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[Fixed] CSS doesn't seem to load after maintenance ended

jclastjclast Registered User regular
edited November 2011 in H.Q. Reception Desk
Everything is white background. I can see some people's avatars but not all, and the whole forum looks broken. Things are just in ordered lists. I'm pretty sure it's the CSS not loading, but I'd have expected to see this reported already if it's more than just me.

IcyLiquid on


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Do you have noscript or similar?

  • jclastjclast Registered User regular
    Nope - only 2 Firefox add-ons I have are Echofon for twitter and the amazon global wishlist button.

  • jclastjclast Registered User regular
    In case it's helpful I just confirmed that the site is broken in the same way for me in Internet Explorer. No anti-script add-ons there either.

  • jclastjclast Registered User regular
    Just downloaded firebug, and it looks like that's the exact same issue. Thanks, Tube. I wonder why it just started happening after the maintenance. Hopefully it clears itself out soon - the forums are pretty useless without the css and images that it's trying to pull off of vanilladev right now.

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Fixed this.

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