So I just finished playing through the precipice of darkness games for nostalgias sake and I found myself trawling the blogosphere scrupulously looking for the soundtrack. Nobody seems to have it so I guess I'd go to the source and basically: has the soundtrack even been released? if so then where can I find/buy(yes I am that desperate) it and if not then who do I have to strangle to get it(I'm looking at you Holkins!). On an unrelated note this is my first time visiting the PA forums (and I'm already making death threats to the authors...).
lilbuddha on
EncA Fool with CompassionPronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered Userregular
Hothead probably owns the rights, so I wouldn't be expecting such to come about soon.
and if all the songs are on youtube, I believe there are methods of getting permanent copies of tunes from YouTube. It'd still be nice if they had an actual OST though.