I got nearly 50 cards, plus a few from last year (sometimes in addition to new ones, sometimes in lieu of new ones). The best place I found to swap was the Westin meetup each evening... but in terms of the social aspect, I had more luck swapping them at other community events like the Girls' Meetup, International Food Exchange, Coin Lunch, and Cult of the Leaf. Those were good places to just start chatting with people, too. Very excited to have met several of you in person and hope to run into you again - online and off!
Added bonus, I clearly indoctrinated @shadowfae correctly.
By the last day I was over the whole trading card thing that's why I didn't engage those I did saw while waiting in line. I wasn't solely relying on twitter either. I was actively looking for people all weekend. I heard of no such meet ups.
In regards to the cliquey and unwelcoming comment it was not directed towards anyone on the forums. There were groups of people at PAX who felt they were too elite to have a conversation with a random person.
Anyways like I said great concept poor execution. I didn't even get a forum badge. Couldn't find them. I also had my cards displayed. So it's not like i did it wrong. Next time maybe there should be a more advertised place to meet and swap. Perhaps host a panel?
By the last day I was over the whole trading card thing that's why I didn't engage those I did saw while waiting in line. I wasn't solely relying on twitter either. I was actively looking for people all weekend. I heard of no such meet ups.
In regards to the cliquey and unwelcoming comment it was not directed towards anyone on the forums. There were groups of people at PAX who felt they were too elite to have a conversation with a random person.
Anyways like I said great concept poor execution. I didn't even get a forum badge. Couldn't find them. I also had my cards displayed. So it's not like i did it wrong. Next time maybe there should be a more advertised place to meet and swap. Perhaps host a panel?
I hate to say it again, but as soon as you say "poor execution" you are blaming the community whether you like it or not. If you couldn't find a forum badge, you weren't paying attention. It was said over and over and over in the forum badge thread that they would be at the BYOC desk. They were there starting mid-day on Friday. Also, they were given out at the MMT, Pre-PAX Dinner, and Pre-PAX Gaming nights.
As far as the card meetups go, they were organized from within this thread. There were actually MORE card meetups this year than last year. If you aren't talking about cliquey people on the forums, don't associate it with a community event like you did by bringing it up while saying that the pax cards were poorly executed.
zerzhul said:
I hate to say it again, but as soon as you say "poor execution" you are blaming the community whether you like it or not. If you couldn't find a forum badge, you weren't paying attention. It was said over and over and over in the forum badge thread that they would be at the BYOC desk. They were there starting mid-day on Friday. Also, they were given out at the MMT, Pre-PAX Dinner, and Pre-PAX Gaming nights.
This is true, but it would have been helpful to have had a listing of the meetups in one consolidated place - Perhaps in the MP or something? I know I had a hard time finding the meetup information, even though I knew it was buried in there somewhere. Or maybe I am just blind and missed it, that's also entirely possible
zerzhul said:
I hate to say it again, but as soon as you say "poor execution" you are blaming the community whether you like it or not. If you couldn't find a forum badge, you weren't paying attention. It was said over and over and over in the forum badge thread that they would be at the BYOC desk. They were there starting mid-day on Friday. Also, they were given out at the MMT, Pre-PAX Dinner, and Pre-PAX Gaming nights.
This is true, but it would have been helpful to have had a listing of the meetups in one consolidated place - Perhaps in the MP or something? I know I had a hard time finding the meetup information, even though I knew it was buried in there somewhere. Or maybe I am just blind and missed it, that's also entirely possible
I only made it to Friday and Saturday's meetups, and came away with 31 cards. How was Sunday's meetup?
I agree with @adastra, the outside events were a bit better socially than the card swaps themselves. I had a hard time remembering sometimes who I just traded with at Saturday's meetup, even. (Mostly because I was in a massive hurry and arrived later, but, still.)
