A nice dude just got me a 3-day pass for face value!
He's not going himself, this year, but he bought extra pass because he knows that people will come late to the game, and be awfully disappointed. He said that all he wants is maybe a limerick for his troubles. +1 foresight, buddy! And Thanks!
So, as promised:
A pass for sale to PAX West,
For people late in their quest,
Is as rare to find
As gems in a mine.
So, "THANKS!", to Brian the Blessed.
While it's nice that he didn't sell it for over face value, it was NOT nice to buy the ticket in the first place when he had no plan on using it. He went out of his way to make sure that someone wouldn't be able to buy one, so he could seem nice later. Your windfall comes at the price of someone else's misfortune. Imagine how that person feels who planned to get his ticket early, but got surprised by the sudden rush and was too late to buy his pass by one single ticket, and now can't go.
While it's nice that he didn't sell it for over face value, it was NOT nice to buy the ticket in the first place when he had no plan on using it. He went out of his way to make sure that someone wouldn't be able to buy one, so he could seem nice later. Your windfall comes at the price of someone else's misfortune. Imagine how that person feels who planned to get his ticket early, but got surprised by the sudden rush and was too late to buy his pass by one single ticket, and now can't go.
I'm just wondering how the People with Passes for Face Value thread keeps out the scalpers. With the speed at which they're going, it seems likely that at least a couple are going to people who immediately swap them on eBay.
Just invalidate all passes sold on eBay. That will make scalping much harder.
better him doing that than a scalper scalping
Just invalidate all passes sold on eBay. That will make scalping much harder.