Bigisy is a classy dude!
Thanks a lot!
We all are!
I was gonna insert an image of some classy gents but GiS is coming up nasty
Just search for tophats, tophats are cruise control for classy.
It's been a hell of a sale. I personally was gifted nine games this sale, which just goes to show how classy the gents in this thread are.
Now we can all breathe a sigh of relief until the Summer Sale.
The rest of this post was created by, and completely stolen from, our good friend Suds.
Most Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I register this __Insert Game Here__ on Steam?Here's a list of games you can register on Steam. You can always add a non-Steam game to your Steam games list, so that people can see you playing it.
2. If I buy a game pack that already includes a game I own, can I gift that game?
No, this was a one-time thing for people who already owned Half-Life 2 and bought the Orange Box. Additional copies you own are lost forever to the ether.
3. Why isn't __Insert Game Here__ available in my region?
Many Steam games might be unavailable in your country if you have the temerity to live outside of the United States.
This is not Steam's fault. Regional game availability is determined solely by the publisher, who should be the source of your ire. Gifting works regardless of region so you might find some helpful person in North America who can gift you the game.
Helpful StuffSteam Price Guide
Do you have the misfortune to live somewhere other than America? Steam hates you! Luckily,
this cool website with prices for Steam games all around the world is here to help, so you can know if you want to ask an American friend to buy the game for you or not.
You need this program.
It reconfigures your Windows IPSEC settings (run it as an admin) to block out all but the servers which don't count towards your download quota on Steam. Now supports a bunch of ISPs through a graphical interface.
Basically guarantees you won't add to your download quota with Steam.
Download TCPview:
Then, use TCPview (run as admin if you're on Vista) to close all Steam TCP servers (this is important, NOT the UDP ones, just the TCP ones). Steam will then reconnect to a different server, which will hopefully get you a better speed. If you don't go faster in a couple of seconds, retry until you get a speed you like.
This shit totally needs to go into the OP, I've tipped this to so many people already.
Cool Community Add-Ons
The Mis-Adventures of LewieP
As funny as the following comic is, LewieP does spend a lot of time
looking for bargains, for us.
The Steam Circle of Life
This image is from the SomethingAwful forums Steam thread. Hilariously enough it basically describes our Steam thread too:
Steam iPhone App
You have an iPhone? That money could easily have been spent on Steam games. If you want to make the best of your shiny gadget, however, check out this
Steam iPhone app. For less than the price of a grande mocha frappacino or whatever, you can buy an unofficial program (which appears to have been created by a PA guy who has not stepped forward if the Armadeaddon screengrab means anything) which does all sorts of Steam shit.
To top it all off, a comic by our own Iolo. It's fun-tastic!
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
I'm up to
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
Finally got some entries. I'm closing this contest at 5PM ET (that's like 11 minutes from now). Get your entries in now now now. Oh, yeah, the classy 143999 is also throwing in Zeno Clash, in case you guys didn't catch that.
This is a clickable link to my Steam Profile.
EA Store:
Note how the normal price for C&C3 in EA Store is half of what it normally is on Steam. And how Amazon's sale is cheaper than the EA Store one. And how C&C4 randomly costs $10 more on Amazon. It makes no sense!
I'll get the bats
Back on topic, I'm seriously bummed that Chaos Rising never hit a daily deal. Think I'll just have to wait on it.
Also, someone help me wait to buy BFBC2. It's only 25% off right now since I was reluctant while it was extra on sale, and I feel like if I wait a couple months it may be on sale for the same or less, or maybe even a gold bundle with Vietnam together for like $20-25? HELP ME.
Yes, but be aware it's a Braid-style puzzle game and not a pure platforming game.
It's built on older Unreal tech so it shouldn't be too stiff.
Well, since noone else is making anything, I present to you, the worlds most awesome horse.
First time making anything in minecraft haha
Oceanic SWTOR Guild - Voidstalker Brigade
Looks like a Dr. Mario pill suppository.
Wasn't it a daily on the Thanksgiving sale?
I think that if Amnesia doesn't scare you, you may need psychiatric help. However, I will say, the scares lessened a bit for me once I understood how enemy AI worked. I'd go more in depth, but it could possibly ruin the scare for you from the outset. So just enjoy!
Also, I love the double-edged sword that darkness is in the game.
Shadow of Chernobyl was a game I wanted to like, but I don't know, it never really clicked.
Okay, so the horse has some bowel issues.
Killing Floor is a lot more easier to get into than BC2. BC2 you have to deal with people who have most unlocks and it's pretty irritating to play against. KF, you get on the server and start shooting zombies.
Killing Floor is great! I passed on it earlier this week and then Drake sent me a trial copy of it. Played it and automatically realized that I needed it. Bought it this morning when it went back up on the recap sale.
I could send you a trial invite. Add me up on Steam
Core gameplay is pretty much the same aside from minor tweaks to weapons, artifact use, etc. Story is different, taking place after the end of SoC. Environments have been redesigned, there's three large areas instead of the many that you travel between in SoC, with the last being a redesigned city of Pripyat.
It hardly needs to be said anymore, but at this point if you're playing SoC without at least a mod like STALKER Complete 2009, you're doing it wrong.
Guess I wasn't quite done after all, picking up Pripyat to have that ready for me on Steam. Can't help but lament it doesn't give me the extra copy of SoC to gift.
It depends:
What exactly didn't click?
Yea that's fine. I mean it's less than a candy bar for a game.
Someone find where Idolninja is and tie him up. Please? He's enabling me, and I don't like it.
DlCis being bought right now
First: the entries:
And the winner is:
(Steam Thread logo shamelessly ripped off from HiT BiT, who incidentally was the leader in the clubhouse with his funny but sadly unfinished masterpiece.)
This is a clickable link to my Steam Profile.
this is sort of misleading because in BC2 not only can you pick up other people's kits, you level up quickly and you can even get the kits first by signing up for some shit at EA. Killing Floor has a massive grind if you don't use SAM to unlock the perks. that said, Killing Floor fucking owns.
🖥️Steam Profile
It's so weird. I was trying to figure out a way to involve "draw a horse" in my contest. So weird.
This is what I get for staying with my family for Thanksgiving. Damn it.
I'm weak.
Mostly the shooting, I guess.