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big haircutbig haircut Registered User regular
edited August 2011 in PAX Archive
Did anyone start this today, or know where all the locations are? I found about 6 of the 38, but would really love some help finding the other clues or even help with some of the clues.

big haircut on


  • CBattles6CBattles6 Registered User regular
    I've gotten half the codes already, but I don't feel right sharing them. The point of the hunt is to encourage people to explore the con, so posting the letters and clues on the forums defeats the purpose.

    I will give you some hints though. Go to all the "official" areas. Almost all of them have a banner, and almost all those banners have a code attached to them (don't forget the theaters, especially the ones in the Sheraton!). Also, some of the clues tell you where to find other QR codes (I've already got two in the expo hall on my radar for tomorrow).

  • pbeazypbeazy Registered User new member
    I know Gunnar has one.

  • SpicyMeatsSpicyMeats Victoria BCRegistered User regular
    I'm using the red laser app for my iPhone because it records the clues automatically. Then me and my buddy are sitting down tonight at dinner and working on it


  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular
    Hmm....Does anyone know any good apps for WP7? The one I have is a bit...Meh. Takes 3 or 4 tries to get a clue, rather lame...

    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • big haircutbig haircut Registered User regular
    I'll be workin on the clues i've captured so far (21 total). I'll be happy to share with people what I have for clues i'm missing. just send me a pm or post on here :)

  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular
    I've only for 8 clues so far...heh, been slacking off apparently. I've got 3, 7, 13, 16, 28, 30 and 33

    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • big haircutbig haircut Registered User regular
    Here's what I've got so far, please help me with the rest:

    L Clue 1. There are 8 words total
    G Clue 4. There are 37 letters in total
    T Clue 6. The next one may be hard for you to spot
    G Clue 7. I’ve heard booth 3401 is unlike any other…. There could be something helpful at Gunnar
    E Clue 10. There are not one but two K’s
    L Clue 11. This letter is third in the 7th word
    E Clue 13. This letter lies before the letter Y
    T Clue 17. There are not one but two
    S Clue 19. This final letter of word 1, makes my phrase eight words instead of nine
    A Clue 21. Count the letters in my phrase to find there are four letter A’s
    O Clue 22. The letter O appears in 4 words straight.
    O Clue 23. Word 5 has the same number of letters as its words numbers
    L Clue 24. The only L in my phrase follows an A
    A Clue 26. I hope you have played portal… Word 6 rhymes with Glado’s favorite treat (Cake)
    O Clue 28. Their rap stylings are hip if a little uncouth
    C Clue 30. Look at the fifth to last letter in my phrase and you will see…the letter C
    K Clue 32. Word 2 is the largest in my phrase and starts with the letter D!
    E Clue 33. The two words with this letter at their end have a comma, separating them
    K Clue 36. You can find the letter K at the head of word 8
    T Clue 38. This letter only appears first in the words it is found in

  • andr3wkandr3wk Registered User new member
    edited August 2011
    1 L There are 8 words total
    2 ' In my phrase, an apostrophe appears earlier than a comma
    3 D Pronounce this letter and you will find, the first syllable of word 8, rhymed
    4 G There are 37 letters in total
    6 T The next one may be hard for you to spot
    7 G I’ve heard booth 3401 is unlike any other…. There could be something helpful at Gunnar
    8 A This letter is first in only one word
    9 N While the letter N appears prior, it is also the fourth letter of word 5
    10 E There are not one but two K’s
    11 L This letter is third in the 7th word
    12 S Three S's are better than one
    13 E This letter lies before the letter Y
    14 Y This reject of a vowel finds itself surrounded in the final word
    15 H Count the letters in words 6 and 7, and you'll find each has seven less than eleven
    16 I There are three i's and only one is capitalized
    17 T There are not one but two
    18 N Look both ways if you run, across the street to the sheraton!
    19 S This final letter of word 1, makes my phrase eight words instead of nine
    20 E The letter E is one of four vowels in the word before 3
    21 A Count the letters in my phrase to find there are four letter A’s
    22 O The letter O appears in 4 words straight.
    23 O Word 5 has the same number of letters as its words numbers
    24 L The only L in my phrase follows an A
    25 U Finding clues difficult? Don't be ashamed! You will find another near 2K Games
    26 A I hope you have played portal… Word 6 rhymes with Glado’s favorite treat (Cake)
    27 S This letter is always at the end of words it is found in.
    28 O Their rap stylings are hip if a little uncouth
    29 O Word 2 has one more letter than the final word.
    30 C Look at the fifth to last letter in my phrase and you will see…the letter C
    31 T Word 7: This is a word you'll never figure out!
    32 K Word 2 is the largest in my phrase and starts with the letter D!
    33 E The two words with this letter at their end have a comma, separating them
    34 N The letter N is last
    35 A Defeat my puzzle and become the hero of PAX!
    36 K You can find the letter K at the head of word 8
    37 H Console Freeplay appears to be packed with people. It would be easy to keep something hidden..
    38 T This letter only appears first in the words it is found in

    Missing 5 only!

    andr3wk on
  • jukkakhanjukkakhan Registered User regular
    I've only found 15... luckily many of them are ones you guys missed!

    3: D (Pronounce this letter and you will find, the first syllable of word 8, rhymed)
    18: N (Look both ways if you run, across the street to the sheraton!)
    20: E (The letter E is one of four vowels in the word before 3)
    25: U (Finding clues difficult? Don't be ashamed! You will find another near 2K Games
    37: H Console Freeplay appears to be packed with people. It would be easy to keep something hidden...)

  • andr3wkandr3wk Registered User new member
    5, 27, 29, and 34 left~
    Updating my previous post.

