I know it wouldn't be perfect, but could you just find a standee of any Star Trek actor and lop off the head and add Wil? I know the costume wouldn't match, but a glued on head might be comical too...
I know it wouldn't be perfect, but could you just find a standee of any Star Trek actor and lop off the head and add Wil? I know the costume wouldn't match, but a glued on head might be comical too...
I could see it if it was a Next Gen standee, but TOS/Reboot...I dunno, that might be stretching it a bit too much. Besides, c'mon, half the fun would be taking pictures with/signing cardboard Wesley Crusher complete with AWESOME 24TH CENTURY SWEATER.
Themiscyra on
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
OnmitsuI'm just a birdieCa-caw, ca-caw!Registered Userregular
If somebody can get a standee brought to PAX, we should have it set up in Bandland and have everybody sign it, then send it to Wil.
This is the best idea I have ever heard.
There will Wil's customary booth in Bandland... and behind it will just be the cardboard cutout, standing there, beaming, maybe with a PAX Scarf wrapped around it.
Then, instead of lining up to get Wil Wheaton to sign stuff, we can have lines to sign Wil Wheaton.
Oh my goodness the awesome of this is making my head spin.
This must happen. Just tossing in my support for it.
In all seriousness, I was hoping for a chance to apologize for accidentally skeeving out Mr. Wheaton after East last year. Oh well, there's always next year. Although, waiting two years to remind someone of what is most likely a complete non-event might look kinda odd.
Hopefully someone can provide a decent scan or photo of Wesley/Will in the next couple of days, or it may not happen.
The Aeofel mention is cool too, though it doesn't really say anything of PAX. The OP should add a poll to the topic, if it can be modified in such a way?
bustin98 on
Xbox Live, PSN, Twitter: bustin98
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2011
Guys, don't jump the gun just yet, I'm checking to see how doable this is logistically on the PAX end. I'll also look into coming up with a standee. No guarantees, but I'll see what can be rustled up.
well even if it isnt an official PAX event with a booth and such, just the idea of carrying a standee around and getting shots in different places sounds fun to me. then we could always send the pics with a "had a great time at pax. glad you were there." type message to wil.
Yeah, but that's slightly pricey. At least, I don't have that kind of money :P
If we/someone has to go all arts-and-craftsy on this, an 8-bit Cardboard Wheaton is probably the easiest option. Maybe? I'm still hoping that this will, a)get approval and, b)that one of us can find a way to procure/fabricate a standee.
EDIT: Heh, the Justin Bieber w/ a Wil head attached is a pretty funny idea.
EDIT: Also, I agree that the 8 bit Wheaton idea is awesome, if someone had the skills of an artist to do it.
Ideally, perhaps combining both: an 8-bit Wesley Crusher in 8-bit Star Trek: TNG uniform. That would rock.
Or perhaps a cutout of a Minecraft character skinned to look like Wesley Crusher in a TNG uniform? It would be difficult to pull off, but it could even be 3-dimensional at that point! That would rock so hard. Just use the skin as a frame of reference for creating the giant cutout, print the skin on some huge paper, cut/paste/tape/build a stand!
I think you are over-thinking it. 8 bit character... do you think it would be recognizable?
I was thinking it can't be an actual cut-out. There are going to be so many who will want to sign it. There has to be quite a bit of white space so people can put their John Hancock down.
Maybe we'll just use floating head and shoulders, do something creative, make a floating city island out him. And I've used a company called c-4 Designs for posters and vinyl. Could be a cheap thing to do.
we have a shop in our mall that sells standees, and when i was there a couple weeks ago they had edward cullen in the window with counselor troy. i'll call them tomorrow and see about wesley.
Staxeon on
Invisible nap is the best nap of all time!
No man should have that kind of power.(Twitter)
If somebody can get a standee brought to PAX, we should have it set up in Bandland and have everybody sign it, then send it to Wil.
This is the best idea I have ever heard.
There will Wil's customary booth in Bandland... and behind it will just be the cardboard cutout, standing there, beaming, maybe with a PAX Scarf wrapped around it.
Then, instead of lining up to get Wil Wheaton to sign stuff, we can have lines to sign Wil Wheaton.
Oh my goodness the awesome of this is making my head spin.
So it is written, so shall it be!
or in proper terms, So Say We All
Consider the petition begun!!! SO SAY WE ALL!!
(I prefer the Crusher/Scarf combo- that Aeofel idea was a nice touch. Not a big fan of the 8-bit)
we have a shop in our mall that sells standees, and when i was there a couple weeks ago they had edward cullen in the window with counselor troy.
Oh gosh, that seems so...wrong! Or oddly apropos, depending on your take on that series. Anywho. *crosses fingers in the hopes that a cardboard Wesley is in existence*
Ixmasat on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2011
Okay, here's the word. There will be a standee at East. It won't be for us to sign though. It's the w00tstick standee and can't be defaced. However, we have been permitted to make our own to standee/sign and send to him. So, commence with the planning.
Okay, here's the word. There will be a standee at East. It won't be for us to sign though. It's the w00tstick standee and can't be defaced. However, we have been permitted to make our own to standee/sign and send to him. So, commence with the planning.
Nice! It needs to be huge though if we are ALL going to sign it.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2011
We should also plan to have a ream or more of paper available for people to sign if the standee gets completely covered. Also, it doesn't have to be a standee, it could just be a big poster or sign of some sort. Anybody have any good ideas?
