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Favorite Game/Favorite Panel

Defleshed666Defleshed666 Registered User regular
edited March 2011 in PAX Archive
How bout it? What was the best game you played and what was your favorite panel you attended?

Im gonna go with: Favorite game: Gears of War 3/El Shaddai.

Favorite Panel: Video Games Antique Roadshow/Bill Amend

Defleshed666 on


  • _Cowsvils__Cowsvils_ Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite game: Bastion

    Favorite Panel: Rooster Teeth was good, I also liked the Escapist Movie Night (Yeah, it was kinda jerry rigged, but I'm a fanboy what can I say?)

    _Cowsvils_ on
  • Defleshed666Defleshed666 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Bastion looked seriously excellent. My friend played it but I did not. But im for sure going to get it when its available!

    Defleshed666 on
  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Indie game: Orcs Must Die

    Favorite Game: L.A. Noire

    Favorite panel .. Major Nelson LIVE podcast taping.

    Did not hit may panels as I was more concerned about seeing games and the lines took forever.

    Sepioth on
  • HeadhunterHeadhunter Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favourite Game: BattleBlock Theater
    Favourite Panel: The "Other" Us

    Headhunter on
    "Perception is reality." -unknown
  • _Cowsvils__Cowsvils_ Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Bastion looked seriously excellent. My friend played it but I did not. But im for sure going to get it when its available!

    To qualify, I didn't spend a whole lot of time on the show floor. However, the storytelling in it is positively brilliant in how it seamlessly blends with gameplay, although the combat isn't particularly unique.

    Child of Eden was good too, although not overwhelmingly awesome like I thought it would be (not enough going on to keep me engrossed.

    _Cowsvils_ on
  • Defleshed666Defleshed666 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    i did dig the on the fly narration quite a bit. really added to it.

    Defleshed666 on
  • PanzerkampfPanzerkampf Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: Brink for core games, Risk Factions for casual.

    Favorite Panel: I only went to the musical guest panel so...the musical guest panel?

    Panzerkampf on
  • DeefuzzDeefuzz Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: L.A. Noire

    Favorite Panel: Videogame Antiques Roadshow

    Deefuzz on
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  • xDerekRxxDerekRx Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: L.A. Noire because they walked through a case (runner up Vamp Dishwasher Smile because the creater played co-op with me)

    Favorite Panel: Video Game Antiques Roadhshow (because im a huge game trader/seller/collector myself) - (runner up Xplay Live taping, been watching that show since TechTV)

    xDerekRx on
  • _Cowsvils__Cowsvils_ Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    i did dig the on the fly narration quite a bit. really added to it.

    Indeed, somehow the contrast with the art style worked really well too.

    _Cowsvils_ on
  • Defleshed666Defleshed666 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    i couldnt believe the line for antiques road show! glad that many people shared interest!

    Defleshed666 on
  • THRASHATTACKTHRASHATTACK Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game (The I got to play): Gears of War 3. Mortal Kombat was also great.
    Panel: Videogame Antiques Roadshow. X-Play Live surprisingly amused me though.

  • xDerekRxxDerekRx Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    i couldnt believe the line for antiques road show! glad that many people shared interest!

    I had planned forever to bring 2 of my incredibly rare items to be appraised but I thought not to. However now I wish I had. Next year I will for sure.

    As a big Ebay collector/trader myself some of the stuff I saw was more common that anything.

    I knew 100% at least one person would show Panzer Saga for Saturn. Was almost a guarantee in my mind.

    The NES prototype was very cool to see as well.

    xDerekRx on
  • undeadundead Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite game: DYAD, although the archery game on the 3DS (simple, pure fun to play) is a close runner-up.

    Favorite panel: N/A. I spent the con demoing in open gaming, so there wasn't any time to attend a panel.

    I did, however, get up to ACAM, and had a few rounds with Burgertime. Congrats to whoever was playing Dragon's Lair on Sunday that made it all the way to the end.

    undead on
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  • EclibullEclibull Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: Guild Wars 2 (which I knew was going to win this before hand)

    Favorite Non-GW2 Game: Firefall. A game I hadn't even heard about but decided to give a shot after missing out on the TOR line. It is fantastic. It would be a fantastic full retail game even though it's going to be a free-download-free-to-play. Main reason is just how much the combat felt like the original Tribes. Best feeling jetpack since the Tribes series for sure.

    Honorable mention goes to Trenched (for being really fun) and the 3DS (at the Capcom booth, for actually working).

    Only panel I went to was the GW2 one. I was stressing too much about my schedule so I tossed it out on the first day and decided to focus on the floor.

    Eclibull on
    Xbox Live, Steam, PSN: Eclibull
  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    My favorite panel was the Video Games Antiques Road Show too. I almost expected that the room would be half empty and was really pleased at the reception and the cool stuff people brought. They could have made that twice as long and I would have been happy.

    Trion on
  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I loved the graphics and the gameplay of Bastion - and I dug the voiceover script. I HATED the voice itself. It was too Duke Nukem for the game for me. It stood out like a sore thumb and got really old really quickly. I wish they could rework it with the same nicely done scripting but a less booming voice.

    Lindsay Lohan on
  • DeefuzzDeefuzz Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Trion wrote: »
    My favorite panel was the Video Games Antiques Road Show too. I almost expected that the room would be half empty and was really pleased at the reception and the cool stuff people brought. They could have made that twice as long and I would have been happy.

    I agree completely, I wasn't expecting that much interest in it, and I really wish they had more time than an hour. I hope it comes back next year and I really hope they make it longer. Such a great panel! Kudos to all involved!

