On the 26th of February, Trayvon Martin - a 17 year old teenager visiting his father in Florida - was shot dead in the street by George Zimmerman after purchasing some candy from a nearby convenience store and attempting to make his way back to his father's fiancée's home.
'Now, hang on a minute,' you might be asking upon reading that sentence, 'This thread title seems inaccurate. If it was Zimmerman who shot & murdered Martin, wouldn't it be more appropriate to say that it was Zimmerman who violently attacked Martin?'
Pfft. You're so ridiculous. So naive. This case is
very complicated, with all kinds of
facts that simpletons like you and I can only hope to grasp at the meaning of.
For example, Martin had Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea on his person. That's right. What, you don't think that's terribly relevant? Well fine, then how about this bombshell: Zimmerman claims he was acting in self-defense!
BAM! That's the sound of a slam-dunk, sir. Or maybe a firecracker. I'm not very good with placing appropriate sound effects.
Now, some eggheads and crybabies are going to try to point-out that Zimmerman was following Martin in his car while Martin was on foot, that Zimmerman had 100 lbs or so on Martin even if Martin had somehow punched his way into Zimmerman's vehicle, that Zimmerman had made a 9-1-1 call to report a suspicious black man in his neighbourhood and was advised just to back off and wait for the police (because the police are well trained when it comes to beating-up and/or shooting black kids) and that Zimmerman has a history of stalking people and catalysing physical confrontations. But if you can just tune-out all of the amateur hour hocus pocus and zoom-in on the
fact that Zimmerman has claimed self-defense, and maybe also spend about five hours bashing your forehead against your toilet bowl, I'm you'll eventually come to agreement with Police Chief Bill Lee:
"In this case, Mr. Zimmerman has made the statement of self-defense. Until we can establish probable cause to dispute that, we don't have the grounds to arrest him."
Case closed, as far as the Sanford Police Department is concerned. Since we can't prove that Zimmerman wasn't acting in self-defense,
obviously he can't be charged with a crime or arrested. That would just be insane.
Unfortunately, the federal and state justice departments, trampling all over the rights & jurisdiction of the local police (Fuck you OBAMA!), have decided that this perfectly reasonable chapter in Florida law enforcement can't just be left where it is. Will George Zimmerman fall victim to the liberal agenda just for living up to the standards set for us all by John Wayne?
This cartoonishly horrendous case is a few weeks old, but I'm posting it here because the most recent development is that Zimmerman has been allowed to walk by the police. Now I'm no expert, but it seems to me like blowing a hole through a teenager's chest with a 9mm pistol
might be probable cause for charging someone with murder.
Link to story if you've been living under an Internet rock:
Hey look, I explained the case!
Witnesses talk about the case
History of racial issues in the community
For those who may not know, the Castle Law has been on the books for ~ten years in Florida saying that citizens have a right to defend themselves with firearms. One would think that the cops would be even half interested in gather details.
Sanford is a right shit hole a little ways north of Orlando for out of staters, but hopefully the PD gets their balls to the fire on this.
I thought he was Latino?
In any case, I'm not sure which is worse, the initial hate-crime or the police... "response."
It is some crazy shit. First I heard of it was a case where some guy calmly called the police about a robbery at a neighbour, calmly explained that he had a gun and then when the dispatcher told him to stay put he ignored her and went outside to shoot two unarmed men in the back.
Total self-defense.
Right? I don't understand how the Sanford PD can justify this crap.
For a castle law to take effect, I believe you need to be in some sort of legal residence of yours, which can sometimes include a car - but didn't the shooting happen outside his car?
Oh it doesn't allow you to pursue. People just do it and then the system pretends it's okay.
EDIT: Seems I was misremembering and it was just Wisconsin talking about adopting the law, my bad.
The way I see it is that the Castle Law in and of itself isn't a bad idea, but when coupled with the larger culture or, let's be honest, racism, it becomes dangerous.
But it definitely shouldn't apply in this instance what so ever. This kid was gunned down for no good reasons with plenty of witnesses. There was no threat from a kid with some milk walking home.
It was Arizona Iced Tea, which, to be fair, sometimes is carbonated, depending on the flavor. Maybe he was shaking the can. We'll never know.
But to justify shooting him? Still, it was a kid with some tea.
Aluminum can be quickly bent and sharped into a cutting tool. But that's if you happen to be Jason Bourne.
My Publix sells their new energy drink for a buck, sugary or lo-carb
No, fair enough. I agree on the self defense issue. It's just a shame that this idiot decided to become a murderer for no good reason.
Indeed. It's the reason we make southern states run their voter laws by the feds. Certain groups have proven they can't handle extended liberty.
The kid was attacking him! He was attacking him so much he almost got away!
They always get away, man.
They always get away.
I like how the police assert there is no evidence.
"Hey, uh, doesn't the body with a gaping hole where it's chest cavity used to be count as evidence?"
If the burden of proof has been met that you shot and killed someone, and then you want to claim self-defense, does the burden of proof not then suddenly on you? Positive claim and all that?
And here I thought their job was to record witnesses, not coach them. Also, the fact that if this had gone the other way and Martin had pulled a gun and shot Zimmerman, I'm going to go with 95% chance he'd at least have spent the night in jail while the cops investigated the self defense claims.
And apparently it was Zimmerman calling for help. Which he then gave himself.
I'm even trying to give old zim the benefit of the doubt here, but the fact that there's no investigation just boggles my fucking mind.
True but castle law has been used as justification for some fucked up shit. It's more that the laws grant leeway when you don't really want them to have it. Idiots like this now think that they can shoot anybody, and with the failure of the system to get him it just gives even more idiots such an idea.