Captain Marcus - Dr. Kristofer von Todt - Professor of Biology and Psychology/Researcher
Dread_Cthulhu - Oscar Schmidt - Lawyer/Legal Consultant
El Skid - Guy Laperdue - Private Investigator
Peff - Javier Cubilla - Doctor of Medicine/Medical Consultant
Rucdoc - Mathew Stadler - Computer ConsultantCayrus - Agent Ford - Former Secret Service and Personnel Minder
Ageri - Susan Summers - Paranormal Consultant
EON Corporate Headquarters-
The sun is barely cresting the horizon when you all arrive at EON's gleaming new HQ. The building is almost deserted at this hour, and the few early risers seem almost alien in among the long rows of vacant desks. A towering security guard keys you into the main conference room. At the end of the massive table, Ben Jurgen sits asleep, with his head cradled in his hands and a commercial coffee maker bubbling softly beside him. He starts as you enter, rubs his eyes and lights a cigarette while you take your seats. As if on cue, a middle aged woman enters through the other door and passes out manilla folders to each of you. Almost grunting, Jurgen says to you "Yeah, hi, you've all got a plane to catch, so we're just going to skip the fuckin' pleasantries here." He flips on a slide projector and takes a long draw from his coffee.
"That right there is Dr. Jeremiah Morgan. Dr. Morgan is the head of research and development at our New Mexico facility. For the last three weeks he's been laid up in the Albuquerque General Hospital recovering from a heart transplant. It would have been two weeks, but he started on with some serious depression. Forgot his wife's name, crying fits, screaming fits, just a real mess. Last night, somewhere before midnight, it seems Dr. Gammell decided to check himself out of the Hospital without mentioning it to anyone. He left behind his medication and this note for his wife..." A new slide comes up, with a fuzzily faxed copy of a handwritten letter.
Dear Mary,
I know now why I have been acting I am so strange as of late. I think there is some I other...thing. Some ghost or demon it is me is trying to take control I live of my soul. Pathetic Fool! This other me keeps filling my head with the most awful images and voices. I can feel what I let you trying to already has control of my! body. My mind is nothing going and I am afraid that if you Louisa come here, I might even hurt kill stupid God help me! Useless Shut up get out of my head, so cold dark cold I must get control of my reclaim my head Mary, Louisa if you ever ever try to stop me loved me, then please stay away from me you are already dead. My view of the world is mine is so dark dark, and cold cold and dark what is happening has happened, oh thank you to me. I am please, Mary Louisa is here! know that I always live loved you and alw- I still live.
Jurgen gives you a minute to read over the letter, as he massages his forehead. He clears his throat. "The man has gone off the reservation here. Some kind of psychotic break.
Maybe. Or maybe it's an act, and he's looking to sell off what he knows. Either we have a nut job wandering around liable to day or do something stupid, or we have a conniving disloyal employee. The man has piles of sensitive EON secrets in his head, and we have no idea what he's likely to do. Erm...some of the initiatives he was running out there...well, they may fall into some pretty...gray areas ...legally . The police are already looking in to this, and the local news stations are asking around too. I will not let this nut hurt the company because he popped the wrong pill. You're on the next plane out of National to Albuquerque to run damage control. If he's in police custody, you're his counsel, keep him from saying anything. If he's on his own, you bring him in, we'll get him private care. If he is selling us out, well... I'm sure you'll put a stop to that."
Mr. Jurgen checks his watch. "Alright, we've got twenty minutes before you have to leave. The files should fill you in on the details, but if you've got questions, ask them now."
Mathew is also carrying $500 in cash in his wallet.
"Do we have any operatives/Company property in the Albuquerque area?"
Handgun, .45 automatic, 1. Clips for such, 5. Complete Medical kit, 1. Hand-held Taser, 1. Spare trenchcoat, 1. Lab coat, 1. Geiger Counter, 1. Flashlight, 1. $1000 in cash.
