For those of you reading, Please respect the ladies who come to pax. I saw some of the most horrible pickup lines in history there. It was painful to watch, Please for the love of all that is gaming--
Please don't come to pax expecting to meet your soulemate or something like that.
But.... I'm living with and now engaged to Recruit, Who I first met at PAX.
Does this mean we have to break up now?
If it happens-- thats cool. I want to discorage painful comeon lines from pax 07' I just want to discorage the dating scene a bit, Friends? ya sure. But horribly painful come-on lines are not the thing I would request of pax goers. The one I saw was a guy asked a girl to shake his hand and he was like " Its nice to meet one of the most beatiful women at pax" It was bad, I think she had a boyfriend too at pax.
I recall sitting in a room at the Red Lion in the wee hours of Sunday morning, locked in a small group discussion over this dude's attributes and his chances of success with some girl he'd fancied. There was die rolling and everything.
There are a lot of reasons to come to PAX, but I don't expect "meeting the opposite sex" to be high up on the list for many. Yes, people come to PAX to meet other like minded gamers, but honestly, if it's their prerogative to get shot down, let them be.
Robert Khoo on
Some guy.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
There are a lot of reasons to come to PAX, but I don't expect "meeting the opposite sex" to be high up on the list for many. Yes, people come to PAX to meet other like minded gamers, but honestly, if it's their prerogative to get shot down, let them be.
Seriously, how do you do that? I'm starting to believe that you aren't an actual human, but instead a very elaborate robot. Ping pong and lumines only furthers my theory...
For those of you reading, Please respect the ladies who come to pax. I saw some of the most horrible pickup lines in history there. It was painful to watch, Please for the love of all that is gaming--
Please don't come to pax expecting to meet your soulemate or something like that.
Who really gives a rats ass?
While I agree with you, you can't stop people from doing what they want. You can, however, ask for people to try to not use the boards(like...create threads just for attention) to find womens(or guys) to hook up with during PAX.
It's like making a thread telling people to shower at PAX. It's useless because those people aren't going to anyway.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Dropping cheesy pickup lines is fun, at best. Really, really, shameful and embarassing at worst. A lot of people will do it for cheap thrills and as sort of a defense mechanism against rejection.
Boo to that, wtb confidence to actually approach a girl with the intent to romance.
Super-direct confessions like the forementioned are also dangerous. A woman will not be impressed if you just walk up to her and say "HAY. U R HOT." It's creepy, dude. Subtlety is a must. Building rapport is also a necessity.
That being said, some of this stuff is ridiculously hi-larious. Keep em coming, guys.
I hate gamer girls with an irritating chip on their shoulder.
I couldn't care less your gender. If you beat me don't say "Beat by a girl, lol!" Way to go miss perpetuation.
Also boys nearing puberty sound alot like some 20 something girls, so when a dude asks "RU a grl?" It may just not be a crack at you being a girl. Don't expect me or anyone else really, to care enough to put thought into looking into your gamer profile, we couldn't be bothered.
"Actually, we play these games all the time - you see, we're don't limit ourselves to genres; we play whatever tickles our fancy, be it pink, be it blue, be it purple. Isn’t that what gaming is about? Besides, it doesn’t change the fact we are stomping you on an FPS at the same time. Come up with a better insult."
Well while we are taking a stop in the realm of personal anicdote, My Grandmother, Sister, Mom, Girl-friend and 3 female cousons play video games,
ALL of them like Monkeyball and Tetris, the youger set like DDR and Guitar hero NONE of them even touch FPSes or RTSes in normal gaming conditions. So I guess that makes it about 7 to 1, for me personally.
The rest are simple insults, its easier to make more pointed trashtalk when you have spefic details about you, being ugly, stupid, fat, or prepubecent are other perfectly acceptable trashtalking targets and become more effective the truer they are.
Also I use cheesey pick up lines on girls I know who won't take it seriously, because, well, its funny.
And crap, you should be flattered that some guys built up enough courage to even talk to you, talking to you in an aquard half joking manner probably the most action they've ever got.
And crap, you should be flattered that some guys built up enough courage to even talk to you, talking to you in an aquard half joking manner probably the most action they've ever got.
These are people, not target practice! Haha! Good for them, but... even if social skills are at a premium among nerds it's important to treat them as people :P
I am a girl (but I won't sleep with you so don't ask) I enjoy the odd RTS game (anything to do with pirates) and FPS games can be pretty fun (hellooo Lost Planet) I've even got a big soft spot (and I'm not fat) for Def Jam Icon (just the demo for now), simply because I can throw someone into a flamey gas pump then make it explode.
