Alright guys, I know last minute.
But I have got a job interview tomorrow morning. And as such, I need help picking out the clothing!!
I have narrowed it down to two options.
Option #1
Option #2
A few things to keep in mind. This is a call center position, but no idea what their clothing requirements are.
Providing on the weather, I will be walking back to the bus stop after the interview, which is a good 1.5k and then another 800m from the end bus stop to the house. so comfort is a fairly important thing.
Yes I have shoes. And jewelry and makeup.
If you need to do so much walking, be sure to bring comfortable shoes! If you want, you could carry your dress shoes (if you do not have nice looking comfortable walking shoes) in a bag or something and just change when you get there.
Alright, that's like 6 votes for #1 from everybody that i've asked.
hair will be down, maybe with some small barettes, and curly as I don't have a straightening iron with me yet.
light makeup, subtle earrings.
I got this.
thanks guys, I was kinda panicking
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
It depends, though, as because option 1 more fits "shirt and tie" and option 2 is more "polo and khakis." The colors will make you stand out more in the interview.
#1 is more professional, but yeah, it doesn't fit you quite right.
Belts are good because it creates a visual 'break'.
Oh, maybe too late. Let us know how it went!
i'm glad I rechecked this morning.
Now I get to be indecisive again.
I'll let you guys know how it goes!
ohgod help me.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Ended up wearing....
(get ready for it...)
Well, we'd act as a clearing house to distribute the funds as needed. And posting is thirsty work, so an 80% beer/booze fund would be required.
Good luck!
Wore the multi-colored shirt, mainly because I don't need anything to make me look bigger than I am.
good thing too!
As I was waiting for the interview to start i realized that by wearing said shirt, I matched the company logo. almost exactly!
Interview went well, so far as I could tell. I'll hear back by Friday whether they want me to come back next week for a 2nd interview with the office manager!
Thanks for your help in my moment of fashion crisis!
(even better news, it looks like there's a company issued shirt to be worn, and the bottoms can be whatever you want! SCORE!)
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Interview went stellar.
However, due to my visa status, I am not quite kiwi enough (my words not theirs) that they won't hire me.
When I become more permanently Visa'd, I should feel free to reapply and they will consider my application once again, should they still have openings.
Thanks for your advice guys! I think the clothes really helped atleast get the interview part. the rest of it, well, not much to be done for it yet.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Strange they would have you come in if they knew your status. I'm guessing it was part of the application? Is it on your resume/CV?
Be sure to send a thank you note, and keep in touch with the manager. Depending on when you'll grow full kiwi fuzz, I might send a note every month or so just checking in with them. If they don't have a spot in their department, they may know something else in the company.