ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited April 2011
Anybody going to Epic Game Day at AFK Tavern on the 30th? There's a number of tabletop, mtg, and other games being ran by various people including WotC staff, it's a lot of fun.
Reservations just opened. I signed up for a D&D game and will probably be there regardless, hope to see some of you guys around too.
Speaking of AFK, they're having a Zombie night on the 23rd, if that interests anybody. I'll be there that night, but for other reasons.
Possibility of me being in Seattle by June if my transfer comes through for work. Not exactly sure when I will be arriving though, but I am totally interested in BBQ if I am up there by the 11th. I may even bring some Texas BBQ with.
I'll wait to RSVP when I know for sure when I will be up there.
So if the weather turns out to be ultra shit (it was one year, was kind of balls) I may do a last minute swap for this to be at my house, I could put a cover over my deck so we could BBQ in the rain.
Be sure to check this thread the day before the BBQ so we have a good idea on the weather.
So far we are 3-1 for the weather being good (I think it was 2008 with the shitty weather) so with any luck it will continue to be decent weather on this weekend.
It was most defiantly 2008 that was the shit weather. It was my first time going. Managed to bring a cover for one of the tables.
Anybody going to Epic Game Day at AFK Tavern on the 30th? There's a number of tabletop, mtg, and other games being ran by various people including WotC staff, it's a lot of fun.
Reservations just opened. I signed up for a D&D game and will probably be there regardless, hope to see some of you guys around too.
I've put in a reservation request. I've still not been to the place (stuff pops up whenever friends have suggested it) so will be nice to see.
4.27 // Destruction, Heathen, Scorched-Earth, Warbeast @ Studio Seven
4.28 // Aseethe, Gladiators Eat Fire, Sacrament Ov Impurity, Blood Hunger @ 2Bit
4.29 // Sedna, Gravenloch, BaaL Beryth @ Galway Arms (Really good local bands; I've seen them already, but they worth going to again!)
5.11 // Anhedonist, Ealdath @ Mercury
5.13 // Sepultura, Belphegor, Hate, Keep Of Kalessin, Neuraxis, Bonded By Blood @ El Corazon (In for Belphegor and Keep mostly!)
There's a few more...but if someone is interested in them, let me know if you want to meet up! I am mostly interested in black metal, doom/sludge, and some tech death. I'm sure there are gamer-metalheads out there.
Jesus Christ....did all of those bands pick their names with a naming generator?
No, they are just trying really hard. :P Metal aesthetics are not to be taken seriously....some people do. Regardless, I love every cheesy thing about it.
Come check it out, Linuxfest Northwest open source festival. Free beer (yes thats right, FREE BEER) Learn about free or inexpensive options that are out there for computers and industries.
April 30th - May 1st 10am to 5pm (that is THIS weekend)
Bellingham Technical College campus
japerry on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
Come check it out, Linuxfest Northwest open source festival. Free beer (yes thats right, FREE BEER) Learn about free or inexpensive options that are out there for computers and industries.
April 30th - May 1st 10am to 5pm (that is THIS weekend)
Bellingham Technical College campus
Oh, if only I had known about this. I still don't think I could get out of the two community events I'm doing this weekend, but I might have made an effort.
Guess I gotta keep lurking on the dev boards til next year.
because I'll be there helping produce a live show there. I hope a lot of you make it.
I signed up for a couple events, but never got a confirmation. I'll still probably show up and hang out for a while though, because I'm there a lot anyway.
because I'll be there helping produce a live show there. I hope a lot of you make it.
I signed up for a couple events, but never got a confirmation. I'll still probably show up and hang out for a while though, because I'm there a lot anyway.
I JUST got my confirmation a day ago despite signing up weeks ago. And even if they haven't gotten to you, ya, still show up. I'm sure there will be plenty of on-the-spot stuff, and ppl to talk to. And hey, it's only a drive to Everett.
emimonster on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited April 2011
I recently lived about a 5 minute drive from there actually, and have been a regular at AFK since the very day it opened. I'm not too far now, but I still go when I can, especially when I know most of the staff fairly well including a buddy of mine who works there.
I recently lived about a 5 minute drive from there actually, and have been a regular at AFK since the very day it opened. I'm not too far now, but I still go when I can, especially when I know most of the staff fairly well including a buddy of mine who works there.
He was our waiter when we were there last :P
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited April 2011
Yeah so I heard, I already moved at that point and didn't have a vehicle otherwise I would have stopped by. You should let us know next time you find yourself there.
Also, if you're planning a LAN any time within the next couple months, don't pick the weekend of June 18th. I'm planning a big one. xD
Still haven't worked around the paypal issues... working on it (possibly for June ill be ready)
So to break back into doing LANs again... We are doing a LANlite. By that I mean I will be providing nothing for the LAN. NOTHING I TELLS YA
Other than the space, power, facilities, BBQ, and beer that is.
I'm sure we can all pool together to go in on a dinner, or people can fend for themselves. ill have a BBQ gassed up and available.
Heres the skinny.
$10 + a 12pack or so of pop or water to share
If this is successful and there aren't a lot of noshows I might try it again. Depends how flaky people are.
Maximum of 28 people.
Usual house party rules apply:
(no getting sick, you want access to liquor stash you donate a bottle to the stash, no being stupid, no showing up sick), Beer out of kegerator $2 per pint donation.
I would like to RSVP for both the OMGWTFBBW, and BigRed's lan party.
Also!!! Could anyone give me a ride to-from Red's lanparty? I live in lower queen anne by the space needle.
Sweet, new peoples
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
I will be at the LAN for sure. I have two jobs now which means yay monies, and I shouldn't have a problem getting the weekend off either.