  • RetrohardwareRetrohardware Registered User new member
    29. O. Word 2 has one more letter than the final word.

    34. N. the letter N is last

    So by my count there only two empty slots left, but I'm wondering if since clue 16 says there are three "I"s that those remaining two are I letters. But then again clue 12 makes it seem like they're three "s" and I only see two so far. Heading to bed....

  • CBattles6CBattles6 Registered User regular
    27. S. This letter is always at the end of words it is found in.

    Even without #5, there should be enough to figure this out. The only thing that stumps me is #1 and #24. #24 says that "the only L in my phrase follows an A," but there are clearly two Ls. There are three S's (12, 19, and 27), but only 1 I (16). #5 has to be an I, and maybe one of the L's is a typo? I'm going to work on the answer, and I'll post if I figure it out.

  • andr3wkandr3wk Registered User new member
    Only missing 5! Last word is "keychain."
    Updating my previous post.

  • yanthraxyanthrax boners bonersRegistered User regular
    I'm seriously thinking this is a typo. My buddy and I think we have this figured out but that 7th word doesn't make any sense because of the letters we have remaining, and one of the clues conflicts with the 1st word. If the 7th word has to do with the hip but uncouth clue, you can sort of fudge the answer. It just seems too fitting for our answer not to work but if everything is right, I don't know then.

  • CBattles6CBattles6 Registered User regular
    The letter for clue 4 is a 'G', not an 'L'.

  • andr3wkandr3wk Registered User new member
    Thank you sir. Indeed I was incorrect :(

  • jukkakhanjukkakhan Registered User regular
    yanthrax wrote:
    I'm seriously thinking this is a typo. My buddy and I think we have this figured out but that 7th word doesn't make any sense because of the letters we have remaining, and one of the clues conflicts with the 1st word. If the 7th word has to do with the hip but uncouth clue, you can sort of fudge the answer. It just seems too fitting for our answer not to work but if everything is right, I don't know then.

    Clue 31 does say "Word 7" This is a word you'll never figure out" Maybe cause it's not a word?

  • CBattles6CBattles6 Registered User regular
    word 6 is 'take'. It has four letters (15), rhymes with cake (26), and is the only word that could start with T, I, or A.

  • EvenstarEvenstar PAX Prime Princess Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    I think I came to the same conclustion as Yanthrax, and it took fudging...I think there is a typo or two in these clues :{

  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular
    Man...wish i was better at word puzzles :) Always dread these on Professor layton, I'm better with the spatial ones :)

    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular
    Also! Just realzed, I got clue 5.
    5. R (Clue 5: My phrase is a small twist to a renown meme)

    No idea what meme they're talking about sadly...heh, I'm behind on my net culture.

    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • CBattles6CBattles6 Registered User regular
    Well, I'm pretty much through trying to figure it out. Really poorly written puzzle. If you take the time to collect all the clues, the answer should be fairly obvious.

  • alegriaalegria Registered User regular
    There are two confirmed errors according to the [E]'s at Info Desk. From what I can tell after I had my "aha" moment, this is what they are:

    T is not always the first letter in a word.
    There is only one L.

    Don't forget to character count your words - that will give you the total characters between words 3 and 4, which should help.

    PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
  • courtneyjcourtneyj Newcastle, WARegistered User regular
    It was clear once we realized the meme

  • ShatteredRealityShatteredReality Registered User regular
    just finished it, for those who want a hint see the spoiler below
    not the answer but if solved the puzzle for me.

  • crzymama7crzymama7 Registered User new member
    We must have done something wrong cause our left over letters don't fit in word 5 what is word 5!?

  • Sgt SupermanSgt Superman Registered User regular
    This was a fun game to play while wondering around. Some of the clues were in sneaky spots.
    We solved the bulk of the clue Saturday morning while waiting in line. You definitely don't need all the clues to get the answer, its a very popular classic phrase.

    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Yep, the hint solved it for me, but it was a lot of fun wandering around getting the QR codes :) Finaly got to use that reader! I shall wear my keychain with pride.

    And I just realized, they were giveing a hint as to what the Omegathon was with this. Awesome show.

    Ghostly Clockwork on
    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • EvenstarEvenstar PAX Prime Princess Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    PAX is over, so I will post it for those who didn't get it yet...
    It's dangerous to go alone, take this keychain

  • Sgt SupermanSgt Superman Registered User regular
    And here is a picture of the loot:

    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular
    I am curious as to how many people got the keychain, I got it on the last day, and they still had em, so dunno...figure they had to assume a percentage would actually attempt and complete the challenge. Wonder how many that was...

    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • AkumakeiAkumakei Registered User regular
    I also only picked it up on the last day, and have to thank the guy who co-opped with me part way through (we each had roughly 20 clues found, and the Union of our found sets only lacked 5 clues total). Without the word 1, 2, and 5 letter count clues I never would have figured it out.

  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I love how it ties in with the omegathon final round

    PikaPuff on
  • NiftynoodleNiftynoodle Registered User new member
    I spent Friday & Saturday finding codes. I found most (30) by myself but got the rest from others. I solved the phrase myself though the errors pointed out on this forum helped a lot. Thanks! I picked up the keychain on Sunday as well.
    I would REALLY like to know where the QR code for clue #5 was. Everyone I talked to that was looking for codes could not find that one. It must have been very obscure!

  • NiftynoodleNiftynoodle Registered User new member
    jukkakhan wrote:
    Clue 31 does say "Word 7" This is a word you'll never figure out" Maybe cause it's not a word?
    Clever now that I look at it - they were giving us the word right there!

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