I'd like to see this changed next year. I propose instead of just a 30 minute swap, a social of some sort. 6:30 is pretty close to dinner time, so maybe we could bring in some food to encourage people to stay or meet up at close restaurant/bar.
That said, this is super fun and plan on doing it every year I'm at PAX East. I like the format, the cards you all made are so well done and clever, and it helps me put names to faces and interests.
By the last day I was over the whole trading card thing that's why I didn't engage those I did saw while waiting in line. I wasn't solely relying on twitter either. I was actively looking for people all weekend. I heard of no such meet ups.
In regards to the cliquey and unwelcoming comment it was not directed towards anyone on the forums. There were groups of people at PAX who felt they were too elite to have a conversation with a random person.
Anyways like I said great concept poor execution. I didn't even get a forum badge. Couldn't find them. I also had my cards displayed. So it's not like i did it wrong. Next time maybe there should be a more advertised place to meet and swap. Perhaps host a panel?
I hate to say it again, but as soon as you say "poor execution" you are blaming the community whether you like it or not. If you couldn't find a forum badge, you weren't paying attention. It was said over and over and over in the forum badge thread that they would be at the BYOC desk. They were there starting mid-day on Friday. Also, they were given out at the MMT, Pre-PAX Dinner, and Pre-PAX Gaming nights.
As far as the card meetups go, they were organized from within this thread. There were actually MORE card meetups this year than last year. If you aren't talking about cliquey people on the forums, don't associate it with a community event like you did by bringing it up while saying that the pax cards were poorly executed.
Well I hate say it again. It could have been done better. This was my first PAX I didn't know where the BYOC thing was. I also arrived Thursday night and the only pre-PAX event I attended was the pokecrawl. And like you all have mentioned the Internet was horrendous around the event area so checking the forums for this information wasn't an option for me.
And going back to the comment that is getting under everyone's skin, I think you're taking it the wrong way. Perhaps maybe some of you were those who were being rude to me. I don't know I never met any of you. The point is I got fed up with some of the attitudes people carried around with them and stopped introducing myself to random people/other gamers. Therefore I no longer cared to collect any cards.
You could have posted the meet ups and all locations where possible card traders would be in your mass message that blew up my email when others replied to it. That would have been the most beneficial way of spreading said information.
So don't get mad I found the experience lacking. I'm not the one who organized it. If anything you or whoever puts this together, should learn from this experience and make sure that the important meet up information is sent out in a mass message prior to PAX. Not just a message that says "oh hey I'm making a checklist, please respond so you can be on it." Also a PS on that message should have been included like, "Please respond in a new message so you're not sending over a dozen notification emails to everyone." So again. Poor execution. And don't get mad because I am giving an honest opinion about my first time experience trying to be involved with _your_ community.
Thank you.
Also. MMT was canceled from what I heard. So there's that too.
Also. Let the record show I had a wonderful time at PAX. I did meet some amazing people, wether they were a part of the forums or not. For every sour person I met, I met 2 or 3 awesome people. The trading card experience, or lack-thereof, did not affect my overall PAX experience.
Reading through some of the extra comments and such here are my thoughts. I unfortunately missed all the meetups cause of other conflicts but i handed out plenty of cards (didnt get many in return because a lot of the people that got them werent participating). Would have been nice to actually trade cards but hey thats my fault for missing the meetups and some of the other prepax events.
Finding byoc and getting my forum badge and stuff I admit was a bit of a pain simply because of the like 5 people i asked only the info desk really could tell me where to go, but I found it. Just took me a little bit.
In terms of people being elitist or shy or w/e. I had no problems talking to people. I made a bunch of new friends just by striking up conversation while in a line or w/e. Probably some groups might have been a little more unwelcoming to someone but there is not a single person I talked to over the weekend that wasnt nice to me and i talked to A LOT of people since I went up by myself. Heck oddly enough on the way back from PAX i stopped at a random rest stop at like 11:15 at night and in roles people driving home from PAX strike up easy conversation and hand out cards /win.
