Tastefully straddling the line between documentary and guilty-pleasure voyeurism, Penny Arcade: The Series collects the bizarre continuum of one of the world's strangest companies. In this episode we check out the design team and see the first ever warehouse sale.
I'm the same way, but I remember a Khoo post from some point that all their consumer surveys point to people wanting shirts in black
(I'm pretty sure my only comment in that episode's thread was about Erika's glasses. Sorry Mike.)
(P.S. my fiancee notices every time Mike is wearing a different pair of glasses, so obviously Mike's mojo is working on the ladies.)
Great episode.
P.S. I think I want one of those white PA hoodies that Robert is wearing.
This episode was fantastic.
@Robert Khoo How many episodes are left in this season?
On a slightly random note, is it weird to come to work every day and be on TV? I would think that would mess with the vibe. Are there days where the camera guys aren't there?
Even better idea: Mannequin heads of all the PA staff, and they can sell accessories for them...maybe that's not such a good idea after all.
Also, yeah I wish there were more "subtle" PA clothing, but like Khoo has said in the past, that stuff doesn't sell well.
I am also a horrible story teller, so I completely sympathize with Brian.
I think one of the problems is that people don't really know what they want (unless it's some very specific fringe idea that doesn't really have wide appeal). Also execution has a lot to do with it. We can cover two different products in flames, with no additional theme or features, and one product will be more popular than the other based on how exactly those flames are drawn and colored.
Unrelated: holy crap, it's our 15th anniversary. Guess I should organize a party or something.
Ever think of a tshirt/hoodie of the patv gang all drawn by mike? (maybe kris and scott would draw themselves?)
Speaking of design, holy crap is the new PAX page amazing. I love the schedule section. Sooo helpful in planning the panels I want to see.
Your best bet is to follow @PA_Megacorp or @retnus. We also posted on the homepage, but the time slots go pretty quick.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
He's usually near the merch booth.
Because I swear - I know at least a couple people I'd give that shirt to. HORRIBLE at telling stories, no sense of dramatic timing, and they have a complete habit of spoiling shit!
Edit: Did any of the Warehouse sale money end up in Child's Play?
Everyone except Mike wears Erika-style glasses. When he notices, tell him that it's a sight gag for the series and he should get some Erika-style glasses.
Then he shows up with them and nobody is wearing any, including Erika.
Also @RobertKhoo is there a PA Report episode in the works? I'd like to see what went on in getting that set up and meet Kuchera in a non text form.
Ditto. That'd be really interesting to see.
Thanks for the good laughs, guys. Made my evening.
Thanks Khoo! I don't know why I wasn't following Brian before, I thought I had everyone there followed. And I guess I am going to have to try my best to make PA my morning routine instead of my evening routine, so I don't miss the post. Thanks again!