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Vertical scroll within posts

kleinfehnkleinfehn Registered User regular
edited July 2011 in H.Q. Reception Desk
Every post on the forum has its own vertical scroll bar and I am unable to see their whole post. Basically the scroll bar on the right is now in every post and it is very annoying and ugly. Any help? I am running the classic looking forum overlay, resolution is 1920x1080, and it just started happening now.

kleinfehn on


  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    When you say, "I'm running the classic form overlay", I take that to mean you are using a custom stylesheet or plugin. If you are using a custom stylesheet, then all bug reports with regards to page rendering are null and void.

    If you are having rendering issues WITHOUT using a custom stylesheet, please include your browser version in the bug report.

  • DaffyDuckEdwardDaffyDuckEdward Registered User regular
    This is a problem with some of the CSS overlays.

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