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yo man, you play league

SwillSwill Registered User regular
edited July 2011 in Social Entropy++
league of legends threads
Swill wrote: »
Swill wrote: »
league of legends threads
Kwoaru wrote: »
Here you go swill it's in here somewhere you can copy it or whatever i dunno
Download this now! It's free to play!

League of Legends is a game based off a Warcraft III Mod called DotA.
It’s like DotA without the stupid modders or HoN without being patted down for cash

You pick one of like 10 million champions and then try to destroy the other teams. Between you and the enemy base is a series of towers and automatically spawning npcs called creeps (or minions)

Why should I play this?
  • It’s fun. If you enjoyed DotA (or any variation thereof) you will probably enjoy LoL
  • It’s free. Nearly everything can be unlocked just by playing the game; earning and spending Influence Points (more on them later)
  • Dedicated support. Riot isn’t perfect, but in their effort to make money they continuously update the game with bug fixes, balance changes, and new characters.
  • It’s free. Seriously, everything is free except for champion skins and some meta-game boosts that only jerks buy and don’t really matter anyway.
Who actually plays this?
Lots of people.

Who plays this and isn’t a racist 12 year old shit fucker?
Bunches of people from both SE and GnT
ack – sacksy
anjin-san – steezus
andrew ryan – andrewdyin
Anon the Felon - Crusix1
Antimatter - Positronic
as7 - arsenic7

BahamutZERO - BahamutZEROOO
Basic - Kiziaru
bendery – bendery
BoomShake - The Sorcelator
Bucketman - Bucketman
burning organ - organburner
b_r – ishuma

Captain Cthulhu - VadersGonnaVade
charles kinbote – esopus
CodeRed - Muckdork
corporatelogo – corporatelogo
cosmic sombrero - nouveau chapeau
Cowardly - Dangersock

dadouw – dadouw
DeaconBlues - NormansRevenge
der waffle mous - derwafflemous
dougyfresh - dougyfresh88
dread pirate arbuthnot - requine
Drool - mean red worms
druhim - druhim
dr.funkenstein - borylord

Energeno - Energeno
Erics - Muse fyi

facetious - Bonhomie
fallout – fallovt
faynor – faynor
FirmSkater - Qlanth
FrylockHolmes - FrylockHolmes

grath - grath
gumpy - gumpyvonbear

hellajeff – efrenchlove
hunter - hunterse
Huntera - Verflutche

iamthepieman - pyeman

Jars - Jars
JohnHam - J0HNH4M
jyardana - jyardana

kabuki64 - blts / e101
koshian - koshian
kovak - bigg johnson
kwoaru – kwoaru

lardalish – lardalish
lilli - lilli fen

Meissnerd - The Snerd
Mr. Mojo Risin - Vaamoose

Nerdgasmic - NerdgasmicPA
nirya - nirya

phonehand – hobbesmee
pipthefair - pipthefair
pkerthbnd – thegodfajah
projeck - projeck

Rent - Renttastic
Ruby Rhod - TheRubyRhod

Sagaxus - Zolnab
SeñorAmor - senoramor
Shrieve - Shrieve
skettios - zymirra / obliviousninja
SLyM - OvertlyEsoteric
Swill - SwillaThaThrilla
Syrellis - Syrellis

the cheat – menstrosaurus
The Far Side - JudgeDreddScott
The_Reflection - The Reflection
thelawinator – thelawinator
TracerBullet - SpacemanSpliffed

unintentional - Unintentional
uriel - jarofmolymayo

wimble - wimble

XLShadow - xls

zen vulgarity - zenvulgarity
Zoel - kingzoel
zombiemombo - essgee
Do people use vent for this?
We'll just use the se++ vent like chumps

It says the servers are busy
Well too bad, boy!
There is no magic code anymore so you just have to wait in line
Is there anything I should know before I play this?
Lots of things.
Hey wait you said I could pick from a million dudes but I only have 10 available, god damn liar.
Hey now, whoa now.
Every week Riot selects 10 champions to be available for free, if you want to use a certain champion all the time you have to buy them.

You said I didn't have to buy anything! How deep does this rabbit hole of lies go?
Well you see, every match you play gives you Influence Points (IP) that's essentially monopoly money. You can spend IP to permanently unlock champions. Some champions are cheap and some are not, but you'll learn about that as you play more.

Okay, well what else?
First, let’s talk about you.

You are the summoner
Each match awards XP that goes towards your Summoner level.
Summoner levels unlock Rune Slots, Mastery points, and additional Summoner Spells.

