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(for gabe) Pitch Your Game Ideas! question

futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
edited August 2004 in PAX Archive
I was wondering how this is going to work. I mean I have a pretty big interest in the panels, especially this one (being an overeducated gaming geek who can't seem to get his foot in the door of the industry because I didn't study CS). Is it going to be one huge free-for-all against every person at pax , can we sign up for a few seconds, or what?

futility on


  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited July 2004
    Aye, I would love to see what a real developer or producer thinks of my team's game idea. But how will it work?

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • FallFall Registered User regular
    edited July 2004
    The description seems to imply it'll be a "for fun" panel. The developers won't be using your game to make something, nor will it get you a job of any kind. People share their ideas and people vote on which one is coolest.

    Developers all have varying tastes, and most are gamers as well. Without either a working demo and tech document, you really can't tell the difference between "That might be fun" and "Holy christ, this is the next Grand Theft Auto!". All ideas are good before any work gets done. Many mediocre games are based upon concepts that are killer, or at least in the eyes of the developer. Ideas are far less important than the implementation of those ideas.

    Fall on
  • Red Machine DRed Machine D __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2004
    Fall wrote:
    The description seems to imply it'll be a "for fun" panel. The developers won't be using your game to make something, nor will it get you a job of any kind. People share their ideas and people vote on which one is coolest.

    Developers all have varying tastes, and most are gamers as well. Without either a working demo and tech document, you really can't tell the difference between "That might be fun" and "Holy christ, this is the next Grand Theft Auto!". All ideas are good before any work gets done. Many mediocre games are based upon concepts that are killer, or at least in the eyes of the developer. Ideas are far less important than the implementation of those ideas.
    Personally, I think I'd rather have my idea be the next Half-Life or the next Doom rather than the next GTA, but that's jsut me... ;)

    Red Machine D on
  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    edited July 2004
    Fall wrote:
    The description seems to imply it'll be a "for fun" panel. The developers won't be using your game to make something, nor will it get you a job of any kind. People share their ideas and people vote on which one is coolest.

    Developers all have varying tastes, and most are gamers as well. Without either a working demo and tech document, you really can't tell the difference between "That might be fun" and "Holy christ, this is the next Grand Theft Auto!". All ideas are good before any work gets done. Many mediocre games are based upon concepts that are killer, or at least in the eyes of the developer. Ideas are far less important than the implementation of those ideas.

    Fall could not have been more correct.


    Robert Khoo on
    Some guy.
  • futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2004
    so bringing a design document what i wrote and taking it seriously holding on to some faint glimmer of hope would be a bad idea?

    futility on
  • KyleGKyleG Registered User regular
    edited July 2004
    Are there any prizes involved for this, by the way?

    KyleG on
  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    edited July 2004
    "yes" to both of you.

    Robert Khoo on
    Some guy.
  • Kato_ArabelKato_Arabel Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Well, damn. Then I'd better whip out my field sketchbook and start working on concept sketches for my game idea...I think it's worth a shot... mmm...carnage....

    Kato_Arabel on
  • SnowGhostSnowGhost Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Personally, I think I'd rather have my idea be the next Half-Life or the next Doom rather than the next GTA, but that's jsut me... ;)

    Personally, I think I'd rather have my idea be the next GTA than the next evolutionary cycle of FPS's... but that's just me :lol:

    SnowGhost on
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