power to control the situation, he let it get out of hand.
War, sometimes a dude gotta war. Some people believe the nature of war brings out horrible things in people they'd never do otherwise. Cats in power have others do their bidding, and the observer can relate the atrocities of conflict to their approximation of evil.
Is evil in the eye of the beholder? Is there a baseline for evil we can use where nobody says Hitler?
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
people seem to forget that shit in the rush to demonize the molestor (which i can understand)
what's worse is there's not much in the way of effective treatment
EDIT: Yeah, they were probably molested as children.
alright fine. The act of child rape in the abstract then
Exactly. Until some psycologist out there discovers a way to purge someone of their subconsious fetishes, the only way to stop these sad, sick people is prison or close monitoring
the act itself, sure. yeah. it's out of societal norms and is sexual abuse. no argument for that
Granny is never wrong.
I think I can get behind this.
a child rapist intends to do that bad thing, but is divorced from the mindset to not do that bad thing, or knows the act is an evil act yet knows no other way. either because of abuse, or lack of control mentally
i'm not saying outright that someone's doomed to be like that, and they're absolved of wrongdoing but people sometimes forget shit is not always in someone's sphere of control
why's it whenever someone says evil, ya'll think of someone fucking a kid
i don't mean this in a condemning tone or maybe i totally do
All this love for the witches makes me happy!
True evil is Terry Pratchett developing Alzheimers. Why him, and not someone like Glenn Beck?
the not treating people as things idea
or is it another philosopher whose name escapes me at present
edit: i know his IMPERATIVE is basically the golden rule, i mean isn't that also one of his ideas
I know, right?
I feel particularly bad for those pedophiles that never do anything. They can't lead normal, happy lives and I'm sure many of them would like to be normal but there is no way to fix them.
are certain mental illnesses necessarily one in the same as evil
hate to put it in those terms but can malice always be tied to being fucked in the head
only if you want him to fuck you back
I can understand not using people as a means to an end
but the dudes worldview was so narrow I can't really take anything he wrote seriously
much more actually and I hate you
also t anjin: you put stanford prison but did not include the milgram experiment or kohlberg's theory
Quoth, Skettios and I are the witches, you see.
the resemblance is there
also, wayne from waynes world considering the chin
don't give me that sass