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How do you import your save from episode 1 into 2?

SNFSNF Registered User regular
edited January 2011 in Penny Arcade Games
I've been replaying these games lately, and I can't for the life of me remember how to import my save file. I can't find the option to do it.

SNF on


  • jippeejippee Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    The game usually asks you if you want to import automatically when starting a new game. I only play insane mode, on a mac, don't know about other settings or systems...

    edit: I think it's required to beat the final boss in ep1 though.

    jippee on
    Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
    and trundled off to the jungle
    off she rode with a trumpety trump
    trump trump trump

  • SNFSNF Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I'm playing it on a mac too.

    I did beat the final boss in the first game. It even has a "Completed Games" file for it in Ep 1. I didn't get anything asking me to import a save in Ep 2.

    SNF on
  • jippeejippee Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I fire up ep 2 and it says play game. I click yes. it gives me options: I choose Insane mode, it asks me wether I want to import (my/a) character from ep 1. every time. Did you upgrade your games to the latest versions?

    jippee on
    Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
    and trundled off to the jungle
    off she rode with a trumpety trump
    trump trump trump

  • SNFSNF Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I assume I have the latest versions, since I installed it on this computer recently.

    I just looked at a Let's Play of it, and it definitely had a pop-up about importing a character that I don't get.

    I'm playing the mac app store version, perhaps the importing a character was cut out in this version?

    SNF on
  • zombiefriendzombiefriend Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I had heard the App Store version had a lot of problems with it, so that might be it.

    Also, there really isn't a reason to import your character. It isn't like Mass Effect where what you did in Ep. 1 has an affect on Ep. 2. Just start a new game and make it look like your Ep. 1 character, and you might as well have imported it.

    zombiefriend on
  • SNFSNF Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I thought you needed to import to have a few items and stuff, though?

    I think I remember a summon character you had to import to get.

    SNF on
  • zombiefriendzombiefriend Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Not that I know of. I imported my character, and I didn't get anything unless Anne Claire is the summon character you get.

    zombiefriend on
  • SNFSNF Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I was thinking of Div.

    Apparently you still get him, but I was thinking about an upgrade he can only have if you got the phonograph thing in episode 1.

    Maybe I'll email Hothead about this.

    SNF on
  • zombiefriendzombiefriend Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Oh, yeah. I forgot about getting the phonograph with Div.

    Yeah, I'd just email them.

    zombiefriend on
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