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Non-PA ads on the main site

dherblaydherblay Registered User new member
edited January 2012 in H.Q. Reception Desk
Hope this is the right forum for this ("user issues" seemed the closest match). The ads I'm seeing on the main site are random localized crap instead of the awesome, PA-approved game-related ads which were there before (e.g. here in the UK I'm seeing ads for BT and trips to Ireland). I see the ads on the forums are still the classic ones; is this a permanent change to the main site? (If so, ugh. I'm not the boss tho! ;-) )

dherblay on


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Can you give me an example of a page where this is happening? I'm in the UK and I'm not getting localised ads.

  • dherblaydherblay Registered User new member
    Here's what today's page looks like to me:


    Watching the page load, it looks like the normal PA ads are being loaded first and then this Flash stuff is being stuck on top of them.

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator, Administrator admin
    edited January 2012
    dherblay wrote:
    Watching the page load, it looks like the normal PA ads are being loaded first and then this Flash stuff is being stuck on top of them.

    You've got malware. Scan your system.

    Echo on
  • dherblaydherblay Registered User new member
    Echo wrote:
    dherblay wrote:
    Watching the page load, it looks like the normal PA ads are being loaded first and then this Flash stuff is being stuck on top of them.

    You've got malware. Scan your system.
    Hm, you know, I tried to make sure this wasn't the case by testing it at multiple (physical) locations, but I neglected to change browser. Turns out it was a Chrome extension hijacking ads; very sneaky!

    Apologies for wasting your time.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    it's what I'm here for buddy. glad we could help.

This discussion has been closed.