While we're waiting for an official listing from the powers that be, why don't we all fantasize for a moment about our ultimate lineup at PAX. I will start.
Friday: The OneUps / Anamanaguchi / FreezePop
Saturday: Jonathan Coulton / Paul & Storm / The Minibosses
No this would not be the order, just what I would love to see.
Metroid metal
The oneups
don't judge me!
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
Rock night: Anyone other than JoCo, I just can't get into that dude no matter what. Unless he's just doing his cover of Baby Got Back for an hour...
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Sat night: JoCo, VGO, Anamanguchi
Edit: Oh yeah, and Freezepop in there somewhere too! So many awesome groups, so little time
He was great sober. I bet he is amazing after some Cape Cods.
That's why there's only one band on my ultimate PAX music line up. A band that to my knowledge has never played in the USA. A band that might only come here if a group like PAX put up the resources to make it happen.
There's a band I haven't heard of in a while, I loved that song they did about Serial Experiments Lain. I need to check out some of their new releases ASAP.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
The MCs Front, Lars and Random would be wonderful. Nice Peter would be interesting too.
Friday: The OneUps, mc chris, FreezePop
Saturday: Anamanaguchi, JoCo, Weird Al.
Hey, I can dream, right?
JoCo didn't close last PAX Prime, Supercommuter did, and it was completely unfair to Supercommuter. After JoCo, 75% of the main theater cleared out, which was unfortunate because Supercommuter rocked the house. JoCo works better as a closer just because of his sheer popularity. As for just JoCo vs. JoCo with the band, that's another matter entirely.
Friday: MC Lars, MC Frontalot, MC Chris, Protomen
Saturday: VGO, Paul and Storm, "Weird Al" Yankovic
I would rather Jo Co continue closing so I can leave early. I tried to get into him last year and I just do not get it at all. Paul and Storm blew me away and I became a huge fan. Jo Co did nothing for me.
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There was a mini-mosh last year at the Protomen's set, but I don't know if it is technically allowed.
That's more of what I'm hoping for. I saw the ProtoMen earlier this month in Cambridge and it was in the tiniest venue I've ever been to, and there was 0 movement, just people fist pumping, which I just couldn't bring myself to do and I was just getting bored (the concert was amazing though, so with a giant PAX theater I expect it to be better).
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The Protomen
The Protomen
The Protomen
The Protomen
The Protomen
The Protomen
Also, I'm with everyone else: we need Anamanaguchi, Freezepop, and the One Ups back!
I also enjoyed the Protomen, but I'm just not as familiar with their music
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Back in the real world, Friday: Metroid Metal (first so they don't have the dispiriting exodus they had this year ), MC Frontalot, Anamanaguchi and Protomen closing (they totally blew me away this year, really hope to catch them again and see how they've built things).
Saturday: VGO, *insert random act here*, Paul and Storm then JoCo to close... I kinda agree about a lot of the comments about JoCo and while I think P+S would make awesome closers they can just come on at the end for a mash-up/collaboration!
Tweet me @Landerolin
You should come to MAGFest itself this January
Friday: The Protomen, The Oneups, I Fight Dragons
Saturday: VGO, Supercommuter, Anamanaguchi
I have been trying to for the last few years and was going this year but I started a new job and can't ask off for that and EAST.
Protomen Vs The megas (It would be sublime)
The Konami Kode
They put on one the of the best live sets I have ever seen.
If not I would love to see:
The Aquabats
Paul & Storm
I dunno, I'm not so much a fan of the music at PAX. I enjoy some of the bands now and then, but it's not the sort of thing that ends up on my daily playlists.
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
p much this man
also re the Cambridge show vs PAX: I get the feeling that the crowd will be better, but you lose a lot of the magic when you can't be RIGHT UP CLOSE with the band. I was on the rails at Cambridge and ended up actually having to catch Turbo Lover when he went crowdsurfing, which is something that given PAX's setup I think would be a little harder. Then I also hung out and drank with Panther and Murphy afterwards, ALSO something not as likely to happen at PAX
Still, I'm certain they'll rock everyone's faces off.
Also I did get a personal promise from Panther that yes, the Protomen ARE coming, though he was a little surprised when I informed him that PAX is Easter weekend this year.
At official PAX? Nah. But at the PAX community stuff? Oh hell yeah. I was doing Jaegerbombs with the band after their show at the Post-Pax (Prime) Party at Jillian's and shot the shit with Murphy for a bit.
powerglove would be fun
math the band as well