So my roommates and I are having a problem right now.
Neighborhood Kids.
They have been playing in our front yard which I really don't mind. My roommate asked them not to because he was actually sued by a parent once when their kid got hurt on his lawn, even though the kid was there without permission. Once burned, and all that.
So a few months ago we put up lights on the path to the driveway. The solar ones that aren't very bright but they look nice. We came home one day to find a broken one laying down. We asked about it, but of course no one knew anything.
We look outside today and find all the lights on the ground. This time they're not broken, but just pulled up. One of the little shitfuckers has a sledgehammer and is breaking rocks on the road. The other has a hammer and is pounding against the concrete trying to break off pieces for the sledgehammer kid.
So my roommate's wife nicely asks them what happened to the lights. They, naturally, play innocent. So she goes back inside and comes out - ready to leave to pick her husband up. One of the little shitsacks was RIGHT in our front flower garden set against the house, removing rocks to break with the sledgehammer.
I've been watching out the window and saw one of them pull the lights out
not twenty minutes after my buddy's wife put them back in.
WHAT THE FUCK?? The thing that pisses me off is that our immediate next-door neighbor happens to be a nurse at one of the ER's where I regularly bring patients. She had the gall to tell me a few days ago "Well, if you didn't want to move into a neighborhood with kids you sure picked the wrong one." like it is our fucking fault her little bastard sons of bitches don't respect other people's property. We have NO problem with kids being kids... playing and what not. There are twenty other yards in this neighborhood to play in (theirs, for isntance?)... and watch your goddamned kids! Don't just let them run amok.
The phrase "One understands why some animals eat their young" is most prevalent in my mind right now.
So SE++... make me feel better by sharing some of your shitty neighbor stories! Let me know I'm not alone in this fight.
That said, my neighbor is awesome.
[tiny]please don't send me to jail [/tiny]
Shoot them.
always playing on the fucking road
I mean they don't damage anyone's property, they're just annoying
What shits me is all the damn signs around the neighborhood telling motorists to slow down and look out for kids.
How about "Don't play in the street because there are cars driving on it"
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Daric: If I thought I could get away with it...
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
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I would honestly call the police at that point Cog, they're tearing up people's property. That's money, time and labor being put into installing all that stone and the kids are just tearing it all up.
for real just "hey get off my damn lawn. leave" <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now! <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
i feel like booby-trapping houses is coming up a lot these days <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Edit: Vann Diras, not in Texas.
Yeah but what if they run home to mommy and cry real loud? And what if mommy has a lawyer.
Besides you're kind of half assing it there. If you're gonna scare the kids you might as well go all out.
Just shoot one of the kids in the leg and the parents will keep them from playing in your yard in the future.
By spook them I mean enough pain that they never do it again.
I feel like there was a comic who had a bit about sticking a fork in the outlet and the kid not doing it again. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Tell the mom, just say to her "listen, do you mind talking to your little fuckshit kids? We had a couple broken lights and other various things happen and we know it was them... they're kids and blah blah blah, I don't want to make a big deal out of it so if you could talk to them it would sure help" and if she drops another "kids will be kids, heck if I'm going to do anything to discipline them" then put bear traps on your lawn
I had an experience last week with feeling like an old codger who hates fun and kids. I'm okay with kids being kids.
there was a birthday party or just some group of kids (pre-teens I think) at the climbing gym I go to. They weren't even fucking climbing. They were running all over the place, not paying attention to where they were going. Some of them would go into the bouldering room where I was and climb as high as they could just so they could jump off onto the crash pad. The thing that is there to protect people who are actually climbing. There is a walkway behind one of the bouldering walls you get to to climb down when you go over the top of a route. And they were just running back and forth on it. Then some of them decided to climb back there and then jump from the top of that to the pads. Which is kind of dangerous and just a bad idea.
Some of them decided to jump while a guy was climbing right beneath them. They could have seriously injured him.
I actually ended up falling on one of the little fuckers because they could not understand the concept of "don't play underneath the climbers"
I can't because the subdivision HOA forbids front lawn fences. I abhor HOA's, and the only reason I live in a place with one is because I can't really make modifications to this house since we are renting... and I don't have to pay the HOA fees.
But when I buy it will definitely not be in a place with an HOA.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
Bitching on the internet has never actually solved a problem like this.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Do you still have the receipt from the lights?
Make it known that if any more of them end up broken she'll be paying for their replacement.
Also the guy seems like a bit of a knob, he's got The Club for his dinged up Scion in one of the safest neighborhoods in Seattle. I just don't get it but I do wish his dogs would take a flying leap off a building.
Put up no trespassing signs as well.
maybe that's why he has the dogs
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
no no
take the chain off a chainsaw and fire it up
My dad always yelled at kids he caught in our yard using our swingset if me and my siblings weren't out there as well.
"We can't just tell one kid he can't play and let all of the others come over."
"Sure I can. Hey kid, get out."
Other than that just tried living next to an old lady who would knock on my door and ask me to turn the music down... Only thing was, there was no music :? I guess she was lonely ?
She was really odd though, also asked me not to park my Motorcycle near her entrance, because people might think she had male company... ? Sure.
Hope you solve your problem, being annoyed by people in your own home is frustrating and you just keep expecting the next time they piss you off.
I mean, kids are running around, midnight, during school nights, doing the disco yowl, over and over and over again. Like how birds talk (sing?) to each other, except more annoying.
In fact, after taping them surreptitiously, go out in the fucking yard and tape them openly. Don't say anything, just go out there and video tape them being shits. I bet they'll stop and ask what you're doing. Best thing to do is still not say anything (not illegal to videotape, after all, and it'll spook the piss out of them), or just tell them you're recording them for evidence.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Knock on their door.
"Your move"
unless you're within five thousand feet of a school, in which case it will be yours
Yes, I realize my grandparents were slightly overprotective of me.