Mastery Points - Pretty basic meta game. Read what they do and choose what you like. You get one mastery point per summoner level, and as you get more points you’ll be able to create character specific builds, but starting out I prefer the utility tree.

Rune Slots - Another meta game thing. While the bonus for an individual rune is small, together then can have a big impact on your character’s effectiveness, especially in the early game.
At level 20 you unlock tier 3 runes, which are so much better than tier 1 and 2 it is silly. Here's the full list if you're curious.
Summoner Spells - For the most part, your are defined by the champion you pick, but before each match you choose 2 summoner spells. You can use any spell with any champion, but some spells are more effective for some champs than they are for others.

More information on that in here.
Exhaust (Level 1) Blinds (100% Miss Chance) the target and slows its Movement Speed by 40% for 3 seconds. Good for preventing escapes.
Ghost (Level 1) Your Champion ignores unit collision and moves 32% faster for 14 seconds. Good for escapes, but keep in mind you can still be slowed down while ghosting.
Heal (Level 1) Restores 140 + 20 x level Health to your Champion and 50% of that to nearby allies.
Revive (Level 1) Instantly revives your Champion at your Spawning Pool. In addition your champion gains a speed bonus that decreases over time. 9 Minute cooldown.
Smite (Level 1) Deals 420, plus 25 times your level, damage to target enemy minion or pet. If you ever try jungling, you're gonna be good friends with this spell.
Teleport (Level 1) After 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target friendly minion or turret. Good for quickly jumping to a tower that is under attack, not so good for escaping
Cleanse (Level 2) Removes all stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps, and immobilizers and lowers the duration of new ones applied by 65% for 3 seconds. One of the most useful spells around, taking off enemy crowd control is a big Fuck You and can save your ass.
Fortify (Level 4) Grants invulnerability to all Allied Turrets and causes them to attack 100% faster. While Fortify is ready to cast, you deal 9 bonus damage to minions. Situational, but not terrible.
Clarity (Level 6) Restores 160 + 30 x level Mana to your champion and 50% of that to nearby allies. Very useful depending on the champion.
Ignite (Level 7) Ignite is a DoT that targets a single champion, dealing 50 damage plus 20 damage per level over 5 seconds. Ignores enemy magic resist, and reduces healing and regeneration by 50% Good for getting the kill on that jerk who manages to get out of range with 50 health left.
Rally (Level 8) Summons a beacon with 200 + 25 x level health for 15 seconds which increases allied attack damage by 10-35. Situational and rarely seen, it has some cool gimmick uses.
Clairvoyance (Level 10) Reveals an area of the map for 6 seconds, has a relatively short cooldown. Very useful for finding out if the enemy is sneaking up on you or an ally.
Flash (Level 12) Teleports your champion to your cursor's location. This has a very short range but can be absolutely vital for positioning an attack or jumping over a wall to escape.

For new players I recommend Ghost and Exhaust. Taking Heal or Revive is for noobs who are going to lose.

Well that covers the meta-game, let’s look at the actual gameplay.
Here's the map of Summoner's Rift, this is the map you will play on most of the time because the 3v3 map kinda sucks.
Black Dots are Towers
Red Dots are Inhibitors
Red X is the Nexus
3.Lizard Elder
5.Ancient Golem
8.Lizard Elder
11.Ancient Golem

Wolves, Wraiths and Golems (1,4,6,7,9,10) are basic creeps that don’t attack you unless you hit them first. They are a little tougher than the creeps in lanes, so you should approach with caution unless you’re level 5+ or very confident that you can kill them quickly.
The other creeps are even stronger, but they give temporary buffs that make killing them worth it.
Lizard Elder (3,8) - Lizard Elder provides a buff that gives your physical and auto attacks a slow with a DoT component
Ancient Golem (5,11) - Ancient golem provides a buff that increases mana regeneration and decreases cooldown time of champion abilities
Baron (12) - Killing baron usually takes at least 2 to 3 late game dudes, and provides a crazy buff that I don't have the stats on right now.
Dragon (2) - gives the whole team XP and Gold if

Okay Great, how about some gameplay?
Destroying your enemies:You must destroy each lane's towers in order, the other towers will be invulnerable until the one before them is destroyed. In order to destroy the opponents base at least one inhibitor must be down.
Destroying an inhibitor causes your nexus to spawn super creeps in that lane. Super Creeps can be hard for even a max level champion to kill quickly.
Inhibitors will respawn after five minutes, so work fast to make the most of your super minions.