I'd be willing to take this ball and run with it. I'm local to the venue so I could get it there before the masses converge.
I'm fine with fronting the cost for the standee and will take donations if others are interested. We just need to find a good pic of him to use (preferably with plenty of light space and no black for maximum scribble room.)
Moe, should I start a separate thread about this?
slamonella on
Some people are like Slinkies. They have no practical use whatsoever,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
If anyone has come across a good pic to use, please post it here.
slamonella on
Some people are like Slinkies. They have no practical use whatsoever,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2011
Here are the highest res images of Wil that I could find through google
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2011
An alternate option to signing a standee. We could make cards for each person or group of people to sign, or one huge card for everybody to sign near the actual standee. The card(s) would still have his picture on it in some way, but it frees us up in the type of picture that is used.
Here are the highest res images of Wil that I could find through google
Yeah, I spent a while looking last night but anything with high enough resolution is either dark or not a head-to-toe shot so they're less than ideal. I may have to go to plan b and contact him directly for a promo shot or something.
slamonella on
Some people are like Slinkies. They have no practical use whatsoever,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
Oh man, if we could add another level of recursion to this picture... we should get it on the front of a greeting card, and then give it to the standup to hold, and then take a picture of it.
If only he had his usual smile in the pic with the scarf. I think it would be better to have the Wheaton smile than the PAX scarf given the choice.
And I don't know about never-ending, but 6 - 8 feet, and a whole lot of space on the back-side too. Would have to limit people to just their names, no personal notes. Maybe a quick small sketch if someone thinks that would identify themselves.
Is there an estimation on how many people would sign it? A majority of people who show up? 50,000 people? 25,000? 70,000?
I have an inquiry in to the man himself to see if he has an epic photo he would like used. I have ho idea how many people will want to sign it, but I think signatures only is a good idea. Even very small sketches would eat the space too much. Perhaps a sketch book in addition to the standee for folks who wanted to write something more than a signature or draw something?
A banner or scroll might be an interesting alternative but that would take up a lot of space and require babysitting.
Keep ideas coming folks!!!
slamonella on
Some people are like Slinkies. They have no practical use whatsoever,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Some people are like Slinkies. They have no practical use whatsoever,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
This must happen. Just tossing in my support for it.
I see what you did there.
In all seriousness, I was hoping for a chance to apologize for accidentally skeeving out Mr. Wheaton after East last year. Oh well, there's always next year. Although, waiting two years to remind someone of what is most likely a complete non-event might look kinda odd.
Think I'll just let that go...
Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
This is an excellent idea!
I love the standee/poster idea. i'll keep an eye out for it all weekend.
The Aeofel mention is cool too, though it doesn't really say anything of PAX. The OP should add a poll to the topic, if it can be modified in such a way?
Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
I considered using these guys for my high school reunion.
If we/someone has to go all arts-and-craftsy on this, an 8-bit Cardboard Wheaton is probably the easiest option. Maybe? I'm still hoping that this will, a)get approval and, b)that one of us can find a way to procure/fabricate a standee.
EDIT: Heh, the Justin Bieber w/ a Wil head attached is a pretty funny idea.
EDIT: Also, I agree that the 8 bit Wheaton idea is awesome, if someone had the skills of an artist to do it.
Ideally, perhaps combining both: an 8-bit Wesley Crusher in 8-bit Star Trek: TNG uniform. That would rock.
Or perhaps a cutout of a Minecraft character skinned to look like Wesley Crusher in a TNG uniform? It would be difficult to pull off, but it could even be 3-dimensional at that point! That would rock so hard. Just use the skin as a frame of reference for creating the giant cutout, print the skin on some huge paper, cut/paste/tape/build a stand!
... I may be overthinking this.
I was thinking it can't be an actual cut-out. There are going to be so many who will want to sign it. There has to be quite a bit of white space so people can put their John Hancock down.
Maybe we'll just use floating head and shoulders, do something creative, make a floating city island out him. And I've used a company called c-4 Designs for posters and vinyl. Could be a cheap thing to do.
No man should have that kind of power.(Twitter)
Consider the petition begun!!! SO SAY WE ALL!!
(I prefer the Crusher/Scarf combo- that Aeofel idea was a nice touch. Not a big fan of the 8-bit)
Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
Oh gosh, that seems so...wrong! Or oddly apropos, depending on your take on that series. Anywho. *crosses fingers in the hopes that a cardboard Wesley is in existence*
Nice! It needs to be huge though if we are ALL going to sign it.
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
I'm fine with fronting the cost for the standee and will take donations if others are interested. We just need to find a good pic of him to use (preferably with plenty of light space and no black for maximum scribble room.)
Moe, should I start a separate thread about this?
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
fair warning, I have no idea how good they are
Serious hack job in removing the lanyard...
Oh man, if we could add another level of recursion to this picture... we should get it on the front of a greeting card, and then give it to the standup to hold, and then take a picture of it.
Why does this company even EXIST?! How do they stay in business?!? XD
If we do get a standup, can we get him a PAX scarf and a laynard? People can leave pins and trading cards for him that way.
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
And I don't know about never-ending, but 6 - 8 feet, and a whole lot of space on the back-side too. Would have to limit people to just their names, no personal notes. Maybe a quick small sketch if someone thinks that would identify themselves.
Is there an estimation on how many people would sign it? A majority of people who show up? 50,000 people? 25,000? 70,000?
A banner or scroll might be an interesting alternative but that would take up a lot of space and require babysitting.
Keep ideas coming folks!!!
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.