By the last day I was over the whole trading card thing that's why I didn't engage those I did saw while waiting in line. I wasn't solely relying on twitter either. I was actively looking for people all weekend. I heard of no such meet ups.
In regards to the cliquey and unwelcoming comment it was not directed towards anyone on the forums. There were groups of people at PAX who felt they were too elite to have a conversation with a random person.
Anyways like I said great concept poor execution. I didn't even get a forum badge. Couldn't find them. I also had my cards displayed. So it's not like i did it wrong. Next time maybe there should be a more advertised place to meet and swap. Perhaps host a panel?
I hate to say it again, but as soon as you say "poor execution" you are blaming the community whether you like it or not. If you couldn't find a forum badge, you weren't paying attention. It was said over and over and over in the forum badge thread that they would be at the BYOC desk. They were there starting mid-day on Friday. Also, they were given out at the MMT, Pre-PAX Dinner, and Pre-PAX Gaming nights.
As far as the card meetups go, they were organized from within this thread. There were actually MORE card meetups this year than last year. If you aren't talking about cliquey people on the forums, don't associate it with a community event like you did by bringing it up while saying that the pax cards were poorly executed.
Well I hate say it again. It could have been done better. This was my first PAX I didn't know where the BYOC thing was. I also arrived Thursday night and the only pre-PAX event I attended was the pokecrawl. And like you all have mentioned the Internet was horrendous around the event area so checking the forums for this information wasn't an option for me.
And going back to the comment that is getting under everyone's skin, I think you're taking it the wrong way. Perhaps maybe some of you were those who were being rude to me. I don't know I never met any of you. The point is I got fed up with some of the attitudes people carried around with them and stopped introducing myself to random people/other gamers. Therefore I no longer cared to collect any cards.
You could have posted the meet ups and all locations where possible card traders would be in your mass message that blew up my email when others replied to it. That would have been the most beneficial way of spreading said information.
So don't get mad I found the experience lacking. I'm not the one who organized it. If anything you or whoever puts this together, should learn from this experience and make sure that the important meet up information is sent out in a mass message prior to PAX. Not just a message that says "oh hey I'm making a checklist, please respond so you can be on it." Also a PS on that message should have been included like, "Please respond in a new message so you're not sending over a dozen notification emails to everyone." So again. Poor execution. And don't get mad because I am giving an honest opinion about my first time experience trying to be involved with _your_ community.
Thank you.
Also. MMT was canceled from what I heard. So there's that too.
Also. Let the record show I had a wonderful time at PAX. I did meet some amazing people, wether they were a part of the forums or not. For every sour person I met, I met 2 or 3 awesome people. The trading card experience, or lack-thereof, did not affect my overall PAX experience.
I did not organize the cards.
The meetup information is in the OP of this thread, right at the top. Maybe it could have been disseminated in other ways, but given that one has to come to this forum and participate in this thread in order to get included in the cards, I don't think it's too much to expect folks to keep up on the thread in order to participate.
I didn't send the mass PM initially.
The MMT was never canceled, it went off fantastically both Wednesday and Thursday.
I'm not mad that you're giving your honest opinion about anything, I'm defensive that you're blaming the execution of the idea for your lack of participation. Like many things at PAX, you choose your own level of participation. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely. There's room for improvement in almost everything all the time, but in your first post, quoted below, you made it very clear that you expected this community event (and maybe others?) to be run in such a way where IT comes to YOU and not YOU go to IT. You could have asked an enforcer where BYOC was so you could get a forum badge, you could have used wifi or internet in some hotel in the evenings to check the forums if you were concerned you were missing some vital information, you could have asked if there were any scheduled meetups.
by the way, I read through your entire twitter feed for the time during pax hours, and the most recent tweet that said you were card trading at some point was this one:
which was on Apr 6th at 1237, 2 hours after pax opened. Not only was it the most recent tweet, it was the /only/ tweet about card trading during pax hours. It never got mentioned again for the entirety of pax, unless you deleted the tweets. You did occasionally post "hey I'm in line for panel X", but I would hardly consider that "constantly updating where I was and how long I would be there and where I would be going next" or in any way or shape related to cards.
