Kuribo's Shoe wrote: » poppa ooo mow mow poppa ooo mow mow
Semicolon wrote: » Why include friends exactly? Extra weight or possibly just an audience?
KrunkMcGrunk wrote: » What's surfin bird?
see317 wrote: » Semicolon wrote: » Why include friends exactly? Extra weight or possibly just an audience? Backup singers? Plus, you need at least 4 people for Bohemian Rhapsody on the way home from your murder spree.
Langly wrote: » I thought that everyone had heard
crwth wrote: » i liked this song before family guy am i cool does this make me cool
taoistlumberjak wrote: » Make me want to load up my car with 3 friends and then crash into people at high speed?
Kuribo's Shoe wrote: » on youtube Sympathy For The Devil is now "that song from Black Ops"
KrunkMcGrunk wrote: » Kuribo's Shoe wrote: » on youtube Sympathy For The Devil is now "that song from Black Ops" Christ. Really?
Langly wrote: » If I was going to make a vietnam era movie/game I would watch a hundred vietnam based things and then not use any songs from any of those movies.
you are the winner, Mr. Shoe.
You won it all.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
am i cool does this make me cool
Ideally you need the firepower, but usually it's so that everyone yells at you for getting the jeep wet.
Backup singers?
Plus, you need at least 4 people for Bohemian Rhapsody on the way home from your murder spree.
Where do I get in line?
You don't know about the bird?
backup singers, you say?
heard what?
sorry that just makes you a hipster
Is all this makes me think of.
only if you heard it playing battlefield vietnam
shoe i thought it always ended with oomow mow-mow
On the black screen
fuck the haters
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
Christ. Really?
check the comments
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
the whole OST consists of free jazz
This person is talking about Bohemian Rhapsody.
Why I fear the ocean.