Champion Level:Every time your champion levels up their stats increase and they get a skill point.
Each champion has 4 unique abilities. 3 available from the start that go up to rank 5 and 1 ultimate that becomes available at level 6 that goes up to rank 3. Your ultimate is generally your strongest skill, and understanding each champion’s ultimate is very important.

Items:Each champion has 6 item slots and your choice of items is what really makes the difference between being a champ or being a chump.
Many items often can be combined together to build stronger items. It is best to buy the individual components as you can afford them because:
  • Buying a partial piece subtracts the cost from the cost of the completed item
  • The bonuses from the smaller items will still have a big impact your performance.
If all of your item slots are full but you have an item you’re trying to finish DO NOT FRET:
  • As long as you already have at least one component you can buy the complete item as soon as you have enough gold.
Some items have activated abilities that can be very powerful. To use activated items or consumables like potions, you can click them OR use 1-6 on the number line like a pro.

For tips on item builds, talent builds, and skilling orders go to or and the wiki

Tiamat: The extra AOE damage really doesn't amount to anything in a teamfight. Additionally the +15 Health Regen and +4 Mana Regen really aren't that great compared to what you could buy. For the 2070 gold you spend on it you can buy a BF Sword (+50 Damage, and it builds into cool stuff) and it would be way more effective.

Berzerker Greaves: There are better attack speed items, and since the movement speed on boots does not stack you only grab one boots item it is strongly recommend you get Mercury's Treads. They are are a little more pricey, but are considered the best boots in the game because being stunned for 1.2 seconds instead of 2 seconds means the world.

Items are cool. What about Champions?
Every champion has a couple descriptors listed to try and give a quick idea about what they do.
Sometimes these accurately describe a champion and sometimes they are outright lies, so it never hurts to ask if you aren't sure.
Melee - Basic attacks can only be used in close combat
Ranged - Basic attacks can be used from a distance
Assassin - Damage-based champion that has at least one ability to close distance between enemy targets quickly; champions with this attribute tend to die much quicker when targeted.
Fighter - Damage-based champion that performs better in large group fights.
Mage - Damage-based champion whose abilities are typically ranged and greatly affected by ability power.
Support - Champion with abilities that aid in team fights and usually aren't good in 1v1 fights.
Tank - Champion that can act as a group shield due to their above-average health, armor, and magic resist; usually they have low damage output.
Carry - A champion that typically starts out with below average stats and becomes above average as a match progresses. The name comes from how they can "carry" their team at the
end of the game if their team carries them at the beginning.
Disabler - A champion that can disable enemy champions with their abilities (sometimes labeled disable instead of disabler in-game).
Farmer - A champion that can easily kill enemy minions and neutral monsters, thus allowing them to build in-match gold faster.
Flee - A champion that possesses abilities that enable it to escape from combat.
Haste - A champion that can temporarily speed up self, allies, or both.
Heal - A champion that can heal either itself, its allies, or both.
Ninja - This champion uses energy instead of mana (energy recharges quickly and is not effected by mana and mana regeneration stat increases, and has a fixed maximum amount that
can be increased by runes).
Nuke - A champion that can deal a significant amount of damage in a short time.
Pet - A champion that can create a non-champion ally (sometimes controllable).
Pusher - A champion that can quickly destroy enemy towers and inhibitors due to their ability to summon additional units or deal damage to an area of enemy creeps.
Recommended - A champion that Riot Games staff would recommend for people new to League of Legends.
Silence - A champion that can silence enemy champions; champions affected by silence cannot use abilities or summoner spells during its duration.
Snare - A champion that can snare enemy champions; champions affected by snares cannot move during its duration.
Slow - A champion that can slow enemy champions; champions affected by slows move slower during its duration.
Stealth - A champion that can become invisible to enemies (other than when near turrets, vision wards, and enemy champions with an Oracles buff).
Stun - A champion that can stun enemy champions; champions affected by stuns cannot move, attack, use abilities, or use summoner spells other than Cleanse.
Teleport - A champion that can teleport to other locations or champions; champions with abilities that are similar to the summoner spell Flash do not have this attribute.
Tough - A champion that lives longer than usual in combat.
Champion Stats:
Each champion has a stat window that looks like this:

Attack Damage governs your champion’s auto attack damage and Ability Power governs any of your champion’s abilities.
Armor protects against Physical Damage and Magic Resist protects against Magic Damage.
I think everything else is pretty self explanatory.

Things Not to Do/Things to get your opponent to do:
Over Committing: Don't chase that kill just because you want it so bad, it's usually going to end up in you dead. Bide your time, be patient, and own when you know you can.

