Enjoyed seeing this one come together. As a dabbler into other rule sets, I don't think there's going to be any way to really please even most of the people some of the time.
And watching them try and remember the wording of the saying was hilarious. IIRC, You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.
I am still laughing when I picture them rolling into WotC with their Powerpoint presentation on Giving Nets to Specific Fishes, and dropping the mic in their court. :'D
Dark Raven XLaugh hard, run fast,be kindRegistered Userregular
Good god that preview image.
I don't think Mike has ever successfully delivered a proverb.
Iron Crown Enterprises--for as small, and slow...and small....and slow as they are--keeps 3(?) 'active' lines of Rolemaster for that very reason. Over time they tried moving from one to another, but a certain segment would always be lost. So they just finally officially said "all are active" and try to rotate development.
I was dying of laughter when Mike was trying to remember the quote. Also giving nets to fish had me cracking up as well. Fantastic episode.
You fuck wit' Die Antwoord, you fuck wit' da army.
StuntspikeDon Juan De La NoochIn the midstRegistered Userregular
Hilarious episode guys. I find it odd that their sole purpose for trying to please all groups at all tables is to sell us more shit. When in fact it makes more sense to develop a core set which they have already done and make everything else "possible add-ons". Their are things such as THACO that i cannot stand from OG DnD and advanced DnD but there are far more things from those editions that i do like. Our DM will always try to incorporate things for his players as long as we can make them fit within the existing campaign, I think this is as it should be, but you have to be careful because of the "power gamer" who plays to make his character as OP as possible. Though in the interest of fun, at lot of things have made it into our game that others would cry about I am sure.
"Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
SolyspPreviously Kane Red RobeRegistered Userregular
And watching them try and remember the wording of the saying was hilarious.
I don't think Mike has ever successfully delivered a proverb.
I do enjoy seeing him try.
I am saving it for future interwebs utility.
Gabe reminds me of George trying to parse the Kennedy "You see things as they are, and say..." quote in the Seinfeld episode with the Nazi limousine.
Edit: 'tis fine this morning, yay.