On person: shoulder holster for handgun, 1. Good two-piece suit, 1. Dress shoes. Wallet with credit card, identification, and two hundred in cash.
Acknowledging Dr Todt's question and nodding in agreement, "Access to a medical facility may prove useful."
4x Complete First Aid kits
1x Camera (35mm)
5x Film for Camera @ 36 exposures
$500 in cash
3x Jeans
3x Shirts (Twill)
1x Good Hiking Boots
1x Survival knife
On Person:
1x Medical Case (carried)
Wearing: dress pants, dress shirt, dress shoes, leather jacket, belt with sheath for knife
Small Moleskin and Pen (in Jacket)
Wallet: picture of mother, appropriate IDs, $200 in cash
Equipment to follow:
1x Good Suit
1x Rifle (Browning .30-06)
5x boxes of rifle ammo (.30-06)
1x EMT Kit
1x Tripod for camera
Dr. von Todt: You know I can't officially condone any violence against Dr. Morgan or any rival representatives he may be speaking to. I trust in your judgement of the situation, and the knowledge that you'll do what's best for the company. Of course, if you do find you need to act aggressively in..."self-defense", you will have the full support of the EON legal department at your disposal. And as to our personnel, our facility is down the road outside of Socorro. Utilize those facilities as you see fit, but please don't interfere with their work unless absolutely necessary.
Dr. Cubilla: I can't promise that the hospital will allow access, but we will send along our request for the records. Mrs. Morgan has asked us in as well, so I'm certain she will do what she can. Dr. Morgan was initially brought in for a minor heart attack, and the physicians deemed him a candidate for immediate transplant. He was quite a fan of steaks, as I understand. As to his medication, I'm afraid you'll have to find out from someone on site."
There is a sharp knock, and the security guards open the door behind you and nod to Mr. Jurgen.
"Ah, yes, I'm afraid we're out of time, the chopper will take you to the runway, and you should be in Albuquerque by noon. Remember gentlemen, Dr. Morgan is an asset to this company, and we would like to see him return to work sometime in the near future. Good luck."
Cryptography roll = 1d100 → [7] = (7)
Dear Mary,
I know now why I have been acting I am so strange as of late. I think there is some I other...thing. Some ghost or demon it is me is trying to take control I live of my soul. Pathetic Fool! This other me keeps filling my head with the most awful images and voices. I can feel what I let you trying to already has control of my! body. My mind is nothing going and I am afraid that if you Louisa come here, I might even hurt kill you. You stupid God help me! Useless Shut up get out of my head, so cold dark cold I must get control of my reclaim my head Mary, Louisa if you ever ever try to stop me loved me, then please stay away from me you are already dead. My view of the world is mine is so dark dark, and cold cold and dark what is happening has happened, oh thank you to me. I am please, Mary Louisa is here! know that I always live loved you and alw- I still live.
Standing, he moves to follow Matthew, but stops briefly to ask a question of Jurgen: "This scientiste, he is a member of any clubs, or have any 'obbies that we should know about? This type of thing, it could help us to track 'im down faster."
Wallet with:
$2000 in cash
A chequebook
Some prophylactics
Playing-card case containing a cushioned vial of chloroform
Bag containing a few changes of clothing (wrinkle-free pants and blazer, Hawaiian shirt, dark jeans)
As you ride to the airport and board the sleek Gulfstream III, you skim through the folder on Dr. Morgan for mention of any clubs or hobbies. You find that he was an avid golfer until his heart problems forced him to stop. He is the treasurer of the local chapter of the American Legion, and an officer in the county VFW. He has twice taken short sabbaticals to teach as a visiting professor at his Alma Mater, Cal Tech. Both of his children have grown and moved out of the Southwest.
He opens the doors for you and begins to load your luggage into the back of the truck.
Guy waited his turn and glanced at the text "Sounds like he ees of two minds about things for now. Maybe 'e has multiple personalités, and Louisa ees a second wife or girlfriend?"
