Hey all,
In my hotel now. This is not only my first PAX, but my first convention of any kind. I have a handful of questions if you kind folk wouldn't mind soothing some concerns

1. I'd very much like to make the Keynote tomorrow, and my plan was to arrive at the BCEC right when it opens at 8am, but now I'm getting mixed signals from various posts and am worried that even 8am might not be early enough? Am I just misreading things, or should I try to arrive even earlier? I'm not overly concerned about getting optimal seating. As long as I get into the Keynote I'll be happy.
2. I can grab a lanyard for my badge at the show, correct?
3. I'm pretty sure this doesn't need to be asked, but are there any restrictions on bags/backpacks at the show and/or in theatres? I'd like to have my backpack with me at all times with my DS, camera, and room for anything I might pick up during the show.
Thanks in advance to anyone who answers my questions here. I'm an anxious fella

Excited for PAX, but I'll always find something to worry about!
2. lanyards will be handed out as you enter the convention.
3. not sure on BCEC's policies but assuming they are no different from those at the Hyne's there should be no problem as far as bag's go. otherwise there's gonna be an awful lot of angry geeks since most(if not all) will have a bag of some sort.
Thanks for answering!