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Penny Arcade Down

phildiniphildini Registered User regular
edited January 2012 in H.Q. Reception Desk
PA and PATV appear to be down. I checked with and they also say its down. Anybody know what's going on?

phildini on


  • BenottsBenotts Registered User new member
    There appears to be something wrong with the web server. The only section of penny-arcade that is up right now seems to be the forums.

  • DraygoDraygo Registered User regular
    Yep, there is something wrong with the web server. It is spitting out a 503 error. (Just FYI for the non-techies that look at this forum, 500 level errors are errors on the server side. 400 level errors are client errors.) As far as I am aware the forums and main site are on seperate servers so the forums being up is no suprise. I'm sure they are on it, and hopefully we will have the main site back soon. All we can do is just wait for more info.

  • Zilla360Zilla360 21st Century. |She/Her| Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered User regular
    Just says 'HORRAY' for me.

  • BenottsBenotts Registered User new member
    Draygo wrote:
    Yep, there is something wrong with the web server. It is spitting out a 503 error. (Just FYI for the non-techies that look at this forum, 500 level errors are errors on the server side. 400 level errors are client errors.) As far as I am aware the forums and main site are on seperate servers so the forums being up is no suprise. I'm sure they are on it, and hopefully we will have the main site back soon. All we can do is just wait for more info.
    Very good information that I failed to convey in my post. As a note to yours 404 errors generally speaking are not client errors so much as errors indicating that the information does not exist on the server.

  • agilemaniaagilemania Lyon EstatesRegistered User regular
    If it doesn't exist then the client shouldn't have been requesting it. Client error :)

    I think I've been in web development too long.

  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt Stepped in it Registered User regular
    Paul Christoforo's vengeance strikes!

  • AldoAldo Hippo Hooray Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
  • TopiaTopia Registered User regular
    So, the main page works on my Android tablet, but not my pc on firefox. It also works on Chrome.

  • EsseeEssee The pinkest of hair. Victoria, BCRegistered User regular
    Working fine on my PC on Seamonkey (effectively Firefox), so it might be something on your end? Unless it was only an issue for half an hour.

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