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[PATV] Season 3, Ep. 11 - Crowdsourcing (4th Panel)

TubeTube Registered User admin
edited January 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub


  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Ahaa, hearing the eventual punchline get dismissed halfway through the ep was pretty great.

    What is up with that Resident Evil Revelations ad? The sound deliberately fucked beyond all recognition? That's not a great ad.

    Oh brilliant
  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    What is the T-shirt Gabe is wearing? I kept waiting for him to sit up or for the angle to change the entire episode. I'm pretty sure it's an Old Republic emblem or something along those lines?

    Favorite part of this is how emphatic Jerry is in trying to describe what the art in the last panel needs to look like, and Mike is all, "I'll handle the fucking drawing."

    Gaslight on
  • AurichAurich ArizonaRegistered User regular
    I'm pretty sure it's the symbol of the Republic.

    And my favourite part is Jerry calling time-of-death on the strip.

  • EvilBadmanEvilBadman DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote:
    What is the T-shirt Gabe is wearing? I kept waiting for him to sit up or for the angle to change the entire episode. I'm pretty sure it's an Old Republic emblem or something along those lines?

    Favorite part of this is how emphatic Jerry is in trying to describe what the art in the last panel needs to look like, and Mike is all, "I'll handle the fucking drawing."

    It's a blue Republic SWTOR shirt. He's won a red Imperial one before, to memory, at PAX.

    FyreWulff wrote: »
    I should note that Badman is fucking awesome
    XBL- Evil Badman; Steam- EvilBadman; Twitter - EvilBadman
  • GotrM15GotrM15 Registered User regular
    Hahaha, my favorite part was that Mike ended up doing the art in panel-3 exactly how Jerry described it (though better, of course). As somewhat a writer, and very much not an artist (had I drawn my own avatar, it'd look like something like the nightmares you had as a toddler), I'm always amazed when I have an artistic idea -- and if I had a friend like Mike around, I'd absolutely be telling him every time I had that kind of gift from the gods of drawing xD

    Also, I'm glad they let us see a moment of slightly less enthusiasm -- you can tell that they're really excited about the strip, and they want to tell an authentic story. . . and yet. They let the camera show us one of those days, we all have them no matter how much we love our jobs, that they just fuckin' wanted to go grab lunch!

    Oh, the earthiness!

    Gotr of Vatik
    Scholar by day, rogue by night.
    "If all I ever got was one shot, I'd still never blame fate."
  • GolemGolem of Sand Saint Joseph, MORegistered User regular
    GotrM15 wrote:
    and if I had a friend like Mike around, I'd absolutely be telling him every time I had that kind of gift from the gods of drawing xD

    The thing I find most inspiring about Mike is that he started off at such a low level (ie the level I'm at now) and you can literally see him grow, as he draws more and more. It's so inspiring.

    Also I have a love hate relationship with the 4th panels because I love sitting in on the creative process but I remember moving the first season was without them. Idk, still love the PATV series.

  • marsiliesmarsilies Registered User regular
    Golem wrote:
    Also I have a love hate relationship with the 4th panels because I love sitting in on the creative process but I remember moving the first season was without them. Idk, still love the PATV series.
    The first season had 4th Panels, they were basically every 3rd episode.

    For the DVD set, they moved all the 4th Panels to the 4th disc and added a few previously unseen ones, but as the series originally "aired" on the site, they were interspersed between the other episodes.

  • VeggieVeggie Registered User regular
    Golem wrote:

    Also I have a love hate relationship with the 4th panels ...

    Me too. It's a lot of fun to see the behind the scenes of the different comics. On the other hand, what drew me into PATV was the behind the scenes in the office. There's been a lot of 4th Panels this season, and while I'm a fan of them, I miss the cooler stuff. Bachelor parties, weekend getaways, pranks, Child's Play, D&D... those episodes were frankly, more entertaining. That being said, I know this whole PATV thing is not their daytime job and it's a complete service to us. But hey a guy can dream.

  • AurichAurich ArizonaRegistered User regular
    Veggie wrote:
    Golem wrote:

    Also I have a love hate relationship with the 4th panels ...

    Me too. It's a lot of fun to see the behind the scenes of the different comics. On the other hand, what drew me into PATV was the behind the scenes in the office. There's been a lot of 4th Panels this season, and while I'm a fan of them, I miss the cooler stuff. Bachelor parties, weekend getaways, pranks, Child's Play, D&D... those episodes were frankly, more entertaining. That being said, I know this whole PATV thing is not their daytime job and it's a complete service to us. But hey a guy can dream.
    I feel just the opposite. Granted, there have been some real good more personal episodes, but I greatly prefer the lighter entertainment of the 4th panels. I don't have to wonder what the scene was actually like with like four cam-crew-commandos standing behind the camera. Like that touching bit at the end of Season 1 when the guy brings Mike that gift in honor of his son? That must have been so awkward.

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