Dr. von Todt gets in the car with the rest of them, taking off his jacket as a concession to the heat.
"So what division are you from, Mr. Mason?"
The truck pulls into the parking lot of the Presbyterian Hospital, a rather plain complex of brick and concrete. Near the entrance, several police cars sit beside two television vans, and you can see a few men hauling equipment from the vans and carrying it into the lobby. Two women in dull blue medical scrubs are smoking near the front entrance and speaking to an officer in uniform.
The Doctor glances over at the activity near the entrance.
"News attention. Not good. Not good at all. One of our more, charismatic, members should probably talk to an administrator to deny news access. I'd do it, but I'm not the most charming of people."
He puts his suit jacket on as he gets out of the car. Better to look formal in these occasions.
Using the rear-view mirror Guy straightens out his hair and ruffles his collar just so, and wanders over to the gaggle of reporters to find someone to talk to (preferrably of the female persuasion, of course).
"As a backup plan I will go talk to an administrator myself. Anyone care to come along before we see the patient?"
Dr. von Todt gets out of the car and strides purposefully into the hospital. He studies the orderlies for a few seconds before picking one that looks weak and will easily submit to authority.
"Excuse me sir. My name is Dr. Kristofer von Todt, Ph.D. in Medicine, Ph.D. in Psychology, Masters in Biology. I'm one of the assigned doctors from EON, sent here to look at Dr. Morgan's case. My colleague, Dr. Cubilla, will be by shortly. Now, if you could direct me to the patient?"
Catching the last part of his inquiries to the orderly, he joins in "Ah, good I caught you. I am Dr. Javier Cubilla, I'm sure Dr Todt has already explained our needs. I'll be needing access to our patient's chart, immediately. Now if you don't mind showing us the way?" Javier motions with his hand down the hall both as invitation to lead as well as dismissing any further conversation, hoping it would be enough to discourage the orderly from asking too many questions.
The orderly look over at you both and you notice he is visibly shaking. " I guess you'd better...uh...I think Dr. Humphries. I mean, I think you should talk to Dr. Humphries. Or his wife? Mrs. Morgan I mean, not Mrs. Humphries. They're, you know, they're down the hall. The big door on your left, administration."
Dr. Todt sets off down the hall to find Dr. Humphries. On his way, he perks up his ears, attempting to glean information from the hubbub surrounding the injured man in the lobby.
Listen Check
One of the plain clothes detectives steps up to the microphones as an officer leads a sobbing Mr. Hernandez away. "At this time we will not be taking any questions in this matter. If anyone watching this has any information regarding Louisa Hernandez's whereabouts, or the identity of her abductor, please contact the Albuquerque Police Department immediately, and do not attempt to engage the suspect. We will be releasing a sketch of the attacker based on Mr. Hernandez's description later this afternoon. Thank you." The police officers and Mr. Hernandez disappear into a door around the corner, ignoring the shouted questions from the gathered press.
Guy approaches a stunning, tanned brunette dressed in a broad-shouldered, light blue coat and pastel yellow blouse who is practically vibrating as she speaks to her cameraman.
Doctors Todt and Cubilla follow the nervous orderly's directions into an office full of frazzled secretaries and tired police officers. Standing in the doorway of the main office at the back of the room, you can see a portly, balding doctor engaged in a heated three way conversation with a police captain and an older woman in a beige dress. They appear to largely be yelling over each other, but you definitely make out the names Humphries and Morgan.
Upon arriving at the three-way argument Dr. Todt steps in.
"Hello, I'm from EON. My name is Dr. von Todt and this is my colleague, Dr. Cubilla. We were sent here to help Dr. Morgan."
Trying to pickup on the argument, Javier listens in while following Dr. Todt up to the argument.
Extending a hand to the man he believe to be Dr. Humphries, "Doctor. Hopefully we're not interrupting..."