Feeding: Feeding is dying a whole lot and giving your opponents gold allowing them to spank you even more efficiently and get even more gold. If you're having trouble with the opposing characters on a lane, maybe ask to switch with someone else.

Being Baited: Oftentimes one wounded character will attempt to lead you into a trap where multiple dudes will jump out of the bushes and sodomize you. Don't let it be you on the ground in a puddle of fluids and broken dreams.

Swill on


  • SwillSwill Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    watch out for hackers - senor amor

    Swill on
  • CampionCampion Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    This has to be the barest OP I have ever seen.

    Campion on
  • SwillSwill Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    i'll update it once kwoaru posts his massive list in here

    Swill on
  • FaynorFaynor Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    the op is as simple as the lil guy ye crafted it

    Faynor on
    do you wanna see me eat a hotdog
  • facetiousfacetious a wit so dry it shits sandRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Campion with the totally baller pun to end the previous thread. I approve.

    facetious on
    "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde
    Real strong, facetious.

    Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
  • RanlinRanlin Oh gosh Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I just started playing this.

    It's pretty fun, though hoo boy is going it solo a crap shoot.

    Ranlin on
  • BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    brandon swag

    Beasteh on
  • TheLawinatorTheLawinator Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Yo, snort some of this league, man.

    TheLawinator on
    My SteamID Gamertag and PSN: TheLawinator
  • KlykaKlyka DO you have any SPARE BATTERIES?Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    last night my mom walked in on me playin league

    shit was fucking embarrassing dog

    Klyka on
    SC2 EU ID Klyka.110
  • TheLawinatorTheLawinator Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Yea, the way you play IS embarrassing.

    The world is a better place now.

    TheLawinator on
    My SteamID Gamertag and PSN: TheLawinator
  • KlykaKlyka DO you have any SPARE BATTERIES?Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    i rock anivia and stack attack cause my ulti is lvl 18 wack

    but then my mom got scared and said "you movin in with annie and udyr in bel air!"

    Klyka on
    SC2 EU ID Klyka.110
  • WrenWren ninja_bird Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Klyka wrote: »
    i rock anivia and stack attack cause my ulti is lvl 18 wack

    but then my mom got scared and said "you movin in with annie and udyr in bel air!"


    Wren on
    TF2 - Wren BF3: Wren-fu
  • NerdgasmicNerdgasmic __BANNED USERS regular
    edited June 2011
    you league on the street you die on the street, holmes

    Nerdgasmic on
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Here you go swill it's in here somewhere you can copy it or whatever i dunno
    Download this now! It's free to play!

    League of Legends is a game based off a Warcraft III Mod called DotA.
    It’s like DotA without the stupid modders or HoN without being patted down for cash

    You pick one of like 10 million champions and then try to destroy the other teams. Between you and the enemy base is a series of towers and automatically spawning npcs called creeps (or minions)

    Why should I play this?
    • It’s fun. If you enjoyed DotA (or any variation thereof) you will probably enjoy LoL
    • It’s free. Nearly everything can be unlocked just by playing the game; earning and spending Influence Points (more on them later)
    • Dedicated support. Riot isn’t perfect, but in their effort to make money they continuously update the game with bug fixes, balance changes, and new characters.
    • It’s free. Seriously, everything is free except for champion skins and some meta-game boosts that only jerks buy and don’t really matter anyway.
    Who actually plays this?
    Lots of people.

    Who plays this and isn’t a racist 12 year old shit fucker?
    Bunches of people from both SE and GnT
    ack – sacksy
    anjin-san – steezus
    andrew ryan – andrewdyin
    Anon the Felon - Crusix1
    Antimatter - Positronic
    as7 - arsenic7

    BahamutZERO - BahamutZEROOO
    Basic - Kiziaru
    bendery – bendery
    BoomShake - The Sorcelator
    Bucketman - Bucketman
    burning organ - organburner
    b_r – ishuma

    Captain Cthulhu - VadersGonnaVade
    charles kinbote – esopus
    CodeRed - Muckdork
    corporatelogo – corporatelogo
    cosmic sombrero - nouveau chapeau
    Cowardly - Dangersock

    dadouw – dadouw
    DeaconBlues - NormansRevenge
    der waffle mous - derwafflemous
    dougyfresh - dougyfresh88
    dread pirate arbuthnot - requine
    Drool - mean red worms
    druhim - druhim
    dr.funkenstein - borylord

