[PRIME] Challenge Coins 2011 - for real now

Slipstream0Slipstream0 Registered User regular
edited October 2011 in PAX Archive

final design:
Just got off the phone with US challange coin. The die cast fee is 252.50, but we are collectiong $270 to cover paypal fees.
Chip-in towards the diecast fee here - Chip-In

Now for the bad news. These most likely will NOT be available before PAX :( They estimate about 1-1.5 weeks for the die-cast, and an additional 4 weeks for actual coin production, THEN they will be available to ship. We knew we were close to the wire, and while im dissapointed we wont have them at PAX, im VERY VERY happy with the coin we have made and it will be a nice present for myself to combat the Post Pax Blues. :)

So while we collect the diecast fee, they aslo asked that I get an estimate of how many coins will be purchased. Rather than go through the thread and see who said how many they would order (since feelings may change with the new timeframe) I have satup a google form. PLEASE - if you plan on ordering coins, post it there. I will be using these numbers to determine how many to order for the first (and hopefully only) batch and I dont want anyone to not get a coin because we have to order another batch just for a couple people. Coins should be running around $5, but this may vary based on how large of a batch we order, and wont have final prices untill the order URL is ready.

Google form for Challange Coins

Please remember, add your name and number of coins does NOT order your coin. When I have the order URL it will be posted, this is so I know a good estimate to give them when we pay for the die-cast fee.

final design:

Okay, we ironed out the details and were good to go this time :)

What we do:





It even goes with your other PAX stuff, see? As is evident from the image above, these fit right in with the rest of your PAX swag.

See, we even made some threads so we could all come together and make this happen!

The PAX East 2011 challenge coin forum thread:

PAX Prime 2010 challenge coin thread:

Well guess what? We're gonna do it again. Right here! Right in this thread. US!

So, traditionally speaking, this is how we've done it:

1.) Discuss possible designs for a period of time.
2.) Draft a design after a set period of time has passed.
3.) Finalize the design after a period of critiquing, then send to die maker for a die quote.
4.) Create a chip-in fund to... uhm, fund the production of the die. This usually comes out to $300+ (handled by PappaPrinny)
5.) Mint produces truckloads of them to feed our ravenous desire for soft, round pieces of metal.
6.) You buy them.
7.) Profit! For the coin makers, not for us.

Last time, we went with US Challenge Coins. Aside from being delayed by the Chinese new year, we ended up getting great service from these folks. So we're going to go with them again. If you have any doubts, just have a gander at their options:
For Prime 2010 it was antique brass. For East 2011 it was antique nickel.
Additional options (especially the 3D):

The best part: These guys will handle all the orders. They've dealt with us before, so they know we're a big customer when we decide to place an order! Odds are you'll be able to order the coin via their online store. Otherwise you'll just pester one of their sales reps.

Okay then! That pretty much covers all the basics. We need to DISCUSS THE DESIGN. In the past we have been plagued with timing problems, so we're not going to let it happen again this year. From this very day, we have a little less than ONE MONTH. By mid-July, we will need to have a design to send off to USCC. But we are the PAX community, so no worries! We've got this.

So far we have used landmarks on one side of the coin which represent whatever city PAX is being held in. On the other side, we tend to depict some element of the PAX experience. For Prime 2010 we chose the Space Needle/downtown Seattle and a hand holding a DS in the air as we all do during the concerts in place of a lighter. For East 2011 we chose a statue of Paul Revere with the Old North Church in the background, and the other side showcased different kinds of dice and some face-down cards for tabletop gaming. The challenge is thus: To change it up a little bit. Unless we can find anything else that represents Seattle as much as the Space Needle (ugh), we will probably want to go with that again. But we would like for it to be depicted differently than it was last year. And since we've covered the DS and tabletop dice/cards, we should probably go for some different imagery that is invocative of the PAX experience.

So! As a conversation starter, does anyone have any imagery of the Space Needle that would look good on a coin face? How about some other Seattle landmark? Also, what kind of stuff makes PAX what it is for you? What defines your PAX experience? What did you see/experience at PAX last year that you can't experience anywhere else?

