For those who aren't aware, Whiskey Media is a fine family of sites that produce interesting and opinionated internet content. They're responsible for things like quicklooks, podcasts, ridiculous live features, and other various things. Here's the rundown.
The most well-known Whiskey Media site, it was founded by Jeff Gerstmann and Ryan Davis after Jeff got fired from Gamespot because Kane and Lynch is a shitty game. They do quicklooks, the Giant Bombcast, and other various pieces of content that are very good.
The second most popular Whiskey site (YEAH I SAID IT COMIC VINE), Tested is helmed by Will Smith and Norman Chan (Maximum PC and PC Gamer, respectively). They test a lot of dumb shit but it's a really good place to go for tech news and every week they're joined by Gary Whitta for the This Is Only a Test podcast.
Comic Vine is about comic books. Read it? Don't read it? If you're into that kind of thing.
Kinda only typed this one in so that after I post I can see if the link still works or if they took down the neglected child of the family.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom