I had a pasta snack thing for dinner just now. Does anyone else wonder what a 'Krasp Dinner' would be like.
Is it something you would want to eat? What manner of ingredients would it be composed of, how would it be prepared, at point of manufacture and then at point of consumption.
I enjoyed todays Blamimation.
How do I get that image to work behind a spoiler tag. The spoiler would just not click open when I tried
Raneadospolice apologistyou shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered Userregular
I thought scott was unable to grow a beard
or does that rule get reversed if he's upside down
Dark Raven XLaugh hard, run fast,be kindRegistered Userregular
Why'd you do this to me, guys? Putting the thinnest, most egalitarian of the nerdcore crop into a Blam will forever make each subsequent Blam not as good.
I had a pasta snack thing for dinner just now. Does anyone else wonder what a 'Krasp Dinner' would be like.
Is it something you would want to eat? What manner of ingredients would it be composed of, how would it be prepared, at point of manufacture and then at point of consumption.
It's the sands of Egypt. Gathered with a golden scoop that has been engraved with the head of a falcon-headed-false-god.
Prepare by mixing the sand with the included packet of beard trimmings. No liquid.
mysticjuicer[he/him] I'm a muscle wizardand I cast P U N C HRegistered Userregular
To rescue that fair maiden I would have shoved her in a thousand butts.
Is it something you would want to eat? What manner of ingredients would it be composed of, how would it be prepared, at point of manufacture and then at point of consumption.
I enjoyed todays Blamimation.
How do I get that image to work behind a spoiler tag. The spoiler would just not click open when I tried
Switch Friend Code: SW-3349-7357-2013
3DS Friend code: 3093 8504 2352
Enjoyed every frame of it.
Great episode. Loved the guest spot
or does that rule get reversed if he's upside down
NO SHIT (get it)
It's the sands of Egypt. Gathered with a golden scoop that has been engraved with the head of a falcon-headed-false-god.
Prepare by mixing the sand with the included packet of beard trimmings. No liquid.
his hair only grows up
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