I did see 2 people today who were participating but I didn't even bother with offering to trade with them because of how bad the experience was. I thought this would be a cool way to network with you fellow PAXers but none of you reached out to me. I constantly updated where I was at how long I would be there and where I would be going next.
Anyhow, I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience. If I had seen you, I certainly would have traded cards with you and struck up a conversation (like I would with anyone else). Maybe you'll have a better experience if you participate in some other community events that require less random going up to people with forum badges and trying to strike up a conversation.
I got over 50 cards from going to all the meet ups and running into people on the floor. This was a great experience and I met quite a few awesome people chatting with them while in lines. Can't wait to do it again next year
I made it to both the Friday and Sunday meetups, and spotted some card holders on the floor with their cards in the badge holder. I didn't have an actual badge with me, since I still had the plastic from last year and put by badge and cards in that.
I don't know if the Skallops people will be there next year, but on Sunday I saw Magpie Maydin wearing a crown made of her cards using those. That's an awesome idea.
So, two meetups and a few random finds and I collected: 36 cards.
And I'm okay with that. I updated my twitter with the #paxcards hashtag a few times the first day, but after I realized how little I was able to check, I just let it slide.
I'm personally quite happy with how well Peasant Dave is doing with this, and I tip my hat to another fun year of card collecting. I do think that the meet ups are a little chaotic, as everyone tries to trade with everyone else and figure out who they've already traded with, but I'm not sure how that might be changed.
I came back to PAX East this year, and will continue to go back for as long as I'm able, because I've personally experienced the best crowds I've ever been in here. I felt like I could talk to anyone about any game that interests me, and even if they didn't play, they would at least probably be curious. Me personally? I'm more of a lone con goer, not likely to engage everybody I meet in conversation. But it's nice to feel like I could.
Doc Rogers, you have a point about the important information possibly getting sent out in a message to everyone who participated, including the meet up times and places, the hashtag to use, and a link to the checklist. But, at least that information is locatable in the original post, and not hidden in these many pages of replies.
My personal bottom line: Yeah, I paid about $36 for these cards, I got about that many cards from other people, and I have a lot left over. But it was fun to have the cards, and I'll be participating again next year if this continues, which I hope it will.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this. I had a fantastic time meeting all of you and collecting so many cards!
As with previous years, if you missed a meetup but would like to fill out your collection, send me a PM and I'll give you my address. After people have mailed me their cards I will post the list of cards I have and mail out packages to anyone who would like some more cards.
Keep letting us know ways to improve this next year.
I would like to clear some things up before this blows up in my face. I have been typing with my iPad so my words have appeared short and terse. That is not the case though. I respect this community and PAX. It's an amazing event and I am proud to be a part of it.
I drove to Boston from Jacksonville. In doing so I left my home in quite the hurry and didn't check the forums before leaving for valuable information. This is indeed my fault. I was just so excited to get to PAX and experience everything Boston had to offer.
I easily could have tried harder to reach out to others participating in the trading cards. I apologize for my unorganized thoughts in my earlier posts. I did not mean to offend anyone or set anyone off or put anyone off. I did not choose my words correctly.
As far as the cliquey comment goes I muddled that up with some thoughts I had about particular groups that may or may not be a part of the forums. It had nothing to do with any of you participating in the trading cards. I experienced a few things that kind of put me off and I directed my words poorly.
I just want everyone to know that I thought this was a great idea and I could have been involved more. But being my first PAX I blame my inexperience on my lack of participation. I will be sure to learn from my own mistakes in this circumstance but at the same time I think there could be a better way to get everyone involved. But I feel my opinion is a bit biased due to my lack of initiative.
