So I've lived with my present housemate for around three years now. I've known him a really long time, but it's mostly a relationship of convenience. I don't bother him, he doesn't bother me, I have a consistent living arrangement.
Except lately his kids have been getting on my nerves, and he's been kind of controlling about the living space outside of my room; i.e. the kitchen and living room feeling 'off limits' whenever anyone's asleep.
I'm reluctant to give up a comfortable thing, but a friend's offered me a place in December if I'm interested. Problem is, I really don't know much about him, and I haven't known him that long, so I don't want to be out in the cold if things go sour.
The benefit of where I stay with is that I know a lot of people in the Haitian community, so I've always had someone else I could go to if things don't work out in some way or another. They have their quirks, but they're reliable in a pinch. (Also very much a whole 'don't bother them / don't get bothered' relationship.)
Any thoughts?
TL;DR : comfortable long term living arrangements with people I really don't get along and occasional issues with VS potentially more comfortable arrangement with relative stranger.
I have around a month and a half to decide. (One of the biggest issues is that my present roommate is opposed to pets, and I love them.)
You mess with the dolphin, you get the nose.