    Deefuzz on
    [ Web: Twitter | Blog ]
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  • RegimentRegiment Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: Revolution (board game) / MTG (never played except at PAX East 2010)
    Favorite Event: Saturday concerts
    Favorite Panel: Escapist Q&A/ LoadingReadyRun

    Regiment on
    I never lose, I just win sideways.
  • feitocomfrutafeitocomfruta Denver, Colorado, USARegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: LA Noire, because it seriously makes me sadpanda that I have waited this long for an XBox

    Favorite Panel: The LoadingReadyRun SUPERPANEL, so named because they had a panel, an hour break, and the screening in the same room, so they asked the Enforcers if it would be okay to just camp out the whole time, making a one hour panel into a 4 and a half hour superpanel of awesome.

    feitocomfruta on
  • grkpektisgrkpektis Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Fvorite game- SW TOR (played as the bounty hunter in early levels)
    favorite panel- mega64

    grkpektis on
  • territoiresterritoires Upstate NYRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favourite Game: Munchkin. Was introduced by a new friend, and am now dying to play it again.

    Favourite Indie: Warp. French people making games kept me double-entertained.

    Favourite Panel: The Giant Bomb panel was good, although they had sound issues meaning that you could not hear most of what happened until we managed to move a bit closer to the front.

    territoires on
    I write about games on a few websites.
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  • Defleshed666Defleshed666 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Did any of you attend the retronauts panel? I was a tad dissappointed at the brevity of it but I understand the time constraint. I was hoping they would focus more on the 20th anniversary of the snes.

    Defleshed666 on
  • DeliciousTacosDeliciousTacos Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite game: The BSG boardgame, which I played for the first time and immediately bought
    Favorite panel: Both the Kurtz & Straub panels. Sublime.

    DeliciousTacos on
  • D Versus AD Versus A Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: Mortal Kombat ( I get memories of all nighters on MK3)

    Favorite Panel: Rooster Teeth

    Runner up game: Children of Eden

    D Versus A on
    Friend: Wow..what happened to him?
    Me: He dun goofed.
    Friend: .........What?
  • ukiyo eukiyo e Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: Child of Eden (I need a kinect now)
    Favorite Panel: Didn't see any panels, but I'd say the Protomen set was my favorite activity outside of the show floor and free play. So epic.

    ukiyo e on
  • RevGutterRevGutter Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    didnt get to try too many games. Fallen Frontier was great though

    favorite panel: hands down the pax musical guest panel. Protomen were hilarious and what wont Jonathan Coulton do for $20?

    RevGutter on
  • OcTavius12OcTavius12 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Mega 64 and talking classics (until it ended)

    OcTavius12 on
  • BadonkadonkBadonkadonk Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Best game (not just my favorite game, but the BEST game): Child of Eden

    Rez is more or less my favorite game ever, so when I went on Sunday and the doors opened I power walked straight to that booth. It was so awesome that I got in line immediately to play again, and after the 3pm raffle they said that the game's creator might be there in about an hour, so I went back and played again while waiting for him (he didn't come). I have a PS3 but I'm putting serious thought into getting a 360 and a Kinect for Child of Eden (pointing at the screen with move controllers won't be as natural an experience and I'm pretty sure that Child of Eden will be the last videogame I'll ever need anyway)

    Second favorite: Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    I'm addicted to The Mercenaries in RE5 and the addition of things like being able to run while you reload make the game feel much faster.

    Badonkadonk on
  • Defleshed666Defleshed666 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Man, i feel like i walked the whole expo floor 15 times and you all keep posting shit i didnt even know was there! Damn PAX was awesome!

    Defleshed666 on
  • THRASHATTACKTHRASHATTACK Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    totally forgot about the Rage panel. I can't wait to play that one!!

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: Child of Eden
    Runner Up: Kid Icarus for 3DS because the 3D works

    Favorite Panel: Make a Strip
    Favorite Non-PA Panel: Pitch Your Game Idea

    nevermore13 on
  • ErickaJoErickaJo MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite game: Ehhh, didn't really play a whole lot of games (bad!) that I didn't already know. Burn in Hell was fun. Whack a Catgirl and SPANC were both awesome.

    Panel: Parsely Games was a frickin blast. I got Action Castle and it's sequel because of it. Can't wait to run it. But I can't decide if I liked that better than the reverse Q&A with the Harmonix team. That was a fantastic panel on community in disguise. A big thank you to everyone who worked on each panel.

    ErickaJo on
  • BursegSardaukarBursegSardaukar Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Fav Games: Me and my buddies played the crap outta Snake361. It's mind blowing how addictive the classics can be. Also, Toy Soldiers: Cold War was amazing!

    Panel: Keith Apicary (despite being kicked out), followed closely by Rooster Teeth.

    BursegSardaukar on
  • rubywingsrubywings Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: LA Noire
    Favorite Panel: DEFINITELY the musical guests - and I didn't even want to go x.x Mega64's panel was amazing, as well, just because of the two new videos the debuted.

    rubywings on
  • LanderolinLanderolin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Favorite Game: gotta be Portal 2, looking forward to that so much.

    Favorite Indie: Snapshot seems like a great game, be interesting to see if they can extend it out to a full product or just a XBLA/PSN curio

    Favorite Panel: by a mile, the Musical Guests panel. Hightlights were the Commander storming out when he heard there were nerds in the room (who else wanted that door to be alarmed? :p), Paul and Storm giving that guy $40 for "What Wouldn't Jonathan Coulton Do For $20 is the name of my Paul and Storm cover band" and the reaction when Metroid Metal finally got asked a question... superb. Quote - "I always knew I was going to lose control of this panel, I just didn't think it would be because of the audience"

    Landerolin on
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  • chenry888chenry888 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Game: MTG

    Panel: An Evening with Day[9] and Husky

    chenry888 on
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