PappaPrinny will be handing the art design again this year, but we still need input! this is YOUR COIN.

The ball is in our court, guys! Let's talk about coins!

Moe Fwacky on


  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    A. Isn't it still cutting it close? Even if you do get the one month mark, USCC gotta cast, produce, and ship! - I was right you were wrong :P jkjk... but yeah.. it was cutting it really close.

    B. I WANT ONE!

    C. I WANT ONE!

    D. As for a design, is it going to be completely different? Perhaps try incorporating some shtuff from the PAX forumers logo? Oh, and bring back the awesome side texture, I didn't really like the smooth sides on the East one, the ridges along side the Prime one gave it that extra coin touch!

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • Slipstream0Slipstream0 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    A) Yes, it is sadly cutting it close, but tis better to have a coin late, than no coin at all (in my opinion). Should still be doable though.

    B) Me too :)

    C) Still me too! :D

    D) The city scape will most likely be similar unless we come up with something else to represent Seattle besides the space needle. The other side though is totally open for suggestions.

    Slipstream0 on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited June 2011
    well there have been mobile games (prime 2010), and now dice/cards (east 2011).

    Maybe a detailed console controller? I think a Wavebird would be pretty great.

    zerzhul on
  • SpaceGhost2KSpaceGhost2K Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    What is the cost per coin once the die has been paid for?

    SpaceGhost2K on
  • MaetrixMaetrix Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    (Pssst, second link is broken should link to here)

    I'm terribly excited about this ever since my wife came home with the 2010 coin. Perhaps use the coin to honour the roll of the Enforcer in some way? An omeganaut?

    I also found this handy list of compiled landmarks for Seattle

    How about known-past venue spots. This will be my first year, but I love collecting coins so I am really looking forward to whatever gets decided.

    Perhaps a montage of gaming devices/consoles (PC, Atari, etc)

    Just my 2¢ to get some ideas rolling...


    Maetrix on
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    PAX2012 STATUS:"Is it too soon yet?!"
  • 61Ranchero61Ranchero Registered User regular
    edited June 2011

    1. City imagery: Pike Place market, Seattle Bridge troll
    2. Obverse: A ring of Wii, 360 and PS3 controller? (might be too much to integrate). As mentioned, tabletops been done, mobiles been done, go for console or PC.
    3. Love pacman, but how about something new? Mario chasing barrels with his hammer?

    61Ranchero on
  • Kilo147Kilo147 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I got something that represents Seattle, and presumably PAX, if the main theatre is where it rumored to be.


    And the Convention Center is right behind it. I'm sure I could get a picture with the Seattle skyline, the WSTCC, and the Paramount. Hell, we could even get something on the marquee of the Paramount for some extra detail. No matter, sign me up for a 2011 coin.

    Waaiiiit. Shadowrun takes place in Seattle. Could we do a post-apoc seattle? Like this http://i.imgur.com/Quj84.jpg Or this gem from the Fallout MMO, http://i.imgur.com/kOXuY.jpg. That would be pretty boss. I like the idea of post-apoc Seattle, although we may want to save that for PAX 2012.
    As for the obverse? Possibly an old Atari or NES? Colieco Vision? The ever hated Virtual Boy?
    Twin Zappers crossed like swords over a NES shield with a Track and Field mat with alternating Power Gloves, controllers, and ROB 64s to make it look like a coat of arms? Maybe just the crossed Zappers and NES shield?

    So it's not quite roof access, it's a few feet below in the penthouse. Either way, it's gonna be a hell of a shot if all works to plan. I'm gonna be there on Friday, and I'm gonna try to get a shot from the condos next door, Olive 8, just to complete the vertical. That's gonna be the hard part.

    Kilo147 on
    PAX '04
    PAX '11

    Tango down, Kilo147 out.
  • Sgt SupermanSgt Superman Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    zerzhul wrote: »
    well there have been mobile games (prime 2010), and now dice/cards (east 2011).

    Maybe a detailed console controller? I think a Wavebird would be pretty great.

    I agree with the console controller idea, but since we had Nintendo represented last year I vote for Xbox.

    I think the back of the coin should be left alone though, just change the date and call it good.