    Energeno - Energeno
    Erics - Muse fyi

    facetious - Bonhomie
    fallout – fallovt
    faynor – faynor
    FirmSkater - Qlanth
    FrylockHolmes - FrylockHolmes

    grath - grath
    gumpy - gumpyvonbear

    hellajeff – efrenchlove
    hunter - hunterse
    Huntera - Verflutche

    iamthepieman - pyeman

    Jars - Jars
    JohnHam - J0HNH4M
    jyardana - jyardana

    kabuki64 - blts / e101
    koshian - koshian
    kovak - bigg johnson
    kwoaru – kwoaru

    lardalish – lardalish
    lilli - lilli fen

    Meissnerd - The Snerd
    Mr. Mojo Risin - Vaamoose

    Nerdgasmic - NerdgasmicPA
    nirya - nirya

    phonehand – hobbesmee
    pipthefair - pipthefair
    pkerthbnd – thegodfajah
    projeck - projeck

    Rent - Renttastic
    Ruby Rhod - TheRubyRhod

    Sagaxus - Zolnab
    SeñorAmor - senoramor
    Shrieve - Shrieve
    skettios - zymirra / obliviousninja
    SLyM - OvertlyEsoteric
    Swill - SwillaThaThrilla
    Syrellis - Syrellis

    the cheat – menstrosaurus
    The Far Side - JudgeDreddScott
    The_Reflection - The Reflection
    thelawinator – thelawinator
    TracerBullet - SpacemanSpliffed

    unintentional - Unintentional
    uriel - jarofmolymayo

    wimble - wimble

    XLShadow - xls

    zen vulgarity - zenvulgarity
    Zoel - kingzoel
    zombiemombo - essgee
    Do people use vent for this?
    We'll just use the se++ vent like chumps

    It says the servers are busy
    Well too bad, boy!
    There is no magic code anymore so you just have to wait in line
    Is there anything I should know before I play this?
    Lots of things.
    Hey wait you said I could pick from a million dudes but I only have 10 available, god damn liar.
    Hey now, whoa now.
    Every week Riot selects 10 champions to be available for free, if you want to use a certain champion all the time you have to buy them.

    You said I didn't have to buy anything! How deep does this rabbit hole of lies go?
    Well you see, every match you play gives you Influence Points (IP) that's essentially monopoly money. You can spend IP to permanently unlock champions. Some champions are cheap and some are not, but you'll learn about that as you play more.

    Okay, well what else?
    First, let’s talk about you.

    You are the summoner
    Each match awards XP that goes towards your Summoner level.
    Summoner levels unlock Rune Slots, Mastery points, and additional Summoner Spells.

    Mastery Points - Pretty basic meta game. Read what they do and choose what you like. You get one mastery point per summoner level, and as you get more points you’ll be able to create character specific builds, but starting out I prefer the utility tree.

    Rune Slots - Another meta game thing. While the bonus for an individual rune is small, together then can have a big impact on your character’s effectiveness, especially in the early game.
    At level 20 you unlock tier 3 runes, which are so much better than tier 1 and 2 it is silly. Here's the full list if you're curious.
    Summoner Spells - For the most part, your are defined by the champion you pick, but before each match you choose 2 summoner spells. You can use any spell with any champion, but some spells are more effective for some champs than they are for others.

    More information on that in here.
    Exhaust (Level 1) Blinds (100% Miss Chance) the target and slows its Movement Speed by 40% for 3 seconds. Good for preventing escapes.
    Ghost (Level 1) Your Champion ignores unit collision and moves 32% faster for 14 seconds. Good for escapes, but keep in mind you can still be slowed down while ghosting.
    Heal (Level 1) Restores 140 + 20 x level Health to your Champion and 50% of that to nearby allies.
    Revive (Level 1) Instantly revives your Champion at your Spawning Pool. In addition your champion gains a speed bonus that decreases over time. 9 Minute cooldown.
    Smite (Level 1) Deals 420, plus 25 times your level, damage to target enemy minion or pet. If you ever try jungling, you're gonna be good friends with this spell.
    Teleport (Level 1) After 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target friendly minion or turret. Good for quickly jumping to a tower that is under attack, not so good for escaping
    Cleanse (Level 2) Removes all stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps, and immobilizers and lowers the duration of new ones applied by 65% for 3 seconds. One of the most useful spells around, taking off enemy crowd control is a big Fuck You and can save your ass.
    Fortify (Level 4) Grants invulnerability to all Allied Turrets and causes them to attack 100% faster. While Fortify is ready to cast, you deal 9 bonus damage to minions. Situational, but not terrible.
    Clarity (Level 6) Restores 160 + 30 x level Mana to your champion and 50% of that to nearby allies. Very useful depending on the champion.
    Ignite (Level 7) Ignite is a DoT that targets a single champion, dealing 50 damage plus 20 damage per level over 5 seconds. Ignores enemy magic resist, and reduces healing and regeneration by 50% Good for getting the kill on that jerk who manages to get out of range with 50 health left.
    Rally (Level 8) Summons a beacon with 200 + 25 x level health for 15 seconds which increases allied attack damage by 10-35. Situational and rarely seen, it has some cool gimmick uses.
    Clairvoyance (Level 10) Reveals an area of the map for 6 seconds, has a relatively short cooldown. Very useful for finding out if the enemy is sneaking up on you or an ally.
    Flash (Level 12) Teleports your champion to your cursor's location. This has a very short range but can be absolutely vital for positioning an attack or jumping over a wall to escape.