If anyone would like a Cookie Brigade card I still have quite a few left over and will happily mail you one if you would like.
Drop me a PM with the address you would like it sent to.
The cards were incredibly useful for brigadiers this year, at least based on feedback I got from distributors who were giving them out of skeptical attendees. They really added some validity to what we were doing.
I am sorry though I wasn't able to make any of the meet up times, I spent most of the weekend running like a headless chicken doing logistics for the brigade and Sunday the omegathon finale ran over so I was way late even getting out of PAX after announcing the final numbers.
@Doc_Rogers - The cliquey thing is always dependent upon your specific experience and how much you interact with other attendees.
Attendees, at least in my experience brigadiering, are a mixed bag. You get a lot of people who come for gaming that know nothing about PAX or its community. So they can be very standoffish when randomly approached. You should try offering random people free food, you'd think I was offering arsenic cookies rather then chocolate chip.
You really have to take it with a grain of salt and either brush it off and move on or kill them with kindness.
I would like to clear some things up before this blows up in my face. I have been typing with my iPad so my words have appeared short and terse. That is not the case though. I respect this community and PAX. It's an amazing event and I am proud to be a part of it.
I drove to Boston from Jacksonville. In doing so I left my home in quite the hurry and didn't check the forums before leaving for valuable information. This is indeed my fault. I was just so excited to get to PAX and experience everything Boston had to offer.
I easily could have tried harder to reach out to others participating in the trading cards. I apologize for my unorganized thoughts in my earlier posts. I did not mean to offend anyone or set anyone off or put anyone off. I did not choose my words correctly.
As far as the cliquey comment goes I muddled that up with some thoughts I had about particular groups that may or may not be a part of the forums. It had nothing to do with any of you participating in the trading cards. I experienced a few things that kind of put me off and I directed my words poorly.
I just want everyone to know that I thought this was a great idea and I could have been involved more. But being my first PAX I blame my inexperience on my lack of participation. I will be sure to learn from my own mistakes in this circumstance but at the same time I think there could be a better way to get everyone involved. But I feel my opinion is a bit biased due to my lack of initiative.
I just wAnted to clear that up.
The good news is that if you make it to a future PAX and want to take part again you can always reuse this years cards, so it least you won't have to spend more money!
Mailing cards is a great idea, thanks Dave! I'm tempted to take advantage of it. . .but I like the idea that I met everyone whose card I have. We'll see.
You should try offering random people free food, you'd think I was offering arsenic cookies rather then chocolate chip.
Hahahaha, I really want to know what happened to this. (shameless PAX International Food Exchange plug)
And anyone scanning QR codes that thought I was a cool kid, apparently I'm not that smart of a kid and put my wrong Facebook URL in my QR code. Uh, let me know if you want my real one.
I got nearly 50 cards, plus a few from last year (sometimes in addition to new ones, sometimes in lieu of new ones). The best place I found to swap was the Westin meetup each evening... but in terms of the social aspect, I had more luck swapping them at other community events like the Girls' Meetup, International Food Exchange, Coin Lunch, and Cult of the Leaf. Those were good places to just start chatting with people, too. Very excited to have met several of you in person and hope to run into you again - online and off!
Added bonus, I clearly indoctrinated @shadowfae correctly.
yessssss, more participants for next year - I like it. and thanks again to the ladies who saved me from a long cold walk on sunday!!!
"The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
I enjoyed meeting those of you I managed to trade cards with; it was a lot of fun! I only was able to make it to the Saturday meetup, so I only was able to trade about 25-30 cards (I was there for Sunday, but I heard the Omegathon ran a little late, so I think that may be why I missed out that day since I had to leave early to run a couple of errands before hitting up the airport). I believe I was also a little too stingy with giving out my cards, so the next time I participate, I know now to be sure to hand out my cards to any of the interesting people I meet, regardless if they have a card to trade back.
