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Does anyone have video of The Protomen/Johnny Nero/Klopfenpop show at El Corazon?

GaryOakGaryOak Registered User regular
edited August 2011 in PAX Archive
Panther handed me the microphone and I sang the last chorus of Vengeance, and I would really like that video.

This is the only one I have found so far:

The forums for a comic with dickwolf rape, bestiality, and all sorts of brutal violence has the kind of rules you would find in a kindergarten class room.
GaryOak on


  • MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    That's my favorite one.... :D<3 Luneowl! You might need to give him some time, but more videos might show up here at some point:

  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    There was a camera on stage for the duration of that show, though I'm not sure who it was. Video will likely appear on the web within a week or two.

    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    If there was a camera on stage, it was probably the Protomen documentary guys. My extended team was supposed to have cameras there and recording but at this time I can't say how that all went. We did however film Jonny and the Protomen perform on Sunday night at Jillian's.

  • MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    Alienbobz was the one with the camera tripod in the audience, I'll be he'll have some of the videos up soon (I'm just guessing)

  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    Awesome, Coldbrew! I can't wait to see the footage. :D

    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • Mystral721Mystral721 Registered User regular
    Ah, that's my little snippet of Jonny's performance on Friday night! I took a few other videos with my iPhone but I don't know how well they turned out. I mostly wanted to rock out and was driven away from the stage by the moshers once the Protomen started.

    I'll post any other videos on here if they're good enough to upload.

    "Little baby Cthulhu hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice and Sucking Out Their Souls"
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