    For new players I recommend Ghost and Exhaust. Taking Heal or Revive is for noobs who are going to lose.

    Well that covers the meta-game, let’s look at the actual gameplay.
    Here's the map of Summoner's Rift, this is the map you will play on most of the time because the 3v3 map kinda sucks.
    Black Dots are Towers
    Red Dots are Inhibitors
    Red X is the Nexus
    3.Lizard Elder
    5.Ancient Golem
    8.Lizard Elder
    11.Ancient Golem

    Wolves, Wraiths and Golems (1,4,6,7,9,10) are basic creeps that don’t attack you unless you hit them first. They are a little tougher than the creeps in lanes, so you should approach with caution unless you’re level 5+ or very confident that you can kill them quickly.
    The other creeps are even stronger, but they give temporary buffs that make killing them worth it.
    Lizard Elder (3,8) - Lizard Elder provides a buff that gives your physical and auto attacks a slow with a DoT component
    Ancient Golem (5,11) - Ancient golem provides a buff that increases mana regeneration and decreases cooldown time of champion abilities
    Baron (12) - Killing baron usually takes at least 2 to 3 late game dudes, and provides a crazy buff that I don't have the stats on right now.
    Dragon (2) - gives the whole team XP and Gold if

    Okay Great, how about some gameplay?
    Destroying your enemies:You must destroy each lane's towers in order, the other towers will be invulnerable until the one before them is destroyed. In order to destroy the opponents base at least one inhibitor must be down.
    Destroying an inhibitor causes your nexus to spawn super creeps in that lane. Super Creeps can be hard for even a max level champion to kill quickly.
    Inhibitors will respawn after five minutes, so work fast to make the most of your super minions.

    Champion Level:Every time your champion levels up their stats increase and they get a skill point.
    Each champion has 4 unique abilities. 3 available from the start that go up to rank 5 and 1 ultimate that becomes available at level 6 that goes up to rank 3. Your ultimate is generally your strongest skill, and understanding each champion’s ultimate is very important.

    Items:Each champion has 6 item slots and your choice of items is what really makes the difference between being a champ or being a chump.
    Many items often can be combined together to build stronger items. It is best to buy the individual components as you can afford them because:
    • Buying a partial piece subtracts the cost from the cost of the completed item
    • The bonuses from the smaller items will still have a big impact your performance.
    If all of your item slots are full but you have an item you’re trying to finish DO NOT FRET:
    • As long as you already have at least one component you can buy the complete item as soon as you have enough gold.
    Some items have activated abilities that can be very powerful. To use activated items or consumables like potions, you can click them OR use 1-6 on the number line like a pro.

    For tips on item builds, talent builds, and skilling orders go to or and the wiki

    Tiamat: The extra AOE damage really doesn't amount to anything in a teamfight. Additionally the +15 Health Regen and +4 Mana Regen really aren't that great compared to what you could buy. For the 2070 gold you spend on it you can buy a BF Sword (+50 Damage, and it builds into cool stuff) and it would be way more effective.

    Berzerker Greaves: There are better attack speed items, and since the movement speed on boots does not stack you only grab one boots item it is strongly recommend you get Mercury's Treads. They are are a little more pricey, but are considered the best boots in the game because being stunned for 1.2 seconds instead of 2 seconds means the world.