    Sgt Superman on
    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
  • qwhackerqwhacker Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kilo147 wrote: »
    Twin Zappers crossed like swords over a NES shield with a Track and Field mat with alternating Power Gloves, controllers, and ROB 64s to make it look like a coat of arms? Maybe just the crossed Zappers and NES shield?

    I like the crossed nes guns and shield. Simple is good.

    qwhacker on
  • JessperJessper Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I didn't participate in this last year (wasn't aware it existed!) but this is awesome. I'm going to be sure to be involved this year. I've been keeping my passes for the years that I've been going but a coin would be much better!

    Changing the back of the coin makes sense to me, even if it is the space needle still, but having the coins be custom for each year makes a lot of sense to me. If I manage to have multiple coins from this I would want the imagery to be different, even if the idea is the same.

    Jessper on
  • Slipstream0Slipstream0 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    What is the cost per coin once the die has been paid for?

    From what they have said, we will have a price per coin once we have a art sample.

    Slipstream0 on
  • thegh0ststhegh0sts Sydney, NSWRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    those coins look awesome!

    thegh0sts on
    Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
    Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
  • Kilo147Kilo147 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    qwhacker wrote: »
    Kilo147 wrote: »
    Twin Zappers crossed like swords over a NES shield with a Track and Field mat with alternating Power Gloves, controllers, and ROB 64s to make it look like a coat of arms? Maybe just the crossed Zappers and NES shield?

    I like the crossed nes guns and shield. Simple is good.
    Ladies and gentlemen, we found our back. Perhaps a red ring of death for the border, but make it all artsy?

    Kilo147 on
    PAX '04
    PAX '11

    Tango down, Kilo147 out.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited June 2011
    I wouldn't get any more complicated, I think the twin zappers and NES shield is *perfect* :P

    zerzhul on
  • Kilo147Kilo147 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Anyone want to do a mock up of the obverse? You know, the crossed Zappers with an NES as a shield side.
    My photoshop-fu is weak like button cell flashlight.

    Kilo147 on
    PAX '04
    PAX '11

    Tango down, Kilo147 out.
  • MaetrixMaetrix Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Sure, I'll do up a mockup..

    Maetrix on
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  • palmerpalmer Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Damn, crossed zappers is a good one.

    I was originally thinking sword and shield for the fantasy thing.
    Then laser-phaser and shield to get both fantasy and SF.

    But the Zapper. Totally iconic.

    It should be Link's shield if possible. I can't think of any other iconic shields.

    As for the pac-man chase around the outer edge, something to replace that.......

    What do people think of 8-Bit Theatre Black Mage doing a Hadoken?

    palmer on
  • MaetrixMaetrix Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I've done up a first draft using the elements request so far - let me know what (if anything) you would like add/remove/change:

    I've got no problem redoing this as many times as people want. I'm using a 2" circumference but other sizes are avail - it just changes the final price.


    Maetrix on
    Blog | Twitter | Raptr | BUTTONEER!
    PAX2012 STATUS:"Is it too soon yet?!"
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited June 2011
    yeah I wouldn't worry about it not being perfect, I think papaprinny is still planning on doing the final art since he's worked with what goes well and what doesn't on the coins in the past.

    as for that, I think it's a good start but too busy for a coin. The dog and grass can probably go, just leaving something simple

    zerzhul on
  • MaetrixMaetrix Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    zerzhul wrote: »
    yeah I wouldn't worry about it not being perfect, I think papaprinny is still planning on doing the final art since he's worked with what goes well and what doesn't on the coins in the past.

    as for that, I think it's a good start but too busy for a coin. The dog and grass can probably go, just leaving something simple

    Here's with the changes suggested:
    (Included a greyscale rendition as well)

    Maetrix on
    Blog | Twitter | Raptr | BUTTONEER!
    PAX2012 STATUS:"Is it too soon yet?!"
  • Kilo147Kilo147 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Maetrix wrote: »
    Here's with the changes suggested:
    (Included a greyscale rendition as well)

    Oh yeah. That is a sexy beast. In greyscale it just looks boss. There's just a few things...