"Allo madame" said Guy politely, if rather seriously, motioning to take her hand. Rather surprised, the reporter gave him her hand, which he kissed gently. "I am a private investigator who 'as been assigned to find out about zis... horrific abduction by a member of ze extended family of zis girl. I am new to town, but I was 'oping to explore ze option of sharing information wis someone in your... line of work, to 'elp us both do our jobs more...efficiently, is ze right word? Would something like zis be of interest? I would report anysing I find to you as soon as possible (and not to any ozer news agencies, but of course!), and you could give me any tips zat come through's pipeline?"
With that he finally gave her a chance to respond, flashing his honest-and-competant-and-very-interested-in-you-too-bad-this-is-such-a-horrible-situation-smile #3.
Persuade Check
Also, if she was saying anything useful to her cameraman that Guy overheard that'd be good to know.
"Oh, don't worry about me, I'm headed back to AQ. See you round buddy." Mason drives off as you head into the building. Inside you realize the facility extends far into the mountain. On the opposite wall sits a huge, reinforced vault door flanked by guards in full body armor. Heading up the stairs, you reach a well appointed waiting area, where a short, severe looking man with a military haircut sits at a massive desk. Without a word he nods to the double doors behind him and presses a button, which causes the doors to swing open. You step into the office, and a towering, gaunt man quickly rolls up the blueprint on his desk and greets you.
"Ah, you'd be...Stadler. I'm Director Codburn. Didn't expect you lot to show up quite so soon. I suppose you have some questions about the missing doctor?"
"Wow, that is some accent! Are you, um, Italian?" She smiles widely. "Oh, but you're here about the kidnapping too! Oh, isn't it just incredible?! I mean, it's awful of course, but wow, he must have just walked right out with her! It's going to get so much play tonight! Sorry, sorry, it's just, this is my first big story. Wow, and you have information too?! Oh, that's just great! You can be my first leak!" Her face suddenly becomes deadpan. "Sources close to the Hernandez family say that...oh this is just so fantastic!"
Dr. Todt looks at Mrs. Morgan.
"Rest assured we will do everything in our power to help your husband."
"Hah. I'm afraid I've only just arrived in town, so zere is nothing yet- I haven't even settled myself into a hotel yet. I'll start checking out ze case as soon as we are done talking. I've just found in my previous jobs on high-profile cases that having a in the press can be highly beneficial to both parties. Having two people looking into ze matter makes ze odds of success increase quite a bit, plus ze networks' contacts often have access to information I do not. And of course, if I manage to crack ze case, I can usually get the network a first crack at the story, usually with an interview if it ees a happy ending."
Reeling in the reporter, he finished with a seductive-but-not-over-the-top-wink (#4),
"Even if we do not manage to land zis case- ze girl is found un'armed by someone else- It is always good to develop certain...relationships between professionals, no?"
Turning to Dr. Humphries, "If you don't mind, I have some questions about the treatments our patient was under going post-op. Can we discuss them more in depth, perhaps somewhere more confidential?"
The Captain glares at you for a moment. "I don't like you boys butting in on this. But if that's the way it is, I'm not going to waste any more time bickering about it." He throws a cold look at Mrs. Morgan. "If you have any information on this investigation, you bring it to the APD. Immediately. And stay out of the way of the officers or I'll put you in a holding cell and forget you ever existed." The officer elbows his way past you and back into the hall. Mrs. Morgan looks up at you, on the verge of tears, and seems to be just waiting for you to acknowledge her so she can begin her speech.
From the press conference, he wandered down the halls of the first floor performing the Private Investigator's bread and butter: Snooping. He would keep his eyes and ears open for anything out of the ordinary, but if nothing else he expected some sort of administration office to be on the ground floor, and the kind of excitement from today was sure to cause one of two things: Some sort of excitement in the admin office where he might be pick something up, OR things would be quiet, in which case secretaries were the world's biggest gossipers; Either way was fine by him.
The severe looking assistant is suddenly behind you, handing you another folder and showing you to the door.