    Items are cool. What about Champions?
    Every champion has a couple descriptors listed to try and give a quick idea about what they do.
    Sometimes these accurately describe a champion and sometimes they are outright lies, so it never hurts to ask if you aren't sure.
    Melee - Basic attacks can only be used in close combat
    Ranged - Basic attacks can be used from a distance
    Assassin - Damage-based champion that has at least one ability to close distance between enemy targets quickly; champions with this attribute tend to die much quicker when targeted.
    Fighter - Damage-based champion that performs better in large group fights.
    Mage - Damage-based champion whose abilities are typically ranged and greatly affected by ability power.
    Support - Champion with abilities that aid in team fights and usually aren't good in 1v1 fights.
    Tank - Champion that can act as a group shield due to their above-average health, armor, and magic resist; usually they have low damage output.
    Carry - A champion that typically starts out with below average stats and becomes above average as a match progresses. The name comes from how they can "carry" their team at the
    end of the game if their team carries them at the beginning.
    Disabler - A champion that can disable enemy champions with their abilities (sometimes labeled disable instead of disabler in-game).
    Farmer - A champion that can easily kill enemy minions and neutral monsters, thus allowing them to build in-match gold faster.
    Flee - A champion that possesses abilities that enable it to escape from combat.
    Haste - A champion that can temporarily speed up self, allies, or both.
    Heal - A champion that can heal either itself, its allies, or both.
    Ninja - This champion uses energy instead of mana (energy recharges quickly and is not effected by mana and mana regeneration stat increases, and has a fixed maximum amount that
    can be increased by runes).
    Nuke - A champion that can deal a significant amount of damage in a short time.
    Pet - A champion that can create a non-champion ally (sometimes controllable).
    Pusher - A champion that can quickly destroy enemy towers and inhibitors due to their ability to summon additional units or deal damage to an area of enemy creeps.
    Recommended - A champion that Riot Games staff would recommend for people new to League of Legends.
    Silence - A champion that can silence enemy champions; champions affected by silence cannot use abilities or summoner spells during its duration.
    Snare - A champion that can snare enemy champions; champions affected by snares cannot move during its duration.
    Slow - A champion that can slow enemy champions; champions affected by slows move slower during its duration.
    Stealth - A champion that can become invisible to enemies (other than when near turrets, vision wards, and enemy champions with an Oracles buff).
    Stun - A champion that can stun enemy champions; champions affected by stuns cannot move, attack, use abilities, or use summoner spells other than Cleanse.
    Teleport - A champion that can teleport to other locations or champions; champions with abilities that are similar to the summoner spell Flash do not have this attribute.
    Tough - A champion that lives longer than usual in combat.
    Champion Stats:
    Each champion has a stat window that looks like this:

    Attack Damage governs your champion’s auto attack damage and Ability Power governs any of your champion’s abilities.
    Armor protects against Physical Damage and Magic Resist protects against Magic Damage.
    I think everything else is pretty self explanatory.

    Things Not to Do/Things to get your opponent to do:
    Over Committing: Don't chase that kill just because you want it so bad, it's usually going to end up in you dead. Bide your time, be patient, and own when you know you can.

    Feeding: Feeding is dying a whole lot and giving your opponents gold allowing them to spank you even more efficiently and get even more gold. If you're having trouble with the opposing characters on a lane, maybe ask to switch with someone else.

    Being Baited: Oftentimes one wounded character will attempt to lead you into a trap where multiple dudes will jump out of the bushes and sodomize you. Don't let it be you on the ground in a puddle of fluids and broken dreams.

    Kwoaru on
  • KlykaKlyka DO you have any SPARE BATTERIES?Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    when I play league, I only have two songs in my playlist:

    This one


    this one

    Saxophones make you gank like a mofo

    edit: gankophone

    Klyka on
    SC2 EU ID Klyka.110
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Ah, man Ah, jeezRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Can I play this videma game on my Texas Instruments 84 Plus?

    Poorochondriac on
  • WimbleWimble Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    sorry league only supports CASIO brand calculators

    Wimble on
  • KlykaKlyka DO you have any SPARE BATTERIES?Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Her is a pic of me running league on my Casio (I'm playing as Sona)


    Klyka on
    SC2 EU ID Klyka.110
  • L|amaL|ama Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    can people quit calling it an "ulti" it sounds like you're talking about a baby ult or something thanks

    L|ama on
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    which ulti is your favorite lama

    Kwoaru on
  • L|amaL|ama Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    the one that kills you (all of them including soraka's that's how bad you are)

    L|ama on
  • NerdgasmicNerdgasmic __BANNED USERS regular
    edited June 2011
    some people have baby ulti's, llama, it's nothing to be ashamed of

    Nerdgasmic on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    so sometimes recently when i play this game my mouse gets stuck in a way it can only do left/right or up/down movements only. I don't know if it's my mouse or the game. anyone have that issue or know anything about it?