I also may have a +1 if that's cool (he's not on the forums but has been to your LAN's before).
Unrelated, anybody going to the Symphony X / Powerglove show on Friday?
Has anyone tried the new Card Kingdom gaming store and pub in Ballard? No website for the storefront yet, but it looks like they opened this week. If you've been - how does it compare to the AFK? Good spot for a forumer meetup?
Has anyone tried the new Card Kingdom gaming store and pub in Ballard? No website for the storefront yet, but it looks like they opened this week. If you've been - how does it compare to the AFK? Good spot for a forumer meetup?
I think Mike (Gabe) posted/tweeted about it recently, saying it was awesome, so we might have to check it out some time. I'm a regular at AFK and know a good portion of the staff very well, so I'd have to hang out at the new place for a while before I could even consider it being better, but I would like to check it out.
Reservations just opened. I signed up for a D&D game and will probably be there regardless, hope to see some of you guys around too.
Speaking of AFK, they're having a Zombie night on the 23rd, if that interests anybody. I'll be there that night, but for other reasons.
I'll wait to RSVP when I know for sure when I will be up there.
XBLA: Pythos07
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
I've put in a reservation request. I've still not been to the place (stuff pops up whenever friends have suggested it) so will be nice to see.
4.27 // Destruction, Heathen, Scorched-Earth, Warbeast @ Studio Seven
4.28 // Aseethe, Gladiators Eat Fire, Sacrament Ov Impurity, Blood Hunger @ 2Bit
4.29 // Sedna, Gravenloch, BaaL Beryth @ Galway Arms (Really good local bands; I've seen them already, but they worth going to again!)
5.11 // Anhedonist, Ealdath @ Mercury
5.13 // Sepultura, Belphegor, Hate, Keep Of Kalessin, Neuraxis, Bonded By Blood @ El Corazon (In for Belphegor and Keep mostly!)
There's a few more...but if someone is interested in them, let me know if you want to meet up! I am mostly interested in black metal, doom/sludge, and some tech death. I'm sure there are gamer-metalheads out there.
No, they are just trying really hard. :P Metal aesthetics are not to be taken seriously....some people do. Regardless, I love every cheesy thing about it.
Come check it out, Linuxfest Northwest open source festival. Free beer (yes thats right, FREE BEER) Learn about free or inexpensive options that are out there for computers and industries.
April 30th - May 1st 10am to 5pm (that is THIS weekend)
Bellingham Technical College campus
Oh, if only I had known about this. I still don't think I could get out of the two community events I'm doing this weekend, but I might have made an effort.
Guess I gotta keep lurking on the dev boards til next year.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
because I'll be there helping produce a live show there. I hope a lot of you make it.
<+Djiem|HKO> Hello Kitty is brutal
<+Djiem|HKO> A starfish just raped my ass
<+Gilles> you deserved it
I signed up for a couple events, but never got a confirmation. I'll still probably show up and hang out for a while though, because I'm there a lot anyway.
I JUST got my confirmation a day ago despite signing up weeks ago. And even if they haven't gotten to you, ya, still show up. I'm sure there will be plenty of on-the-spot stuff, and ppl to talk to. And hey, it's only a drive to Everett.
He was our waiter when we were there last :P
Also, if you're planning a LAN any time within the next couple months, don't pick the weekend of June 18th. I'm planning a big one. xD
May 20th-22nd
Still haven't worked around the paypal issues... working on it (possibly for June ill be ready)
So to break back into doing LANs again... We are doing a LANlite. By that I mean I will be providing nothing for the LAN. NOTHING I TELLS YA
Other than the space, power, facilities, BBQ, and beer that is.
I'm sure we can all pool together to go in on a dinner, or people can fend for themselves. ill have a BBQ gassed up and available.
Heres the skinny.
$10 + a 12pack or so of pop or water to share
If this is successful and there aren't a lot of noshows I might try it again. Depends how flaky people are.
Maximum of 28 people.
Usual house party rules apply:
2: Ris3nda3mon
3: Avian
4: Snickers
5: Nullthread
6: darc
7: Smalllady
8: Wedge
9: UberBeth
10: mateo
11: nianiania
12: Sesh
13: Coldbrew
14: catboy
15: Azazel
16: Darc +1
17: dya
18: SSTwinrova
19: Pinder
20: Lord Moon
21: Jaiden
22: Wormdundee
23: Heleor
24: oxfroggy
25: munkyboy
26: North
27: Cronus
28: ashex
For people who dont know, crash space is available. I have 7 sumos in the house plus a lot of floorspace. Bring towel/blanket/pillow.
I'll give you some cash, but I don't think I can come. My wife's birthday is that weekend and we have all weekend plans. I will pitch in, though.
Also, I could help out with cooking or anything like that. :>
Also!!! Could anyone give me a ride to-from Red's lanparty? I live in lower queen anne by the space needle.
Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
Sweet, new peoples
I also may have a +1 if that's cool (he's not on the forums but has been to your LAN's before).
Unrelated, anybody going to the Symphony X / Powerglove show on Friday?
Yeah, I know there's no *need*, but since I'm so badass and I want to make sure your shit is covered...I'm going to do it anyhow.
So put a sock in it, princess. :P
Next time, though, next time.
Coming from downtown, anyone driving from near there?
I think Mike (Gabe) posted/tweeted about it recently, saying it was awesome, so we might have to check it out some time. I'm a regular at AFK and know a good portion of the staff very well, so I'd have to hang out at the new place for a while before I could even consider it being better, but I would like to check it out.
I think we should plan some sort of meetup. Also, I'm down for Recon Assistance!