How do I fix the crash to desktop?
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound
In the Playback tab, right click on Speakers (or whatever has a green tick next to it), then click Properties
In the advanced tab on this new window, select 24 bit, 44100Hz (Studio Quality) in the drop down menu
How do I fix some sound issues, such as hearing static during NPC dialogue?
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound
In the Playback tab, right click on Speakers (or whatever has a green tick next to it), then click Properties
In the advanced tab on this new window, select 24 bit, 44100Hz (Studio Quality) in the drop down menu
How do I disable the smooth mouse settings?
Go to your Steam Directory -> steamapps -> common -> skyrim -> Skyrim
Create a backup of the SkyrimPrefs.ini file
Open the file, then scroll down to where it says [Controls] and find bMouseAcceleration=1
Change to bMouseAcceleration=0
Save, exit, and play
How do I fix the vsync ("laggy mouse") problem?
Go to your Steam Directory -> steamapps -> common -> skyrim -> Skyrim
Create a backup of the SkyrimPrefs.ini file
Open the file, then scroll down to where it says [Display]
Add to the bottom of the section iPresentInterval=0
Save, exit, and play
How do I change the FOV?
Go to your My Documents -> My Games -> Skyrim -> skyrim
Create a backup of the skyrim.ini file
Open the file, then scroll down to where it says [General]
At the bottom of this section, add fdefaultfov=XX (where XX is the FOV value you want to change to)
Save, exit, and play
I will be doing the Dark Brotherhood after I do the Imperial side of the War.
I might spend a few hours ambushing Thalmor patrols. I'll murder them and dump their bodies down the nearest ravine. Those Forsworn and Hargravens gotta eat. I don't think they'll find a better source of food than a constant supply of haughty elf meat.
I need to kill this lich guy DANG
only one troop made it out, and that was a legate that is unkillable, but he's completely hostile even when i lower my weapon or travel somewhere else
mustve accidentally hit him with an arrow
"Thieves' Guild"
Just about to finish the Dark Brotherhood.
thief'es guild
he cleaves skulls
whereas i skulk around in a dress
Commission me at
Cue base jumping Forsworn murder spree.
Commission me at
Commission me at
I don't think its your xbox, because I'm experiencing the same problems. However the game never appears to fully lock up, but it has taken an exorbitant amount of time to bring up the loading screen for me on occasion.
I'm happy with my perks but there are like, two I want to change
Someone in the discussion thread for that changed it up where you could just respec certain trees rather than all of them at once
Dwemer are steampunk as shit,
they could not get enough of extraneous gears,
they put that shit on the bottom of their cups, their bowls have rivets.
I have a save right in front of the warrior/thief/mage stones and I just use that to change my race and appearance and pick a stone and off I go, skipping that lameeee dungeon
I just have a point in speech and one somewhwre else that regret and want to put into alchemy so I can poison better.
On to the College of Winterhold.
You gotta give up this item to do it, and it is so handy
Still killed him to clear the way for me, eventually hehehe.
Also what armor does a Khajit look best in? Trying to figure out which one I should craft for my follower
it's great
Stop being such a Frey.
thebes guild
would be so satisfying
Somehow, this cannibal lady got it in her head that I shared her dietary preferences. Fortunately all this meant was that she invited me to a cave and helped me clear it of undead.
Afterward she assumed I was all chill with her cannibal ways and was all "go get us some dinner for the feast tonight."
So I put a stop to her there and then. Unfortunately, the other cannibals don't seem to have recognized my decision and seem to think I'm opne of their "brothers." It's kinda gross.
Secret Satan
but I think I'll be sticking with sword and board orc (sworboaror) for the long haul
thats my next character