    PikaPuff on
  • NerdgasmicNerdgasmic __BANNED USERS regular
    edited June 2011
    do you play through steam

    the game usually gets unresponsive for a bit if I bring up the steam interface

    Nerdgasmic on
  • DruhimDruhim Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited June 2011
    I'm glad I got back into this game. The community seems a little less toxic than before and while it's frustrating to sometimes have team members do really stupid shit that hurts the whole team when you solo queue, it's still a lot of fun.

    Druhim on
  • SoaLSoaL fantastic Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    when I solo queued I would just pop on a podcast or album and jam

    and insult any teammates who tried to start guff

    SoaL on
  • CutfangCutfang Dancing Bagel WalessssssssRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I just played 3 ranked solo games. The first game had our 4th pick Shaco call mid. We laughed and someone threatened to feed because of it. The game starts, the guy suicides into a turret and then changes his mind. The mid Shaco proceeds to murder their jungler, and their mid, and carry the game 8/0/0 to an early surrender. He says he loves me (I'm soraka :)). I love him too.

    I requeue after and get paired with him again. This time no one gives him guff about going mid. He does the same thing again and carries us to a 17/0/6 win. What a guy!

    So I requeue eagerly this time and huzzah, I have shaco once more! He does the same thing, I pick Soraka. He goes 6/0/0, then dies a few times, yells at me and the team for sucking and disconnects. I feel sad now :(

    Cutfang on
    Dancing Bagel
  • L|amaL|ama Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    dats lol for ya

    L|ama on
  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    hey campion, how fun is orianna

    unintentional on
  • BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    gary i thought you would appreciate this


    Beasteh on
  • BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    oh no that looks awful on a non-white background

    Beasteh on
  • L|amaL|ama Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
  • BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    kill whitey

    Beasteh on
  • nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Campion wrote:
    Gary you were so correct about getting Shield on Orianna first. It is Ball to the wall awesome.

    i just wanted to show my appreciation for this post from the last thread

    nealcm on
  • rhylithrhylith Death Rabbits Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Druhim wrote: »
    I'm glad I got back into this game. The community seems a little less toxic than before and while it's frustrating to sometimes have team members do really stupid shit that hurts the whole team when you solo queue, it's still a lot of fun.

    I noticed it get better right around the time the first wave of tribunal bans hit.

    It's still not perfect but it's better.

    rhylith on
  • CutfangCutfang Dancing Bagel WalessssssssRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Ooo I saw the most brilliant thing on Guardsman Bob's stream. He was Morde up against an Alistar and Rumble. The Alistar headbutted him into a wall, whereupon Rumble ulted on him and then Alistar followed up with Pulverise, keeping GBob in the full duration of the ult. It was beautiful and horrifying to behold.

    Cutfang on
    Dancing Bagel
  • BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Hmmm I think I need a better tank Jarven build. Last night was a high damage team, so instead of doing my damage build I ws going to stack health/armor and grab atmas, but I was pretty weak damage wise until the end there.

    Bucketman on
  • rhylithrhylith Death Rabbits Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Bucketman wrote: »
    Hmmm I think I need a better tank Jarven build. Last night was a high damage team, so instead of doing my damage build I ws going to stack health/armor and grab atmas, but I was pretty weak damage wise until the end there.

    The atmas should fix the dmg problem, and Jarvan's strength is his ability to trap people, the knock-ups from the flag/spear combo, and sharing armor/AS with his team. Think of his flag as hitting Bloodlust in WoW. You're not going to do equal damage to a carry but you'll still contribute because of his passive and the armor penetration on his spear.

    rhylith on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I'm starting to get pretty decent at predicting where people are with Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab. Don't even really need an enemy champ to slip up and get too close to my turret anymore.

    Blindly snatching people from tall grass, around corners, and through walls while they hide or try to get away from a gank is amazingly entertaining. Last night I even had a bit of a lucky streak that ended with me getting called a delightful array of epithets by the other team in the chat. Nearly died a couple times because I was far too busy laughing to pay attention to the game. There's something wonderfully ironic about being told I have no skill when the particular maneuver I am using to kill off champs is a "skill shot".

    Marshmallow on
  • NerdgasmicNerdgasmic __BANNED USERS regular
    edited June 2011
    good on you for learning what I would say is one tough champ

    I tried him once and it was the most frustrating match I've ever played

    Nerdgasmic on
This discussion has been closed.