The Far Side wrote: » I'm liking the new buttons but the timestapmps are ugly
Homeless wrote: » New Hampshire - Live Free and Fucking Bored to Tears
The Far Side wrote: » Nevada: Why
Zephos wrote: » Alaska"Please send us more women"
The Far Side wrote: » The Far Side wrote: » Nevada: Why All of the Southwest: America should of really lost the Mexican-American War
New slogan:
"Mine's bigger!*"
*Except with Alaska, and a couple dozen countries.
It's perfect to fit in with the feux ego we put on. And yes, some take it for real, sadly.
Idaho Great Potatoes. Tasty Destinations.
(Formerly) Famous Potatoes; also on its license plate
Everything's bigger here, especially the caliber.
Seriously. No seatbelts, no motorcycle helmets, no car insurance, and guns for everyone!
"Guys it's seriously not us that smells. It's coming from New Jersey."
"We're not fucking Idaho. Jesus."
"zzzzzzzzzz.... huh what? oh, yeah, were a state.
"No tragic school shootings since 1997"
The new buttons are ugly
"Please send us more women"
Become one with absolute nothingness.
We are pretty cool I guess, I mean at least we aren't Iowa.
The north thinks we're retards and the south thinks we're stuck up.
We're both.
"Canada's beachead. Prepare for the assault."
"Only Sweden has higher taxes than we do"
"That stretch of I-95 between DC and Philadelphia."
Dangerously Cheesy
"Inbred daughter of Tennessee and Arkansas"
Hee hee hee, it looks like a hand about to grab a horribly malformed penis I get it.
Seriously, we still don't know how to fucking spell.
Come when your young, come back when your old
"Our toll roads never get repaired!"
"Really not that great. Lots of spiders."
New York:
"Terrorism free since 2001!"
Lol this is the truth
Another for Alaska "I live here for the free money"
I'm still waiting for Texas to annex
Raping the common man since 1776
"Terrorism free since april 2007...."
oh sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........
Homeless capital of the country
"I vote Republican to keep myself safe from terrorists even though I am nowhere near anything that could be considered a target"
An example:
"Civil War durr durr"