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[PATV] Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Extra Credits Season 4, Ep. 7: TransGaming

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited March 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub
Extra Credits Season 4, Ep. 7: TransGaming
This week, we try (and fail) to contain our excitement about connected gaming experiences.

Come discuss this topic in the forums!

Details about the PAX East meet-up available here!

Geth on


  • jackaljackal Fuck Yes. That is an orderly anal warehouse. Registered User regular
    "Dust Five Four One"

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    I totally thought this was going to be about being able to be transsexual in your games, even looking at the preview image before it played. And yeah, the Dust Five Four One thing was funny too hehe.

    But yeah, this stuff does seem pretty exciting. They were totally talking about my wife and me in that part about both playing games where the one person just wanted to spend time together, while not really enjoying the game.

  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    And I thought it was going to be about the company TransGaming. (For some reason.)

    But it was fun nonetheless.

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  • DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    It's an interesting idea, but yeah, as he mentioned it's not a new thing. Mass effect even had three different gaming experiences tying into the single player Mass Effect 3 game (an iPad game, an iPhone game, and the multiplayer). Though I suspect they wanted to distance from Mass Effect.

    It's also an amazing change in the art of gaming. Think about movies, games and books that spin off into expanded universes. This is what trans-gaming is going to do for gaming. It's how a game becomes so much more than just the sum of that game. It can take what otherwise becomes a straight line narrative between multiple games of the same series and spins them into other games that take place in the same universe, but not necessarily the same series.

    For instance, lets say the Mass Effect series branched out into an MMORTS game where you control armies, but had missions, objectives, and bonuses tie into the multiplayer and single player of the Mass Effect RPG. The single player of Mass Effect would then be further changed by the outcomes of the multiplayer. This makes the story of the RPG not only more important, but more expansive as well. It's no longer the story of your character, it's about how their actions have an effect on the rest of the universe. The story of the RTS also ties back in and becomes more then just your actions with your army, it's about it's effect on the whole of the universe.

  • FactorySquirrelFactorySquirrel Marceline's Henchman Land of OooRegistered User regular
    I, too, thought it would be about gender. But the actual topic at hand is one that fascinates me endlessly!

    This concept applied to Pokemon is something I think about frequently. I think a virtual pet game like Nintendogs would be a perfect way to interact with the Pokemon you own. And a Pokemon MMO is something that gets talked about a lot. It would be like playing as a hunter or warlock in Wow, I imagine (warlocks are the ones with the pet demons, right? I haven't played in a while).

    Even something as simple as transferring saves from a console to a handheld would be great. I've heard the PS Vita can do this for some games?

    "That man is playing Galaga! He thought we wouldn't notice. But we did."
  • Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    jackal wrote: »
    "Dust Five Four One"

    I wonder if they'll bother fixing it...

  • gigabumsgigabums Registered User regular
    Dedwrekka wrote: »
    It's an interesting idea, but yeah, as he mentioned it's not a new thing. Mass effect even had three different gaming experiences tying into the single player Mass Effect 3 game (an iPad game, an iPhone game, and the multiplayer). Though I suspect they wanted to distance from Mass Effect.
    That was rather poorly implemented though.
    If you play the multiplayer for around... 5 hours? you get 5 extra seconds of video if you chose a specific ending.

    The idea is certainly good, but I think it needs to be tinkered with a bit.

  • izzybizzyb AdelaideRegistered User regular
    If I could get purps in WoW by grinding FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage or Fantasy Strike instead of raiding, that would be the best thing ever.

  • Zachary AmaranthZachary Amaranth Registered User regular
    Bah! Who wants to help people?

    ...I kid. This has some pretty awesome potential.

    Pokémon actually has more examples than given, though. I think their WiFi/web/crossover thing where you play simple flash games ni your browser is a decent, if fledgling example.

  • THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY papa! Registered User regular
    edited March 2012
    I'm surprised they didn't mention the "hook" that CCP threw out at FanFest showing off the connectivity.

    This video is kinda fuzzy, but for people who don't know what they're looking at, the orbital strike that impacts the Dust 541(heh. HEH.) screen is actually coming from the ship on the left screen, which is in EVE. This goes way beyond shared resource management and territory control, and straight into the far-flung future of a multiplayer experience shared in real-time between two games on two platforms.

    Not only did this get me to play EVE again (and end up having a lot more fun with the redesigned tutorials), but it makes me want to get a PS3 just so I can say Bring the rain or Danger close or some shit all the time, to actual people who can bring that rain.

  • FactorySquirrelFactorySquirrel Marceline's Henchman Land of OooRegistered User regular
    I don't get the joke about the numbers. Is it just that he's saying the wrong number?

    "That man is playing Galaga! He thought we wouldn't notice. But we did."
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