Yep, there is something wrong with the web server. It is spitting out a 503 error. (Just FYI for the non-techies that look at this forum, 500 level errors are errors on the server side. 400 level errors are client errors.) As far as I am aware the forums and main site are on seperate servers so the forums being up is no suprise. I'm sure they are on it, and hopefully we will have the main site back soon. All we can do is just wait for more info.
Zilla36021st Century. |She/Her|Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered Userregular
Yep, there is something wrong with the web server. It is spitting out a 503 error. (Just FYI for the non-techies that look at this forum, 500 level errors are errors on the server side. 400 level errors are client errors.) As far as I am aware the forums and main site are on seperate servers so the forums being up is no suprise. I'm sure they are on it, and hopefully we will have the main site back soon. All we can do is just wait for more info.
Very good information that I failed to convey in my post. As a note to yours 404 errors generally speaking are not client errors so much as errors indicating that the information does not exist on the server.
I think I've been in web development too long.