    I'm thinking lose the PAX PRIME, there is no PAX PRIME on the old coins, just the latin encircling it. or just lose the PAX PRIME, cause the latin goes well on the outside, and I think that's a theme we need to keep.

    Kilo147 on
    PAX '04
    PAX '11

    Tango down, Kilo147 out.
  • afipanicafipanic Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kilo147 wrote: »
    I think that's a theme we need to keep.

    Agreed. I'll take 12.

    afipanic on
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  • MaetrixMaetrix Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kilo147 wrote: »
    Maetrix wrote: »
    Here's with the changes suggested:
    (Included a greyscale rendition as well)

    Oh yeah. That is a sexy beast. In greyscale it just looks boss. There's just a few things...

    I'm thinking lose the PAX PRIME, there is no PAX PRIME on the old coins, just the latin encircling it. or just lose the PAX PRIME, cause the latin goes well on the outside, and I think that's a theme we need to keep.

    No problem - I'm cool with themes. I'll touch it up and repost it.

    Any thoughts on other features of the coin (edging, plating etc?)

    Maetrix on
    Blog | Twitter | Raptr | BUTTONEER!
    PAX2012 STATUS:"Is it too soon yet?!"
  • Kilo147Kilo147 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Maetrix wrote: »

    No problem - I'm cool with themes. I'll touch it up and repost it.

    Any thoughts on other features of the coin (edging, plating etc?)

    One with the Link shield, and one with a NES replacing the shield, latin and pac-man border intact on both. I'll get a picture of the two PAX venues this year on Friday.

    Kilo147 on
    PAX '04
    PAX '11

    Tango down, Kilo147 out.
  • papaprinnypapaprinny Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I can see the Zelda shield being difficult to make out behind the zappers, and the wreaths probably wouldn't look all that great extending behind the zappers. It's a fine enough design if your aim is to enshrine the NES, but the problem is that it's a jumble of general symbols with only tangential relationships in any other context. Thing is, it isn't really PAX imagery: It's gaming imagery (says the guy who put dice and cards on the back of the East 2011 coin).
    PAX is a lot of things to a lot of people. For some people, it's not even ABOUT the videogames. They can play vidogames at home. They come for the EXPERIENCE; the novelty that is the atmosphere of PAX. The Prime 2010 coin hit the nail on the head for me: Never before PAX have I seen people hold up DSes and cell phones in a concert in place of lighters. This is a phenomenon that is unique to the nerd movement, its focal point being the PAX concerts. Therefore it was for me the ultimate symbolic representation of the PAX community while remaining simple and identifiable.
    So I'm going to take the high road and say that we will need to come up with some unique imagery that is highly evocative of the PAX experience, rather than things that compose small elements of the classic gaming lounge.

    I will pitch an idea of my own. What is one HIGHLY visible thing that PAX has that you don't see anywhere else?
    Come on. Say it with me.


    papaprinny on
  • palmerpalmer Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I don't think an Enforcer would be appropriate on a coin that goes to non-Enforcers

    If you want an iconic PAX image that's not gaming specific... well, what's the OTHER thing that's highly visible at PAX?

    LINES :)

    palmer on
  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I gots my coin from last year would definitely love to get one for this year

    S2000Gan on
  • thegh0ststhegh0sts Sydney, NSWRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    palmer wrote: »
    I don't think an Enforcer would be appropriate on a coin that goes to non-Enforcers

    If you want an iconic PAX image that's not gaming specific... well, what's the OTHER thing that's highly visible at PAX?

    LINES :)

    pictures of gabe and/or tycho?

    thegh0sts on
    Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
    Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited June 2011
    I don't think we can use any Penny Arcade imagery since this is unofficial

    zerzhul on
  • Kilo147Kilo147 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Photo taking is off for today, I feel like hell. Woke up so many times through the night that I'm just taking an off day. I'll see when we have some nice days coming up and get them then. I have lab work on Monday, so I might get it then,

    Kilo147 on
    PAX '04
    PAX '11

    Tango down, Kilo147 out.
  • Kwisatz HaderachKwisatz Haderach Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    The big glass hemi-cylinder over the entrance to the Convention Center is pretty iconic of the location of PAX, maybe that's the route we could consider this year instead of the city skyline? Something like this:

    Maybe it's just me, but the Pavlovian response to seeing that arch is OMGPAX :P

    Also: are there any extra 2010 coins left over in a box somewhere? Never got my hands on one last year :(

    Kwisatz Haderach on
    Twitter: @Quintonious (new, infrequently post)
    PSN: Quintonious
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Speaking as an Enforcer, we have to get PA permission if we want to use the [ENFORCER] iconography for non-PA things. You'd have to run this through Kristin Lindsay if you wanted to use it on the coins.