Also, I'm definitely interested in mailing some of my cards to get some of the ones I missed out on. PeasantDave, expect a PM from me soon.
I dropped off all of my cards on a table at the westin after the show and then had to rush off to help with tear down. I hope people were able to get them.
I dropped off all of my cards on a table at the westin after the show and then had to rush off to help with tear down. I hope people were able to get them.
They made it to the meetup and will be available for mail order requests.
I dropped off all of my cards on a table at the westin after the show and then had to rush off to help with tear down. I hope people were able to get them.
I definitely got one. Also, Dave, I will PM you for address and send extra cards because I have a LOT.
"The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
Shall there be a PAX Prime 2012 Forum? I want to get in on this action.
I'm not sure what you're asking since that question doesn't exactly make sense. The cards are for East though, as a replacement for Buttoneering for Prime.
heh, I actually totally forgot about this. I had left a bunch of my cards with Dave at pax but I don't know if enough made it to his stash for me to be part of the remote trading. I guess I could still send more since I haven't heard anything recently from dave.
@adastra I'm going to guess dave has been super busy with his game company and it has slipped in priorities :P
There's been a lot going on, so this may have ended up on the back burner for a bit. Now that I'm back from externship land, I'll see what's up and try to help him get this stuff together in the next few weeks.
Added bonus, I clearly indoctrinated @shadowfae correctly.
In regards to the cliquey and unwelcoming comment it was not directed towards anyone on the forums. There were groups of people at PAX who felt they were too elite to have a conversation with a random person.
Anyways like I said great concept poor execution. I didn't even get a forum badge. Couldn't find them. I also had my cards displayed. So it's not like i did it wrong. Next time maybe there should be a more advertised place to meet and swap. Perhaps host a panel?
I hate to say it again, but as soon as you say "poor execution" you are blaming the community whether you like it or not. If you couldn't find a forum badge, you weren't paying attention. It was said over and over and over in the forum badge thread that they would be at the BYOC desk. They were there starting mid-day on Friday. Also, they were given out at the MMT, Pre-PAX Dinner, and Pre-PAX Gaming nights.
As far as the card meetups go, they were organized from within this thread. There were actually MORE card meetups this year than last year. If you aren't talking about cliquey people on the forums, don't associate it with a community event like you did by bringing it up while saying that the pax cards were poorly executed.
This is true, but it would have been helpful to have had a listing of the meetups in one consolidated place - Perhaps in the MP or something? I know I had a hard time finding the meetup information, even though I knew it was buried in there somewhere. Or maybe I am just blind and missed it, that's also entirely possible
It's at the VERY TOP of the OP.
I agree with @adastra, the outside events were a bit better socially than the card swaps themselves. I had a hard time remembering sometimes who I just traded with at Saturday's meetup, even. (Mostly because I was in a massive hurry and arrived later, but, still.)
I'd like to see this changed next year. I propose instead of just a 30 minute swap, a social of some sort. 6:30 is pretty close to dinner time, so maybe we could bring in some food to encourage people to stay or meet up at close restaurant/bar.
That said, this is super fun and plan on doing it every year I'm at PAX East.
Nice job, all!
Well I hate say it again. It could have been done better. This was my first PAX I didn't know where the BYOC thing was. I also arrived Thursday night and the only pre-PAX event I attended was the pokecrawl. And like you all have mentioned the Internet was horrendous around the event area so checking the forums for this information wasn't an option for me.
And going back to the comment that is getting under everyone's skin, I think you're taking it the wrong way. Perhaps maybe some of you were those who were being rude to me. I don't know I never met any of you. The point is I got fed up with some of the attitudes people carried around with them and stopped introducing myself to random people/other gamers. Therefore I no longer cared to collect any cards.
You could have posted the meet ups and all locations where possible card traders would be in your mass message that blew up my email when others replied to it. That would have been the most beneficial way of spreading said information.