Branding all females as attention whores who only play Tetris, Animal Crossing and DDR is not only ignorant, but pretty inflammatory as well.
We're just people too y'know.
t: BigRed: A/S/L baby
Trillian on
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Does this mean we have to break up now?
If it happens-- thats cool. I want to discorage painful comeon lines from pax 07' I just want to discorage the dating scene a bit, Friends? ya sure. But horribly painful come-on lines are not the thing I would request of pax goers. The one I saw was a guy asked a girl to shake his hand and he was like " Its nice to meet one of the most beatiful women at pax" It was bad, I think she had a boyfriend too at pax.
But I just want you to know... If you were a booger... I'd pick you first baby. :winky:
Wanna come back to my place, and try for a combo breaker?
That Bawls may taste good, but I have a pair at my hotel that will keep you up all night.
*puts on his robe and wizard hat*
I'm got 300 in swords, axes, fishing and love.
The real Omega Prize here is... in my pants.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
bastard :P
"I'm got 300 in swords, axes, fishing and love."
It is 400 now you noob :P
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
And yes... yes I AM geeky enough to carry dice around with me. >.>
*runs away*
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Your mouth says 'Shields up!' but your eyes say 'A hull breach is imminent.'
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Ya, This is what im trying to avoid at pax. Atleast, its all that more entertaining on a forum.
I think it's just funny.
Also BrokenA: Brilliant. I'll have to use it somewhere...somehow.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
watch out.
EDIT: I met my ex at PAX 05. Enough said on that one.
Then I met Pola not through PAX and it's been quite alright so far. Who'd have guessed
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Who really gives a rats ass?
While I agree with you, you can't stop people from doing what they want. You can, however, ask for people to try to not use the boards(like...create threads just for attention) to find womens(or guys) to hook up with during PAX.
It's like making a thread telling people to shower at PAX. It's useless because those people aren't going to anyway.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Boo to that, wtb confidence to actually approach a girl with the intent to romance.
Super-direct confessions like the forementioned are also dangerous. A woman will not be impressed if you just walk up to her and say "HAY. U R HOT." It's creepy, dude. Subtlety is a must. Building rapport is also a necessity.
That being said, some of this stuff is ridiculously hi-larious. Keep em coming, guys.
I hate gamer girls with an irritating chip on their shoulder.
I couldn't care less your gender. If you beat me don't say "Beat by a girl, lol!" Way to go miss perpetuation.
Also boys nearing puberty sound alot like some 20 something girls, so when a dude asks "RU a grl?" It may just not be a crack at you being a girl. Don't expect me or anyone else really, to care enough to put thought into looking into your gamer profile, we couldn't be bothered.
"Actually, we play these games all the time - you see, we're don't limit ourselves to genres; we play whatever tickles our fancy, be it pink, be it blue, be it purple. Isn’t that what gaming is about? Besides, it doesn’t change the fact we are stomping you on an FPS at the same time. Come up with a better insult."
Well while we are taking a stop in the realm of personal anicdote, My Grandmother, Sister, Mom, Girl-friend and 3 female cousons play video games,
ALL of them like Monkeyball and Tetris, the youger set like DDR and Guitar hero NONE of them even touch FPSes or RTSes in normal gaming conditions. So I guess that makes it about 7 to 1, for me personally.
The rest are simple insults, its easier to make more pointed trashtalk when you have spefic details about you, being ugly, stupid, fat, or prepubecent are other perfectly acceptable trashtalking targets and become more effective the truer they are.
Also I use cheesey pick up lines on girls I know who won't take it seriously, because, well, its funny.
I am a girl (but I won't sleep with you so don't ask) I enjoy the odd RTS game (anything to do with pirates) and FPS games can be pretty fun (hellooo Lost Planet) I've even got a big soft spot (and I'm not fat) for Def Jam Icon (just the demo for now), simply because I can throw someone into a flamey gas pump then make it explode.
Branding all females as attention whores who only play Tetris, Animal Crossing and DDR is not only ignorant, but pretty inflammatory as well.
We're just people too y'know.
t: BigRed: A/S/L baby
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Yeah. I saw that listing...
Hey in my defence I never nailed anyone at PAX
I'm not Recruit here okay!
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Actually, we didn't have sex ;P Just a lot of other things....
There's still time... :P