    You'd probably also want to ask Angel if you can use his sexy mug.

    Can't say I wouldn't be stoked to have an Enforcer coin, but we can probably come up with something more accessible and universal.

    Love as always, prinny.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
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  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I was also going to suggest an image of the convention center instead of the city skyline. Both Prime and East are now held in architecturally and visually interesting buildings now so it's a theme that can be used on the East coin as well.

    As for something truly PAX, the first thing that comes to mind for me is the Sumos. I'm not sure how you'd make that into a clear image on a coin though.

    punzie on
  • Slipstream0Slipstream0 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I would say the panels are also something special. Like 2009 assassins creed/splinter cell was a highlight for me. Anyone got anything else?

    Slipstream0 on
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    The big glass hemi-cylinder over the entrance to the Convention Center is pretty iconic of the location of PAX, maybe that's the route we could consider this year instead of the city skyline? Something like this:

    Maybe it's just me, but the Pavlovian response to seeing that arch is OMGPAX :P

    Also: are there any extra 2010 coins left over in a box somewhere? Never got my hands on one last year :(

    I think I have an extra at home. I'll check when I get home from work next Friday and shoot you a PM if I do.

    EDIT: As funny as it would be to have lines be featured on the challenge coin, that's almost something that's only really funny to the veterans. If someone was willing to simplify the arch's design a hair (otherwise it'd be a muddled mess due to all the glass framing) it'd be a good candidate. So far for me, something iconic for PAX is how you always go expecting to do all sorts of things and end up getting HORRIBLY distracted by something awesome going on at the convention. How this could be turned into an image I have no idea.
    (curse you Steel Battallion)

    TOGSolid on
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Random thought: the street banners in the area surrounding the convention center? Specifically the "welcome home" one? That's pretty iconic for a lot of us.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • CadynCadyn Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Arco wrote: »
    Random thought: the street banners in the area surrounding the convention center? Specifically the "welcome home" one? That's pretty iconic for a lot of us.

    The PAX logos and banner text would have to be edited off of it to be able to use it freely for a coin. Would it still retain its iconic status then?

    Cadyn on
  • Kwisatz HaderachKwisatz Haderach Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Cadyn wrote: »
    Arco wrote: »
    Random thought: the street banners in the area surrounding the convention center? Specifically the "welcome home" one? That's pretty iconic for a lot of us.

    The PAX logos and banner text would have to be edited off of it to be able to use it freely for a coin. Would it still retain its iconic status then?

    Did a very quick and very, very dirty photoshop of one of the 2008 banners to determine this:

    Atrocious photoshop is atrocious, yes, but it still kinda loses its pizazz without the text.

    Kwisatz Haderach on
    Twitter: @Quintonious (new, infrequently post)
    PSN: Quintonious
  • CadynCadyn Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Cadyn wrote: »
    Arco wrote: »
    Random thought: the street banners in the area surrounding the convention center? Specifically the "welcome home" one? That's pretty iconic for a lot of us.

    The PAX logos and banner text would have to be edited off of it to be able to use it freely for a coin. Would it still retain its iconic status then?

    Did a very quick and very, very dirty photoshop of one of the 2008 banners to determine this:

    Atrocious photoshop is atrocious, yes, but it still kinda loses its pizazz without the text.

    Maybe new text could be added, like the originally suggested "Welcome home." It wouldn't have the logos, but would still project the sense of community I think the coins are intended to capture.

    Cadyn on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I believe the words "Welcome Home" should have a place on every coin, in some form or another. As for a design that captures PAX, it's going to be hard to top the DS-in-hand from last year.

    Coldbrew on
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