So don't get mad I found the experience lacking. I'm not the one who organized it. If anything you or whoever puts this together, should learn from this experience and make sure that the important meet up information is sent out in a mass message prior to PAX. Not just a message that says "oh hey I'm making a checklist, please respond so you can be on it." Also a PS on that message should have been included like, "Please respond in a new message so you're not sending over a dozen notification emails to everyone." So again. Poor execution. And don't get mad because I am giving an honest opinion about my first time experience trying to be involved with _your_ community.
Thank you.
Also. MMT was canceled from what I heard. So there's that too.
Also. Let the record show I had a wonderful time at PAX. I did meet some amazing people, wether they were a part of the forums or not. For every sour person I met, I met 2 or 3 awesome people. The trading card experience, or lack-thereof, did not affect my overall PAX experience.
Finding byoc and getting my forum badge and stuff I admit was a bit of a pain simply because of the like 5 people i asked only the info desk really could tell me where to go, but I found it. Just took me a little bit.
In terms of people being elitist or shy or w/e. I had no problems talking to people. I made a bunch of new friends just by striking up conversation while in a line or w/e. Probably some groups might have been a little more unwelcoming to someone but there is not a single person I talked to over the weekend that wasnt nice to me and i talked to A LOT of people since I went up by myself. Heck oddly enough on the way back from PAX i stopped at a random rest stop at like 11:15 at night and in roles people driving home from PAX strike up easy conversation and hand out cards /win.
I did not organize the cards.
The meetup information is in the OP of this thread, right at the top. Maybe it could have been disseminated in other ways, but given that one has to come to this forum and participate in this thread in order to get included in the cards, I don't think it's too much to expect folks to keep up on the thread in order to participate.
I didn't send the mass PM initially.
The MMT was never canceled, it went off fantastically both Wednesday and Thursday.
I'm not mad that you're giving your honest opinion about anything, I'm defensive that you're blaming the execution of the idea for your lack of participation. Like many things at PAX, you choose your own level of participation. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely. There's room for improvement in almost everything all the time, but in your first post, quoted below, you made it very clear that you expected this community event (and maybe others?) to be run in such a way where IT comes to YOU and not YOU go to IT. You could have asked an enforcer where BYOC was so you could get a forum badge, you could have used wifi or internet in some hotel in the evenings to check the forums if you were concerned you were missing some vital information, you could have asked if there were any scheduled meetups.
by the way, I read through your entire twitter feed for the time during pax hours, and the most recent tweet that said you were card trading at some point was this one:
which was on Apr 6th at 1237, 2 hours after pax opened. Not only was it the most recent tweet, it was the /only/ tweet about card trading during pax hours. It never got mentioned again for the entirety of pax, unless you deleted the tweets. You did occasionally post "hey I'm in line for panel X", but I would hardly consider that "constantly updating where I was and how long I would be there and where I would be going next" or in any way or shape related to cards.
Anyhow, I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience. If I had seen you, I certainly would have traded cards with you and struck up a conversation (like I would with anyone else). Maybe you'll have a better experience if you participate in some other community events that require less random going up to people with forum badges and trying to strike up a conversation.
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
I don't know if the Skallops people will be there next year, but on Sunday I saw Magpie Maydin wearing a crown made of her cards using those. That's an awesome idea.
So, two meetups and a few random finds and I collected: 36 cards.
And I'm okay with that. I updated my twitter with the #paxcards hashtag a few times the first day, but after I realized how little I was able to check, I just let it slide.
I'm personally quite happy with how well Peasant Dave is doing with this, and I tip my hat to another fun year of card collecting. I do think that the meet ups are a little chaotic, as everyone tries to trade with everyone else and figure out who they've already traded with, but I'm not sure how that might be changed.
I came back to PAX East this year, and will continue to go back for as long as I'm able, because I've personally experienced the best crowds I've ever been in here. I felt like I could talk to anyone about any game that interests me, and even if they didn't play, they would at least probably be curious. Me personally? I'm more of a lone con goer, not likely to engage everybody I meet in conversation. But it's nice to feel like I could.
