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PAX East Enforcers (Volunteers)

PMS JobiMonsterPMS JobiMonster Registered User new member
edited October 2011 in PAX Archive
Heyyy PAXers! I was wondering if there was volunteer signups for PAX? I signed up to help out with Comic Con 2011 in NYC, but that link was easy to find on the website. I can't seem to find that link on the PAX East website anywhere (either cuz its too early? but I can't find it on the old one either?). Do they have the option to volunteer at PAX or no?

PMS JobiMonster on


  • OnmitsuOnmitsu I'm just a birdie Ca-caw, ca-caw!Registered User regular
    If there is a need for PAX East enforcers, they will send out a call on the forums. They don't always need more enforcers, so there's no promise of an open call. Also, volunteering at PAX is a very intensive process, and might be quite different than what you did for Comic Con. Consider this direct quote from the FAQ at the top of the thread list:
    Even if an open call for Enforcers does happen, Enforcing means that you are likely to see less, not more, of PAX. When considering becoming an Enforcer it's very important to remember that you go from attending PAX for fun to attending PAX for work, and that has certain implications. Rule #2 of Enforcing is: PAX Is Not For Us - it's for Attendees. (Rule #1, of course, is 'Don't be a Dick'.) If you want to see the maximum number of things at PAX, you should consider returning as an Attendee instead of applying to be an Enforcer.
    I notice you're new to the forums. If this is your first PAX, I highly suggest going as an Attendee. It'd be best to get the lay of the land, and a feeling for PAX and what the Enforcers do before deciding if Enforcing is for you. You can trust me, I'm a Scientist.

    Man, even Dora the Explorer thinks you're slow.
  • SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    Heyyy PAXers! I was wondering if there was volunteer signups for PAX? I signed up to help out with Comic Con 2011 in NYC, but that link was easy to find on the website. I can't seem to find that link on the PAX East website anywhere (either cuz its too early? but I can't find it on the old one either?). Do they have the option to volunteer at PAX or no?

    Onmitsu is indeed correct. If the call for Enforcers does happen, it will be posted on in the news posts of

    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
  • feitocomfrutafeitocomfruta Denver, Colorado, USARegistered User regular
    This will be my second PAX East, and my plan is to see more panels and other events, trying my hand at a D&D game, and other stuff. Then I can say I've seen it all, to begin with, and 2013 will be my first eligibility year for Enforcing.

    But Small and Onmitsu are right, you will want to at least take this first year to see as much as you can. And as a recent PAX de-flowering, I can attest, there is TOO MUCH to see.

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Reading your post demonstrates to me that you have never been to PAX, for if you had, you wouldn't be asking to volunteer for it in such a way. I say this because enforcers, the people who make up the volunteers for PAX are of a different breed. They will take on tasks most mere mortals would balk at. So yes, listen to what the other posters have said. Go to PAX, marvel at how much of it there is and then think long and hard before considering becoming an enforcer. As an aside, PAX East 2012 will be my seventh PAX and I have no intention of applying to be an enforcer, I don't think I'd make the cut quite frankly!


  • PMS JobiMonsterPMS JobiMonster Registered User new member
    Oh okie thankies for your responses! Yes, i'm new to the forums & NO i'm not new to PAX. This will be my third, I just wanted to know because working Comic Con was amazing I just couldn't get enough. I don't mind working either, it's an awesome experience to be behind the scenes at times. Wanted to see if I could help out at PAX. Sorry kropotkin was just asking. Jeez.

  • feitocomfrutafeitocomfruta Denver, Colorado, USARegistered User regular
    If that's the case, Jobi, I say go for it! It sounds like you are enthusiastic enough to be an Enforcer, so totally apply when the call comes.

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