Doc Rogers, you have a point about the important information possibly getting sent out in a message to everyone who participated, including the meet up times and places, the hashtag to use, and a link to the checklist. But, at least that information is locatable in the original post, and not hidden in these many pages of replies.
My personal bottom line: Yeah, I paid about $36 for these cards, I got about that many cards from other people, and I have a lot left over. But it was fun to have the cards, and I'll be participating again next year if this continues, which I hope it will.
As with previous years, if you missed a meetup but would like to fill out your collection, send me a PM and I'll give you my address. After people have mailed me their cards I will post the list of cards I have and mail out packages to anyone who would like some more cards.
Keep letting us know ways to improve this next year.
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
I drove to Boston from Jacksonville. In doing so I left my home in quite the hurry and didn't check the forums before leaving for valuable information. This is indeed my fault. I was just so excited to get to PAX and experience everything Boston had to offer.
I easily could have tried harder to reach out to others participating in the trading cards. I apologize for my unorganized thoughts in my earlier posts. I did not mean to offend anyone or set anyone off or put anyone off. I did not choose my words correctly.
As far as the cliquey comment goes I muddled that up with some thoughts I had about particular groups that may or may not be a part of the forums. It had nothing to do with any of you participating in the trading cards. I experienced a few things that kind of put me off and I directed my words poorly.
I just want everyone to know that I thought this was a great idea and I could have been involved more. But being my first PAX I blame my inexperience on my lack of participation. I will be sure to learn from my own mistakes in this circumstance but at the same time I think there could be a better way to get everyone involved. But I feel my opinion is a bit biased due to my lack of initiative.
I just wAnted to clear that up.
Drop me a PM with the address you would like it sent to.
The cards were incredibly useful for brigadiers this year, at least based on feedback I got from distributors who were giving them out of skeptical attendees. They really added some validity to what we were doing.
I am sorry though I wasn't able to make any of the meet up times, I spent most of the weekend running like a headless chicken doing logistics for the brigade and Sunday the omegathon finale ran over so I was way late even getting out of PAX after announcing the final numbers.
@Doc_Rogers - The cliquey thing is always dependent upon your specific experience and how much you interact with other attendees.
Attendees, at least in my experience brigadiering, are a mixed bag. You get a lot of people who come for gaming that know nothing about PAX or its community. So they can be very standoffish when randomly approached. You should try offering random people free food, you'd think I was offering arsenic cookies rather then chocolate chip.
You really have to take it with a grain of salt and either brush it off and move on or kill them with kindness.
The good news is that if you make it to a future PAX and want to take part again you can always reuse this years cards, so it least you won't have to spend more money!
I will personally be pooling cards so that people can get everything they need at once.
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
Hahahaha, I really want to know what happened to this. (shameless PAX International Food Exchange plug)
And anyone scanning QR codes that thought I was a cool kid, apparently I'm not that smart of a kid and put my wrong Facebook URL in my QR code. Uh, let me know if you want my real one.
I see that the Baijiu is gone!
yessssss, more participants for next year - I like it. and thanks again to the ladies who saved me from a long cold walk on sunday!!!
"The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
Also, I'm definitely interested in mailing some of my cards to get some of the ones I missed out on. PeasantDave, expect a PM from me soon.
They made it to the meetup and will be available for mail order requests.
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
I definitely got one. Also, Dave, I will PM you for address and send extra cards because I have a LOT.
"The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
You're welcome!!!
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
Challenge Coin [ ]. Custom Dice [ ]. Forumer Pin [ ]. On Forumer Badge [ ]
Attendee: Prime '12, '13
I'm not sure what you're asking since that question doesn't exactly make sense. The cards are for East though, as a replacement for Buttoneering for Prime.
Any updates?
@adastra I'm going to guess dave has been super busy with his game company and it has slipped in priorities :P